Ch.40 I'm proud to be a survivor

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(I started this fanfic with Nico, and I'm gonna end it with Nico. *tears up*)

Nico's P.O.V

The sticky substance was being rinsed out, and I couldn't be happier. The putrid scent seemed to get stuck in my throat and nose, resulting in an overall uncomfortable few minutes. It was like being back in Tartarus, and if it wasn't for my promise to Percy that I'd get this done, I would have been out of here ages ago. The air conditioning that was on only moments ago, seemed to have broken down, resulting in a rush of hot air to cluster around me. I felt sweat begin to collect on my palms and I briefly wondered if the heat was just something out of my imagination. I tried to calm myself down by breathing deeply, but that only reminded me of the acidic smell, once again forcing me to remember some of my time spent in Hell. I could tell my breaths were coming in short gasps now, but unfortunately the sound of the water coming out of the shower head drowned out any noise I made. Dan would be no help if he couldn't even hear me. I knew Percy wouldn't be coming in anytime soon, since he was told to wait out in the entrance. I tried to distract myself by watching the time tick by on the clock, but when I focused on it, it grew four legs, two wings, and a set of fangs. It's beady eyes looked right through me before a sly grin grew on its face. The fact that the fangs were its only teeth make the smile that much creepier. It crouched, tensing its muscles in preparation for an attack, but before it could make its move, I let loose a shrill scream of terror. Immediately the sound of rushing water ceased, and the creature turned back into a clock.

"Hey, you okay? You look a little pale..." Dan raised his studded eyebrow as he peered closer.

I hurriedly wiped my eyes to clear the few stray tears. "I'm fine, just don't like your clock."

"My clock?" Dan's gaze flickered to the wall opposite us. "What's wrong with it?"

"Nothing, I just..." I shut my mouth, realizing how crazy I sounded.

Dan looked between the clock and I. "Listen, I heard about your little trip to Hell, and I know it probably hasn't been easy adjusting to life back on the surface, but you're never going to get better if you're afraid to ask for help. I'm not just talking about right now, I'm talking about that doofus out in the lobby. He obviously cares about you, and speaking as someone in a relationship, I know that he wants you to be happy." Dan reached up and removed one of the many necklaces he wore. He carefully set it in my hands, allowing me to get a much closer look at it. It was an old fashioned clock made out of some sort of metal. "Open it..."

I lightly pulled the two sides of the clock apart, revealing a photograph of an awkward looking guy. He had black hair styled in a fringe that seemed to be part of a two piece set with Dan's. "Is this your boyfriend?"

"Yeah, Phil and I have been together for a few years now." Dan's voice softened at the man's name.

I looked closer, and noticed that he was wearing a black shirt with a white circle on it. "That doesn't seem like its his style..." I pointed to his shirt.

"That's because it's mine. I took this photo just before I had to move out here to go to camp halfblood." Dan explained with a twinkle in his eye.

"So," I began, "why are you showing me this?"

Dan closed the locket, but left it in my hands. "I used to be in a bad place, but Phil completely turned my life around. The only way he was able to help me, was if I told him what was bothering me. I can see that you like Percy, but even a hero like him won't be able to save you if you don't let him." Dan turned back to the shower head to start rinsing my hair again.

"I... Uh... I still have one question." I fiddled with the chain of his necklace.

Dan slowly turned back around. "Yes?"

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