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Hi, it's Tianne, your friendly neighbourhood author. If you're reading this, it means you've reached the end of Pernico - Survivor. As you should already know, I'm a sucker for happy endings. And I don't just mean in books, I'm talking about real life. Throughout this fanfic, I've grown as an author and as a person. Each author note is like a diary entry for me, so to go back and read them all, it feels so strange. I'm still a firm believer in emojis, and spreading smiles and happiness, but I've come to discover that a happy ending is not generic. What I'm trying to say is that you need to create your own happy ending. It doesn't have to be the princess ending up with the prince. If you're a nerdy little dragon who likes the princess, why not write your own ending? Or maybe you're the princess who falls in love with the princess from the other kingdom over. Either way, a happy ending always comes after the conflict in books, so if you're going through a hard time right now, just think of it as getting one step closer to your own happy ending!

The happy ending in this fanfic is meant to show you that even if you're a nerdy little cutie who stays in the shadow, you can end up becoming the confident little lover with pink streaks in your hair. Just because you have to deal with things right now, doesn't mean you'll always have to deal with them. Keep turning pages in your story, read as many little details as you can until you reach your happy ending.

I knew from the beginning that this update was going to be the hardest. Saying goodbye is always hard. As an author, I fear that none of my other fanfics will form the same kind of writer-reader connection that this one did. I honestly feel like I could talk to any of you about my problems and I'd listen to whatever advice you'd give me. You all took a leap of faith when you started reading this fanfic, not knowing if it was going to be good, or if it would even end, and so I think it's only fair for me to put my faith in you. I trusted that you guys would keep reading my updates, and look how far it's gotten me! This story has over 70 thousand reads! I'd been hoping to get 1 thousand when I first started, as a high goal, but you guys exceeded my wildest dreams!

As I said last chapter, there's a big announcement I'd like to say. I know that some of you might be thinking it's something along the lines of a sequel to this book, and in a way you're right. I still haven't made up my mind if it's going to be a full length fanfic, or just an extra chapter in this book that gives you a glimpse into their future. Seeing as it takes me a long time to make decisions, I thought I'd leave it up to you guys, since it's all thanks to you that this book even made it this far. Please let me know which one you'd prefer in the comments. If you don't want me to add anything, please let me know too, it won't hurt my feelings or anything. :P

To finish off, I just want to say thank you. Thank you to the few of you that stuck around from the very first chapter, you guys gave me the support I needed to keep updating when I only got a few reads per chapter. Thank you to the people who found my fanfic after it gained a bit more popularity, you guys helped keep me positive. Thank you to the readers that just recently added my fanfic to your libraries, you guys helped boost my confidence. Last of all, thank you to Rick Riordan, who I know has very little chance of actually reading this, you created a world where I could be myself. You taught me that being different, not only was alright, but it was what made me special. You taught me that friendship is worth putting yourself on the line for. You taught me that bravery isn't always found of battle fields. But most importantly, you taught me how to inspire people with my words. Without you, I would still be the shy little girl writing sad stories that would never leave my computer.

As always, I'm going to remember to smile, and spread love like butter! -Tianne :)

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