Ch.2 I spotted a Foot

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Hi! Here's chapter 2! :)


Percy's P.O.V

As my thoughts kept getting more ad more jumbled up, my feet carried me further and further away from my usual spot. I would have kept going if I hadn't run into a big rock. Ouch! My toes on my left foot were throbbing. I was just about to turn back towards the cabins when I spotted a foot. Attached to that foot, was a leg, cover in black jeans. that leg was attached to...Nico?

Nico's P.O.V

I woke up suddenly by a poke to my face. I quickly glanced up to see Percy's sea green eyes just inches from mine. Startled, I tried to back up, resulting in smashing my head into the rock that I was leaning on. Ow! I felt a headache coming on.

"Are you okay?" Percy asked me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I muttered, still clutching at my head. It had started pounding, and was beginning to get really painful.

"You don't look fine..." He answered in a worried tone. Just as he finished his sentence, I opened my eyes to see if he was really worried about me, but my headache now wasn't the only problem. I was dizzy as well. I watched as Percy started doubling. Woah! This wasn't supposed to happened. I closed my eyes again and tried to put my head between my knees.

"Nico? What's going on?" Percy asked. I would have answered if I could, but the pounding in my head had become too much. I gave into the darkness...

Percy's P.O.V

I watched as Nico's body slumped to the side. He had blacked out, and I was too shocked to do anything. I felt panic rising in me. This is bad! This is really bad! I slipped my arms under his knees and his back and picked him up bridal style. Woah! He was really light! I sprinted all the way to the infirmary, calling for help the whole way. When I got there, they told me to put him down in one of the beds and to back away from him. I felt so useless. For all I know, he could be dying! I might never see him again. I watched helpless as the Apollo kids started to attend to Nico. I watched as they swiftly removed his aviator jacked. Next came his t shirt. I could clearly see all his ribs from all the way over here. This, whatever it was with Nico, has been going on for a whole lot longer than I thought. He looked so fragile lying on the infirmary bed. Strangely enough, I felt the urge to protect him. Was I falling for the child of Hades? No, this is probably just a phase or something, where you find depressed, fragile, loving boys absolutely amazing. Or something like that...


There's chapter 2! I know that it's really short, but I'll try to make the next one longer. -T

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