Ch.34 We've delayed it for too long

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Nico's P.O.V

I moaned as it hit my tongue. It appears steak really does taste better when it's blue. I faintly heard a chuckle from my left, but I was too wrapped up in my delicious meal to pay any attention to it. I stabbed my fork through another piece of steak and began to brought it to my mouth. Just as it was about to be devoured by my lips, percy ripped it off the fork using his teeth.

I began to protest. "Hey! That was-"

"-delicious!" Percy smirked before swallowing.

I stuck out my lips to form a pout. "But it was mine!"

"Not anymore!" Percy smiled as he helped himself to another piece of my steak.

"You have your own! Stop eating mine!" I pulled the plate away from him, placing it almost on the edge of the table where he couldn't reach.

"Yours tastes better!" Percy protested while slowly reaching behind my back to try to get the plate. I glanced down to his plate where a completely full steak sat, looking juicy and delicious.

"Fine, how about we trade plates?" I smirked, hoping he'd accept so I could get even more of the amazing steak.

Percy looked down to his own plate before answering. "What are you smirking about?"

I quickly made my facial expression neutral. "Nothing, now are we trading or not?"

"I guess so... Though I still think you're up to something." Percy replied as he slid me over his plate. I quickly passed him mine before beginning to cut his into smaller pieces. There was no hesitation from me when I had finished my task, immediately shoving a piece in my mouth. I sighed as a feeling of ecstasy overcame my tastebuds.

The steak vanished into my stomach all too quickly for my liking, and soon it was time for the campfire. I gave Percy a smile as I told him I'd meet him at the usual spot before rushing off to the Arena to make sure everything was in place. I restrained myself from sprinting until I was out of the pavilion. I reached the Arena and made a mental checklist in my mind, happy that nobody had messed anything up. I quickly pulled the skateboard out of its hiding spot and positioned it. After double checking that everything was set, I made my way to the amphitheater. I passed Connor, giving him a nod in thanks, as I was on my way. He simply grinned and winked before slipping off to do something only the gods could guess. I rolled my eyes at the typical behaviour of the son of Hermes before my eyes landed on Leo. He was earlier than I expected him to be. And he was sitting it my usual seat! I saw Percy sprint over, waving his arms around gesturing towards the seat that was usually empty, right beside where Percy usually sat. I approached and quickly took Percy's usual seat. After Percy realized that I'd stolen his seat, he pulled me back to my feet.

"Hey! What's wrong with changing seats once in a while?" I asked, shooting him a glare.

He gave me an annoyed look. "I just thought that Leo would prefer to have the better view from the seat over there. Then you can have your normal spot." Percy gestures to the usually empty seat. I grabbed the thick tape that was holding my glasses together and leaned down to get a better look at the seat. It looked like someone had tampered with it. A thought struck me faster than Zeus lighting bolt. This must be Percy's joke! I have to ruin it in case it's better than mine!

"But Percy, we all know that my seat has the best view. Let Leo sit there so his girlfriend can sit beside him when she comes." I attempted to ruin his plans.

"But... But..." Percy stuttered, obviously trying to think of a good response.

"Yeah, nico has a point. I don't care about the view, but I'm sure Emily will want to sit next to me when she meets you guys." Leo smiled as I took Percy's seat for the second time.

"No you don't!" Percy said as he pulled me right back out of his seat.

Clarisse had heard everything and had come over. "Look, you two idiots can argue later. I want to get this campfire over. Percy just take your seat."

Percy took his normal spot with a smug smile. "No problem."

"And you, take your seat!" She yelled at me.

I shook my head as an evil plan formed in my mind. "I don't know... I don't think the old wood will support me."

"Of course it will. If it can support me, it'll support you." Clarisse rolled her eyes as she went to sit down on the seat that had been tampered with.

"No!" Percy yelled as her butt hit the wood. Immediately things began to happened. First, a string attached to the bottom on the seat was pulled taut, pulling the handle of two cans. These cans, that were sitting on a pile of olive oil, tipped towards the ground. Just like that Clarisse was covered in head to toe in blue hair dye. She immediately jumped up and began to examine herself.

"Percy! Is this another of your stupid pranks?" Clarisse shot him a death glare that rivalled my own, before cracking her knuckles.


"I'll give you three seconds to run, water boy." Clarisse said as she took deep breathes. Percy immediately took off towards the Arena in search of a hiding place. After seeing Percy's intended destination, I scrambled after him, praying to every god that he hadn't messed up my prank. I had almost caught up to him by the time he entered the Arena.

"Watch out!" I yelled as Percy narrowly avoided stepping on the skateboard. I breathed a sigh of relief as he passed right through the other door. I turned back towards the amphitheater only to see Clarisse enter the Arena.

"Stop!" I yelled, seeing Percy freeze at the door of the Arena. Seeing Percy just standing there must have set something off inside of Clarisse's mind. She immediately began towards him, only instead of missing the skateboard like Percy had, she placed her foot on the rolling death trap. Percy and I watched her roll forward until she hit the far wall where she set off a series of events. The impact of the hit set off a base ball that rolled across the floor, stopping when it hit a plank of wood which proceeded to fall to the ground. The air movement it created, pushed an inflatable beach ball to begin to roll. It rolled right into the opposite wall of Clarisse, hitting a button that shot the final piece towards her. A small ball filled with glitter was hurled at Clarisse and before she had time to stop it, it hit her smack in the chest, sending purple glitter all over her. I hadn't counted on the intended target to be covered in sticky hair dye, but it turns out that hair dye made the prank better. The glitter had stuck to her, making her look more like a Christmas tree than a demigod.

Clarisse shook with anger as she noticed the small crowd of demigods that had gathered at the entrance to the Arena. "I'm going to kill you!"

"Can you wait until after our date tonight?" Percy replied, cheekily.

"Actually, while everyone's gathered here, why don't we hold the final duel of the tournament? We've delayed it for too long, and since Nico's returned to camp, I think we should see who the winner is." Chiron's voice rang out over the sound of laughter from the campers.

"I completely forgot about that! Although it's pretty obvious who the winner would be." Percy smirked as he put his hand on his hip.

"You think you can beat me? Alright, let's do this!" I grinned, cracking my knuckles as I made my way into the duelling circle.

"You're on, ghost king."


There you go! It's almost over! :(

Who do you think will win?
What did you think of the pranks?
Thoughts on Nico's infatuation with blue steak?

Thank you so much for 45k reads! It means the world to me every time I see that someone has read my fanfic! :]

Question: favourite youtubers?

My answer: amazingphil, Danisnotonfire, troye Sivan, Tyler Oakley, kian lawley, jacksgap... A few others I know I'm forgetting...

Bonus question: if I wrote another fanfic, what ship would you like it to be about? I'm even considering writing an original story? What would you like to read about?

Remember to smile! -Tianne :D <3

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