Pernico - Survivor

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Hello, I just finished updating one of my other fanfics when a thought occurred to me. It came out of nowhere, but I decided to follow through with it. I noticed that most of my library is full of percy Jackson stuff, and I hadn't even written about it yet. I knew I had to take action! So, without further ado, here's my Pernico fanfic: Survivor!


Nico's P.O.V

I woke up to the silence that usually occupies my cabin. I rolled over to check the time. 11:30. I groaned at the thought of getting up. But I knew it had to be done. I trudged over to my dresser and grabbed some black jeans and my black t-shirt with the skull on it, and slipped them on. Although it was the middle of summer, I was somehow freezing, so I decided to slip on my aviator jacket to try to keep out the chill. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Even though it may seem like I'm just a normal teenage demigod, my mind was in shambles. I faced the darkest parts of Tartarus, alone. I had lost my sister and mother, which left me alone. I had helped defeat Gaea, by shadow traveling the Athena Parthenos, alone. Yet, the thing that made me go into depression, was my sexuality. I know I should like girls, but I can't help it. I used to catch myself staring at guys, before I shut everyone out. Now, I barely leave my cabin. Somedays, I stay in my cabin all day, and don't even come out for capture the flag. But, today I have to go out. I haven't had any food for a few days, so I knew I would have to suck it up, and venture into the pavilion at some point today. The loud noises my stomach were making seemed to tell me that lunch was needed. I finished brushing my teeth, and then ran my fingers through my hair to try to smooth it out a bit. It didn't help much...

As I stepped out of my cabin, I heard a few whispers.

"Is that the depressed child of Hades?"

"Why's he so skinny?"

"Where has he been?"

Honestly, I was already tired, and I was debating on heading back into my cabin, and just waiting until dinner to try again, until someone caught my eye. His jet black hair made me cringe as memories resurfaced. I shoved them back down quickly and fought the nausea that had sprung up on me. I swallowed a few times before continuing on my journey for food. I focused on putting one foot in front of the other and trying to keep my breathing even. I looked up in surprise when I felt my foot hit even pavement. I was already here? That was fast...

I made my way to the Hades table, and sat down and tried to regulate my breathing. I guess when you don't eat for three days, simple things become harder. I asked my glass for some cold water, and then gulped it down without hesitation. That's better... I looked up carefully and watched the other people scattered around the pavilion deep in their own conversations. I watched as a few Aphrodite girls began arguing over which lipstick was better. I looked at the Hephaestus kids as they munched and tinkered at the same time. Finally, my eyes found their way to the Poseidon table. There were countless girls standing near Percy all trying to keep his attention. What was going on? Where was Annabeth? As much as I wanted to know, there was no way I was going to go and ask. And even if he was single, he's still as strait as a ruler. There's no way, in a million years, that he would ever want to go out with me. Hell, even if he wasn't strait, I would be last on his list. I'd be last on anybody's list... ugh! Now I've lost my appetite. But I know I need to eat, so I guess I'll have to force myself to have a little bit at least. I looked down at my plate and asked for chicken noodle soup. It was my go to meal when I wasn't feeling well, as today, definitely counts. I put my spoon into the thin liquid and swirled it around, trying to make myself want to eat it. But I just felt empty, and I knew that the soup wasn't going to do anything to help fill the hungry beast inside of me. I slowly brought the spoon to my mouth and swallowed a mouthful of soup. Bleh! I had a few more spoonfuls before deciding that I had had enough. I stood up and immediately felt dizziness wash over me. I grabbed the table to steady myself hoping that no one else had noticed. After a few seconds, my head cleared, and I shuffled out of the pavilion. I thought about going back to my cabin, but for some reason, I ended up in a secluded section of the beach. I sat down in the warm sand, and pulled my aviator jacket closer to myself. I know that I should be hot, due to the gorgeous weather, but I was still freezing. I pulled my knees to my chest in order to stay warm. As I sat there, I realized just how exhausted I was. I leaned my back against a big rock, and found myself closing my eyes. Sleeping would be nice...

Percy's P.O.V

My thoughts were going a mile a minute, and none of them were about anything these girls surrounding me are saying. I just saw Nico di Angelo come into to pavilion for the first time in three days. Somehow, he had gotten skinnier than before. His aviator jacket seemed ready to swallow him whole. Even his jeans were looking baggy. When he wasn't looking, I stole a glance at his face. He was extremely pale, with dark circles under his eyes. His cheeks were hollow, and his hair looks shaggy. For some reason, despite his obvious lack of care for his health, he still looked absolutely gorgeous to me. I watched him swirl his spoon in his bowl for a while before bringing it to his lips. I looked away and started eating my own food. After my spaghetti was finished, I looked back to the Hades table, to find it deserted. Where had Nico gone? I quickly stood up and made my way through the lines of girls, and jogged out of the pavilion. Maybe I could get to Nico before he makes it to his cabin. Except he wasn't anywhere in sight. I guess I'll have to wait a few more days before he comes out again...

I was feeling a little down, so I decided to go take a walk on the beach. It was a beautiful day out, so maybe a swim wouldn't be bad either. I started walking on the sand, and my mind began wandering as well. I thought back to yesterday night, when I had told Annabeth that it just wasn't working. It was nice to know that she felt the same way. I still love her, just more like a sister. Ever since then, I have tried to make myself accept who I am. I, Percy Jackson, was gay.


There's chapter one! vote and comment if you wouldn't mind! love you all, and in case you were wondering, I fully believe that love is love, no matter what gender it comes in! :) -T

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