Ch.10 Biceps

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Hey, I wrote my math final, but now I have to spend a lot of my time studying fort science final on Monday... (In other words, my parents think I'm studying...) Anyways, here's chapter ten! :) oh! By the way, I just wanted to thank you for your support! This fanfic is a lot of fun to write, but it's more fun when I learn about all the votes and reads. Hopefully you guys are enjoying it too... Also, I do read your comments, even if I don't always reply (sorry), and they really do make my day! :) I'm not kidding, even if it's just one comment asking me to update, it literally causes me to smile, so thank you!!!


Percy's P.O.V

Today was the day! I can finally show Clarisse that I am still fully capable of beating her butt. I can't wait to see the look on her face when her sword falls to the ground. Speaking of ground, I guess I should get up from my shady spot on the sand, and grab something to eat for breakfast. I purposely walked my Nico's cabin to see if he would be joining us for breakfast, and surprisingly he was emerging from his dark cabin.

"Hey Nico, you coming to breakfast?" I asked, cheerily.

"Yeah." He said while keeping his eyes glued to the ground.

"Cool... So are you excited about the tournament?" I asked, trying to keep the conversation going.

"What tournament?" He raised his gaze to meet my eyes briefly, before lowering them again.

"Every cabin has to pick someone to represent their cabin, and then we duel. As each cabin moves up in the rankings, the better the prizes end up being." I explained.

"So, if I lose all my matches, I'll end up with some stupid punishment?" He asked, knowing that Mr.D wouldn't allow a tournament without punishments.

"Well, whoever loses all their matches will probably get a punishment, but you are really good with a sword, so I wouldn't worry about it." I smiled. I noticed his cheeks growing red. Awe! He was blushing! Wait! He was blushing! What does that mean?

"Perce, you okay?" Nico asked.

"Yeah... Wait! Did you just call me Perce?" I asked with a smirk on my face.

"Oh... Sorry! I didn't mean to, it just kinda came out..." He said, nervously.

"It's fine." I laughed as his cheeks got even more red. We walked the last stretch to the pavilion in comfortable silence. It was a nice feeling, making Nico blush. I don't know why, but I wanted to do it again. My thoughts were interrupted by the sight in front of me. Jason wearing his hair gelled up was staring at me quizzically.

"What's with the hair?" I asked.

"It was piper's idea. She said it would be cool for the tournament..." He said as he scratched the back of his neck.

"It looks great." I smiled. As I went to sit down I noticed Jason pull Nico to the side of the room. When did they become close. I felt jealousy bubble up inside of me. Why did Nico let Jason give him a hug before he left? All Nico ever did with me was say 'goodbye', and that was rarely. Hmm...

I looked down at my empty plate and asked for some blue pancakes, and some blueberries. The pancakes from camp half-blood usually tasted so delicious, but today I wasn't really paying attention to that, my mind was stuffed full of questions. All of which revolved around a certain son of Hades. Speaking of Nico, I glanced up to see him eating a pomegranate. At least he's eating... I wonder if Nico ever ate fruits that weren't pomegranates... Stupid ADHD getting me off-topic. I put my fork down to stab another piece of my pancakes to find an empty plate. I guess I was too focused on Nico. I stood up, and began making my way to the arena to check the schedule of the first round. This should be fun!

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