Ch.17 I just had to jinx it

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I may or may not have just updated a little while ago... hehehe. It appears my mischievous mood is still here. Anyways, hopefully you enjoy this chapter! :)


Percy's P.O.V

After eating some blue steak, I went to my cabin and grabbed my backpack filled with clothes and ambrosia. I slung the bag over my shoulder and slipped out the door.

Jason was already at the stables when I got there. He was standing next to tempest, with an excited grin on his face. Now that we knew Nico would be safe with his father, the worry had diminished quite a bit. I climbed on Blackjack as Jason mounted Tempest, and prepared to take off. I gave Jason a smile, to let him know I was ready to go. We had decided to head to California to use the L.A entrance. As the sun sunk in the sky, we rose into the air. I took the lead, since I had already been there, as Jason fell in behind me. I let my thoughts drift as we travelled, ranging from Nico to food. After quite the internal battle, I decided that the perfect date with Nico would have to include food. Maybe some blue pizza... A shout from Jason brought me back to reality.

"We should land somewhere to get some rest."

"Where?" I shouted back. He simply pointed off to my left, towards a clearing in the trees. I began to descend as I realized just how dark it had become. The moment my feet touched the ground, I knew we weren't alone. I pulled out Riptide, and held it up in front of me. Seeing my actions, Jason flipped his coin, producing a sword of his own. A screech from my right alerted me to the enemy's position. I swung my sword and turned the first hell hound into dust. Lucky shot, usually these were much harder to kill. Now, there was only two hell hounds, one for each of us. I began slashing at my opponent and watched from the corner of my eye as Jason started on his. A sharp pain in my left arm brought me back into focus. I quickly glanced at my arm to see a long cut stretching from my elbow almost to my shoulder. It wasn't deep, but it still stung like hades. In retaliation, I stabbed at the hell hound's front paw. I hit my target, and the beast howled in pain. While he was distracted, I stabbed him in the chest, effectively turning him into dust. I looked over to Jason to see him standing in a pile of monster dust. His eyes found their way to my wounded arm and he immediately rushed at me.

"You did bring ambrosia, right?" He asked.

"Yeah, there's some in my bag." I explained. He rushed to my bag which I had dropped beside Blackjack and grabbed some of the godly food. As I ate the delicious food, the pain in my arm stared to go away. Not completely, but enough for me to feel better.

We had set up camp, and spent the night in the clearing. Now that the sun had returned to the sky, Jason and I set off again. We were about halfway there if I remember correctly, and I was getting pretty hungry. We spotted a restaurant on the outskirts of some small town and decided to eat there.

"How much money have you got?" Jason asked me, as he looked over the menu. I dug my hand into my pocket to find a wad of bills with a sticky note on it. The sticky note revealed that my dad had decided to help us out a bit. I counted over $3,000 in cash! I said a quick thank you to my dad before ordering a huge hamburger and a milkshake.

The food really helped raise my energy level. I spotted a flyer while I was sipping on my milkshake, advertising a train to the south of Oregon. Seats were $1000 per person. I pointed it out to Jason who simply smiled. I guess that means he's okay with my plan.

We payed for our meals before telling blackjack and tempest that they didn't have to help us anymore. As we headed to the train station, I couldn't help but smile at how smoothly our little trip has gone. Of course, I just had to jinx it! Out of nowhere, a cyclops smashed his club into the back of Jason's head, rendering him unconscious. I guess this would be a one-on-one fight. I pulled out Riptide as the cyclops raised it's club.

"It's so strange to see this many demigods around here." He stated.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, after I smash you to bits, there will be a lot of pieces of demigods around here." The cyclops said a if he was the most clever thing on the planet.

"Or, I could do this." I said as I stabbed at the cyclops. He tried to avoid it, but I managed to land a solid hit in his shoulder. He swung his club and hit my chest. I flew off the ground and crumpled into the side of a building. I quickly wrapped my left hand across my aching chest and slowly got to my feet. My ribs on my left side felt as if they were crushed. A fire like pain raced throughout the area. I groaned as I rose to my full height. I hobbled over to the cyclops who had his back to me, examining the unconscious body of Jason. Silently, I plunged Riptide through his back, and without another sound, the cyclops turned to dust. I immediately fell to my knees in exhaustion. My whole left side was in pain, and I could feel my energy decreasing by the second. In a last attempt, I used my right arm to shake Jason, who's eyes popped open.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah fine." He said as he got to his knees.

"Good." I replied as I tried to rise to my feet. I stumbled and fell back to the floor.

"Gods! What happened to you?" He asked.

"Cyclops. Mind passing me my bag?" I asked. He simply nodded, before grabbing his head in pain and making his way to my bag. I closed my eyes, in pain, and only opened them when Jason shoved a piece of ambrosia into my mouth. The moment I swallowed, I began to feel better. I rose to my feet and slung my bag over my back, careful of my left side. Jason was massaging his temples, when I turned to look at him.

"Maybe you should have some ambrosia too." I suggested as I got out a piece of the godly food.

"Good idea." He said, as he popped the piece in his mouth. After he had finished, we gathered our stuff and continued on our way to the train station.

The building was cool and clean, but the person behind the desk was anything but. He had stains all over his shirt, and smelled of smoke and alcohol. Involuntarily, I thought of Gabe and flinched when he stuck out his hand.

"Well? Pass me the money! I'm assuming you're taking the train to the south of Oregon, seeing as its the last train today, and all the others have already left." He snapped.

"Right." I said as I pulled out the exact cash, and passed it over. The man grumbled as he counted the money, before handing us two tickets and pointing the way to the loading bay.

The train was almost empty when we took our seats so we decided to take a little snooze. We must have slept for more than a little, because when I woke up, we were in Oregon. I shook Jason awake, before gathering my bag and heading to the exit. It was around lunch time, so we grabbed a sandwich on the way to the bus station. Just as we entered the bus station, we were pulled aside by a large dark man, who I knew as The Lord of the Dead.

"You two sure take your time don't you?" Hades complained.

"How did you know we were coming?" I asked.

"I've been watching you. Now, getting down to business, you two need to come with me."

"Okay..." Jason said.

"Listen up! Nico isn't doing too well, and I'm hoping that he'll feel better with people he knows around. Now close your eyes." Hades instructed. We both immediately shut our eyes. Suddenly, it felt as if he were falling, and I couldn't help but panic. I couldn't feel anybody around me, and I wasn't stupid enough to open my eyes. Just as I began to reach my terror limit, I felt my feet hit the ground. I opened my eyes and wishes I hadn't. The walls were made of obsidian, making it hard to make it where the floor and ceiling met. The air was freezing, and the harsh light didn't help my eyes adjust. However the sight that I wished I could unsee was Nico. He was lying in a bed with huge circle under his eyes, and beads of sweat on his forehead. He was swimming in his clothes and his face was contorted in pain. Oh gods, what had happened to the boy from a few days ago?


So yeah... two updates in one day. Now, I'm really tired, and have a headache, but it was worth it! Please keep voting and commenting, it makes me smile! :) -T

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