Ch.36 Want to play checkers?

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Nico's P.O.V

"Wait, so who lost?" I asked, as I took a seat on my bed. Percy had just finished having a shower in my bathroom, and was still drying his hair with one of my towels. He had been so supportive of my win in the tournament, I couldn't wait any longer for our date to begin so I had dragged him back to my cabin. Thinking back on it now, he hadn't really put up any resistance.

"Obviously me. What, trying to rub it in?" He teased as he slung the used towel across the headboard of my bed.

"First of all, clean that up." I pointed to the towel. "Secondly, I'm not talking about the tournament. I want to know who lost the bet. Do I still have to get a pink streak in my hair?"

Percy reluctantly picked up the towel and put it in my laundry bin before sitting down beside me. "I guess we both lost. You know, since we didn't actually prank Leo at all..."

"So I get to have a boyfriend with a lip ring?" I asked, too excited to filter my thoughts before saying them.

Percy smirked. "And I get to have a boyfriend with a pink streak."

"When should we get them done?" I asked, fiddling with the laptop Leo had let me borrow. I tried pushing a whole bunch of buttons but I couldn't get it to turn on.

"In the morning we can go into town and maybe see my mom while we're there." Percy shook his head before taking the laptop from me. "Maybe pushing the ON button would be helpful, you old timer."

"How was I supposed to know that a circle with a line sticking out of it meant on?" I rolled my eyes. "And stop calling me old!"

"Whatever you say, grandpa."

"Percy!" I yelled as he pulled up a tab with movies on it. I watched him scroll down, only slowing when he reached the D section. His eyes trailed over every word carefully as he searched for our desired movie. He was a robot, processing all the information before moving on to its next task.

"Found it." Percy murmured as he clicked the Divergent icon. Immediately the screen went black, the word Divergent soon flashing on the screen being accompanied by some music. As the opening started to play, I jumped up on my way to turn off the lights. The music stopped.

"What're you doing?" Percy asked with one eyebrow raised.

"Just turning off the lights, no need to panic." I replied as I flicked the switch.

Percy moved into a more comfortable position on my bed. "I forgot the popcorn, should I run to grab it from my cabin?"

I shook my head. "Nah, it's fine. We don't need popcorn to have a good time."

"How do you manage to make all the innocent things sound dirty?" He teased.

"What do you mean? I was just talking about popcorn..." I trailed off, confused.

"Never mind, just get over here. I want to cuddle." Percy gestured me over with a childish look in his eyes being lit by the light the laptop gave off.

"The ghost king doesn't cuddle." I replied as I carefully made my way towards him in the dark. I jumped onto my bed, wincing at the pain in my leg where Percy had sliced me in the duel.

Percy immediately dropped his smile. "You alright?"

"I'm fine, just hurt when I landed on it."

"Just tell me if it starts to hurt," Percy started, "wouldn't want you not enjoying our date because you're in pain."

"I promise, now let's get this date started." I smiled as I snuggled in closer to him. He pulled the blankets over us before placing the warm laptop on my lap. He pressed a quick peck to my forehead before clicking play on the screen. It's not that the movie was boring, but I couldn't give it any attention when I had something so special sitting beside me. It turns out Percy liked this movie more than he let on, as he basically quoted half the movie.

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