Ch.39 Now, who wants muffins?

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Percy's P.O.V

"My dad? I thought he only owned shorts!" I glanced up towards the hill. "At least Leo's not there with him this time..."

Nico shot me a questioning look. "Leo?"

"It's nothing..." I waved off his question as we started towards my father. It was another warm day, the sun wavering between gracing us with its presence and hiding behind the clouds. At the moment it was out, but who knew how long that would last...

As we got closer I noticed the tie my dad was wearing. Normally I avoid thinking about my dad's fashion choices, but upon seeing the little figures on it, I decided that maybe I could pay attention just for today. His tie was grey with small white ghosts scattered across it. It contrasted nicely with his dark black suit and white shirt underneath. I knew he'd only worn the tie to show his support, causing a pang of happiness to shoot through me.

"What's with the suit?" I asked, still holding Nico's hand tightly.

Poseidon's eyes found their way to our joined hands and smiled. "Well, I couldn't let you two loose in New York without a proper driver, now could I?"

"Uh, you know we're not just going to my mom's house, right?" I bit my lip.

"I already know all about your crazy plans, but I figured you'd want to see your mother before you get a metal ring attached to your lip." Poseidon chuckled.

"He's got a point, I doubt your mom would like to meet your new boyfriend after he just got pink streaks in his hair." Nico looked down.

Poseidon was quick to speak up. "Oh no, I'm sure Sally already loves you, I'm just concerned how she'll react to Percy getting a piercing without her permission."

"Yeah, don't worry Neeks, my mom already loves you." I smiled at him.

Poseidon shifted his weight. "Great, now that that's settled, let's get you two to your first destination."

"That sounds great." I followed him down the other side of the hill, tugging Nico behind me. It wasn't his fault that his legs were shorter than mine.

"Percy?" Nico said quietly to me, making sure my dad couldn't hear.

"Yeah, what's up?" I asked, a little worried.

Nico used his free hand to run his fingers through his hair, careful not to knock his glasses. "What if your mom doesn't like us together? What if-"

"Nico!" I yelled to grab his attention. "My mom let me go off to fight monsters and risk my life on multiple occasions, if she sees that you make me happy, I'm one hundred percent sure she'll be okay with the idea of us being a couple."

Nico's eyes had literal hearts in them. "Thanks, it's just, I'm not used to worrying about what my mom would think because she's been out of the picture for so long..." A hint of sadness crept into his voice as he brought up his dead mother.

"What was she like?" I asked, half trying to get him to think of the positives, and half because I was curious.

"My mom? She was an Italian woman with a lot of passion in her small body. She could get passionately angry when we got in trouble, but then she would be passionately gentle when we were confused. She always knew when we were hiding anything and she never let us forget how much she loved us." Nico answered, as we approached the sleek black limo my dad had whipped up for us.

I opened the door for him to get in before sliding in after him. "Right, so if she loved you that much, she would have wanted you to be happy. She would have accepted you for who you are and you who love, because that's what love is."

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