Ch.9 Thank You

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Hey there... sorry about the wait, I have just been super busy studying for exams. My math final is tomorrow, so wish me luck! Anyways, here's the chapter that I should have uploaded last week... Hehehe.


Percy's P.O.V

I have to tell my dad whether or not I'm accepting his offer tomorrow, and I still have no clue what to do. Should I take him up on the offer? I mean, what's keeping me here? I am not in a relationship anymore, so I don't have to worry about that, and my friends won't really care if I'm gone for a month, so what's holding me back? Why am I hesitating? A loud growl interrupted my thoughts. I jumped up from my comfortable spot on the sand in alarm. I whipped my head around to be met with nothing. No one was attacking... That was strange. Another growl erupted, but this time I figured out where it was coming from. It was my stomach... I guess I had been sitting here longer than I thought. As I began making my way towards the pavilion to get some food, I noticed something sparkle in the forest. Being ADHD I couldn't help but get distracted easily, so I decided to check it out. I jogged over to the shiny object to discover that it was Nico's sword. I knew better than to touch it, so I cautiously, stepped around it and began to search for its owner, Nico. I glanced on either side of me but still couldn't find him. My ADHD seemed to be getting the better of me, and in my search it occurred to me that I was probably missing dinner. I glanced up to the sky to see if the sun was setting or not, to be meet with the bottom of a shoe. A well-worn converse sneaker was dangling just over my head from the tree just off to my right. I looked a little higher to see who this sneaker belonged to, and was met with a boy with black jeans that were much too big for him, wearing an aviator's jacket. It was obviously Nico. I couldn't make out his face in the dwindling light, so being me, I decided to climb the tree.

As I swung my leg onto the branch where Nico sat, I pulled myself upright causing me to fall into Nico. At the contact, Nico's eyes flashed open and he curled in on himself, ramming his back against the trunk of the tree. I managed to balance myself and then gently tapped his shoulder. He carefully opened his eyes and glanced at me, and then visibly stiffened.

"Not to point out the obvious, but why are you in a tree?" I asked, curious.

"Because I was tired." Nico mumbled, as he stared at his shoe.

"So you decided to climb a tree?" I questioned, chuckling a bit.

"Yes." He replied as he leaned his head back against the tree trunk, and closed his eyes.

"Umm... How long have you been up here?" I asked, trying to keep the conversation going.

"A while." Nico replied without moving anything but his lips.

"Aren't you hungry?" I asked thinking back to the reason I left my little resting place.

"Not really." He said, just as a rumble escaped his stomach.

"Really?" I smirked.

"Yep." He replied and resorted back to staring at his shoe.

"Well, I'm starving, so I was wondering if you would like to accompany me to get some dinner?" I asked him.

"I guess I wouldn't mind a drink..." Nico murmured.

"Great, then it's settled. Let's go!" I yelled as I began making my way down the tree.

When I was back on the ground, I glanced up to see a wobbly Nico, slowly making his way down. The boy had gone from slender to stick-like. His skin, once tanned, had now gone as white as paper. What had made him change so much? Or maybe the right word is who...

Nico's P.O.V

My dizzy head was not making descending this tree any easier. I carefully grabbed the tree branch and then slowly lowered my body down until my feet hit another branch, and then repeat the process. By the time, my foot hit solid ground, I was ready to return to my cabin and sleep for a week. But I had foolishly told him that I would go to the pavilion with him. I could care less about the food or drink, but I guess I couldn't really decline spending time with him. It was as if I was addicted to him, but even though my body protested, my mind forced me onward.

"You okay?" Percy asked me. In all honesty, no, I wasn't, but I wasn't about to let Percy know that. My head still hadn't completely stopped spinning and my back was sporting a new bruise from my surprising awakening. And I was tired, so tired of everything. I didn't see the point of many things that I used to enjoy. All I ever wanted to do now was sleep, and my stupid mind wouldn't even allow that. Nightmares of Tartarus kept me up most nights, and sometimes they would spring out of nowhere in the daylight hours as well. So, No. I really wasn't okay.

"Nico? You there?" Percy waved his hand in front of my face. I guess I kinda forgot to voice the lie that I was fine. I shook my and began walking towards the pavilion. In a few seconds, Percy fell in-step with me, due to the length of his legs. The walk was silent. Percy kept looking over to me while he thought I wasn't looking. I always wonder what was going through his mind, but right now I was extremely curious. Did he not like my clothing choice? Was there pieces of the tree in my hair? He was probably disgusted with my appearance. I would never be good enough. My thoughts were still being replayed when Percy and I sat down in the pavilion. Dinner had already passed so we were able to sit at any table we wanted, which ended up being the Poseidon table. My thoughts had completely ruined my appetite, so I just asked my glass for water. I looked over to Percy and saw he chowing down on a blue pizza. He had a fizzy blue drink sitting next to his plate. He was in his own world as the pizza continued to disappear from his plate. I admired his amazing jawline as it continued to move, and before I knew it, he had finished the pizza and was looking at me quizzically.

"What? Did I get sauce on my face?" He asked while swiping his face with a napkin.

"What? No, your face is perfect, as usual." I blurted out, before realizing what I said. I clapped my hand over my mouth, as I felt my stomach begin to churn. I can't believe I just said that! I'm such an idiot! I stood to get up, but Percy grabbed my arm and pulled me back down.

"Hey, it's cool. Your face isn't so bad either." He smiled, and then winked. What was going on? I blushed a deep shade of red, as I turned my head away from Percy.

"Hey, I've got something to tell you. My dad offered my a position as his assistant for a month in his kingdom." He stated.

"Okay?" I asked. What was he trying to say?

"Well, should I accept?" He asked. Percy would be gone for a whole month, but how could he pass up such a rare opportunity? I guess I could struggle through a month without Percy, if he was happy.

"Go for it." I smiled, and then glued my eyes to the floor.

"You really think so?"

"Yeah, there's no reason for you to stay." I answered sadly. I guess a part of me wanted him to stay for me, but I knew that was just a fantasy.

"Oh, you wouldn't care if I left for a month?" He asked, with a hint of sadness in his voice. Of course I would care! I honestly would probably never leave my room if he wasn't there... I guess Percy took my silence as an answer and had gotten up, and began to walk away.

"I would miss you." I said making him stop in his tracks. He slowly turned around to face me.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yes." I replied as my eyes found themselves glued to the ground.

"Thank you." Percy said.

"For what?"

"Giving me a reason to stay." I could hear the smile through his voice. I glanced up to see him walking out of the pavilion with a spring in his step. I was physically and mentally exhausted by the events that went down today, so I dragged myself to my cabin and threw myself on my bed. I fell asleep with a smile on my face for the first time in a long time.


There you go! Please keep voting and commenting! :) thanks for reading! <3


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