Ch.13 Nemo

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NEWS ALERT: I started writing a book of PJO & HOO one shots!!! So far, it only has two one shots, but there will be more! If you have a few minutes, it would mean the world to me if you checked it out! :P Also, I figured out how to reply to comments now. ( I have to be on my computer instead of iPod...) It was lovely learning about all the places that you guys want to go! :D anyways, here's chapter 13!

Song of the chapter : Phoenix by fall out boy


Percy's P.O.V

I watched as the arena began to fill with excited demigods. Of course, there were the typical fans that went all out, decked in their cabin's colors and face paint. For example, Leo wore a red cape and had painted his face completely red. In other words, he looked like fire. How fitting... On the other hand, there was Nico who didn't dress up at all. He simply wore his usual clothes, but still managed to look pretty amazing.

The horn sounded, letting us know that the first match of the day was set to start. Will waltzed in like he owned the place and stood on his side of the circle waiting for his opponent. After a few seconds, Nico entered looking quite tired. He had big circles under his eyes, but I guess that's what happens when you wake up at three in the morning and have a duel...

The horn sounded again, signaling the starting of the match. At the sound, both participants pulled out their weapons of choice. Will simply raised his hands and produced two balls of light, while Nico whipped out his sword. Will opened the match by shooting two balls of light at Nico's chest. Nico managed to dodge the first one, but the second one caught him on his left rib cage. He let out a grunt, and immediately pulled his arm around his chest in an attempt to shield it. Will had a conflicted look in his eyes, wanting to win, but wanting to help heal Nico as well.

After a few seconds, Nico put his sword in his left hand and swung it at Will. It caught him just under his knee cap on his right leg, not hard enough to do any real damage except the loss of his balance. As he fell, Will shot out a blast of light at Nico, which barely missed. As Will got back on his feet, Nico used the time to collect a few balls of darkness. Just as Will shot another ball of light at Nico, Nico returned a ball of darkness. They two masses of energy collided in mid air causing a huge blast of air to knock both opponents on the ground. Will and Nico landed on their respective sides of the circle, right on the edge. They both rose to their feet, although Nico was a bit slower to to the injured ribs. That gave Will the time to fire a stream of light at Nico, which luckily for Nico, missed. Nico replied by raising his hands in front of him, and causing a few skeletons to appear out of the ground. As the skeletons approached Will, Nico fell to his knees in exhaustion. Just before the skeletons reached Will he raised his hands in surrender. Nico quickly put the skeletons back under ground. I loudly clapped at the sight of another win for the son of Hades. A few other people joined in my applause, but it seemed as if the majority of campers had been cheering for the Apollo cabin. I looked back towards the dueling circle to see Will helping Nico up, and then slinging his arms under Nico's, allowing Nico to put most of his weight on Will. Will then helped a struggling Nico out of the arena. I would have followed if the horn didn't sound again, letting me know that it was time for my match. I stood up from my spot on the bleachers and quickly made my way to the dueling circle. I entered with my head held high, excited for the match. I hear applause as Jason entered with a smirk on his face. This was going to be a good match.

The horn sounded again, and I leapt into action by pulling out Riptide and swinging at Jason's chest. The flat side of my sword caught him, knocking the wind out of him. He quickly returned the favor by slamming the flat end of his spear into my chest. Now, as we both struggled to catch out breath, we prepared for our next strike. His happened to come before mine, in the shape of lightning bolts, which luckily missed their mark. I smirked at his shocked face. Now it was my turn to have some fun. I built up the pressure in the water fountain before releasing it all at Jason. I watched as he sputtered and coughed up water.

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