Ch.22 Everything is better with friends

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Thanks for all the reads! Love you guys so much! Enjoy! :)


Nico's P.O.V 

        I slowly stood up from my perch on the bed. This room was getting too small for all my thoughts. I needed to go somewhere with more space. I needed to go to Persephone's garden. I ran a finger through my unruly hair while walking towards the door. A creak was heard when the door opened. I looked around to see if anyone had noticed my attempted escape from this exsessive hospitality. Sometimes I think my father only helped me, so he could put me in his debt. 

I crept out of the door, carefully not to catch the attention of the skeleton guards scattered around the halls. If one of them noticed me, I would be sent strait back to my room. In a way, it was like being grounded... Although I wasn't sure my dad was into those kind of punishments. Eternal damnation was more his style... 

As I rounded the corner, I almost came face first to a skeleton guard. I quickly shrunk back into the safety of the shadows, and took a few seconds to catch my breath. When my wits were in order, I slunk back around the corner, only this time, I was careful to stay close to the wall that concealed me in it's dark shadows. I slowly shuffled my feet, not making a sound, until I reached the end of the hall. Now all I had to do was open the door, and I'd be in Persephone's garden. 

I slowly opened the door, not sure if it would creak like the door to my room. Thankfully it didn't, and I stepped through into the garden, leaving the door slightly ajar behind me. The change in surroundings made my heart leap for joy, but it quickly turned to dread when I spotted Jason and Percy sitting together on a bench. Don't get me wrong, I like Percy and Jason, but right now I just really wanted to be alone with my thoughts. I guess I could just hide here somewhere until they leave...

I chose a small clearing just behind the bench where Percy and Jason sat. It was an open area surrounded my tall trees with sparkly fruit. The real; reason I chose it was due to the hammock that was strung up between two of the trees. It wasn't visible unless you were directly in front of it. I would know, I put it there last time I was in the underworld. As I sat down on the hammock, I noticed something I wasn't expecting. It was missing something. Last time I was here, I had decided to leave my old notebook on it so no one would ever find it, but now it wasn't here. That means somebody knows where my hammock is! I quickly jumped up, forgetting about being quiet. At the sound of my feet hitting the ground, the two boys that were previously sitting on the bench, were sprinting towrads me. I froze, not sure whether or not to hide, or face them. In my moment of indecision, The two boys had discovered my whereabouts. 

"Nico? What are you doing out here?" Percy was the first one to speak.

"My thoughts were too big..." I tried to explain.

"Too big? How can thoughts be too big?" Jason piped in. 

"They just started taking up all the space in my room, so I had to leave... Please don't make me go back there yet?" I pleaded. They pondered that for a few seconds before replying. 

"Alright... Hey Nico?" Jason asked. 


"Is that a hammock behind you?" He smirked. 

"Yeah... Why do you ask?" I asked nervously.

"Just to be sure... And so I can do this!" He yelled, as he ran at me, hauling my small frame over his shoulder.

"Put me down! You know I hate being touched!" I screamed at him, but it didn't seem to make a difference. One second I was slung over his shoulder, the next, I was laying on a hammock, squished beside a laughing blond kid. 

"What was that for?" I questioned.

"You really should be resting, and I really wanted to try out this hammock." Jason smiled, as he motioned with his hand for Percy to join us. And then there were three.

"Ugh!" I grunted as I felt Jason's elbow being shoved into my ribs. 

"Sorry! Just trying to get comfortable." He explained. 

"I don't see how this could ever be consideredf comfortable. This thing is only made for one person." I grumbled to myself, but due to the close proximity, The other two boys heard. 

"Everything is better with friends!" Jason yelled, laughing like a maniac... Or like Leo... 

"Jason, How do you do it?" Percy asked out of the blue. 

"Do what?" He asked, obviously curious. 

"How do you go from being super deep one minute, to super immature the next?" He asked as he began chuckling. The next thing I knew we were all laughing our heads off. It wasn't that it was that funny, it was just so random that no one was expecting it. The laughing finally died down and made way for a comfortable silence. It was so precious that nobody dared to break it. And so it continued, each passing second my body seemed to take into account just how tired I was from the day's events. The last thing I remember was the silence that used to be filled with all those hateful words, picking me apart from the inside out, now so full of peace and happiness. 


Thanks for reading! Literally so happy with the responses I've been getting lately. You guys are all so supportive and your comments are so sweet! Anyways, Don't hesitate to drop a vote. *Wink Wink* hahaha.  Thanks again! -T

Question: If you had to change bodies with any character, and live their lives for one week, who would you be and why? 



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