Ch.4 Let me help you

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Hi there! I'm sorry about the wait, but here's chapter 4!


Nico's P.O.V

I opened my eyes to white walls for the second time that day. Well, technically now it was night. No wonder I was so thirsty... I slowly pushed myself onto my elbows and began searching for a drink of water. That's when I noticed Percy. He was sound asleep on one of the plastic chairs, with soft snores escaping every few seconds. I blushed at the sight. Suddenly, my throat tickled, and I let out a huge cough, followed by a few more. I looked down in exhaustion. Ugh, that hurt my throat even more. If only I had some water... I looked down in silence... wait, silence? What happened to Percy's adorable snores? I quickly looked up to see Percy's beautiful sea green eyes staring back at me.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Fine, just a bit thirsty..." I mumbled the last part.

"Thirsty? Well, I think I can do something about that." He announced, as he put his hands out in front of him. After a few seconds, a thin trail of water came from the sink, strait into my empty cup beside my bed. When the cup was full, Percy put the rest of the water back into the sink.

"Woah, that was cool...Um, thanks..." I muttered, as I picked up the cup with shaking hands. I slowly brought the cup to my lips and let a few drops trickle in, before putting the cup down in defeat.

"What's wrong?" Percy questioned.

"No-" I was cut off by Percy.

"Don't you dare say nothing."

"Oookay....well, I can't stop my hands from shaking so it's really hard to bring the cup to my mouth." I sighed in defeat.

"Let me help you then." Percy smirked as he stood up and approached my bed. He grabbed the cup and slowly brought it to my mouth, allowing me to drink it. After a few swallows, I was full, so he carefully put the cup back down.

"Thank you."

"Seriously, it was not a problem." He smiled.

"No, I mean thank you for everything. You really don't need to stay." I said, secretly hoping that he would argue.

"I know I don't need to stay, but I'm here because I want to." He smiled.

"Okay, in that case, thank you."

"You don't have to keep saying 'thank you'." He smiled. Obviously, I blushed.

The next few moments were filled with silence. I looked up to see a snoring son of the sea god. I had to smile at the sight. Sadly, without him to talk to, I was bored. Normally I would be fine all by my self, but it's not the same when your stuck in the infirmary alone at six in the morning. I looked over to see Percy shivering. Oh Gods! I looked down to my bed and noticed an extra blanket at the end. I slowly swung my feet over the edge of the bed, and attempted to sit up. It worked, but I had to stifle my groans. Next I put my hand on the end of my bed and used it to push myself up. As I took my hand off the bed, I began to feel dizzy. I quickly placed my hand back on the bed to steady myself. After a few minutes, I was all good. I grabbed the blanket and took a few cautious steps towards Percy. The next steps were progressively more wobbly as I went on. By the time I had reached Percy's bed, I was sweating and exhausted. I carefully draped the blanket over him and then took a step backwards to find the wall. I slowly slid down the wall, until I was curled into a ball on the floor, with my head on my knees. I was too exhausted to make my way back to the bed, so I decided to just close my eyes and fall asleep right here on the floor.


There's chapter 4! Sorry, again, for taking so long to update... I hate being in grade ten... too many exams... anyways, don't forget to vote and comment, and if you want to see more of my stories, check out my profile. -T :)

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