Ch.7 Crumbling

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I woke up extra early today just so that I could update before I had to go out, so here you go! :)


Nico's P.O.V

It was almost three and Percy still wasn't back yet. I bet he never really wanted to stay with me in the first place. I don't blame him, I wouldn't want to hang around all day and watch over some pathetic, weak demigod either. He probably just stayed with me so he wouldn't seem rude. He is such a great person, while I'm a selfish prick! It's selfish to even want to be in a relationship with him, so why can't I stop? I sat in the lumpy infirmary bed for another half hour, before Will Solace came in to tell me whether or not I could leave. As he pushed the door open, it was as if he brought the sun in with him. I guess having Apollo as your dad would have some cool bonuses.

"Hey! Before I check you over, I need to know how you think you're feeling." He smiled.

"I'm fine." I lied. My heart was in pain, along with the majority of my bones and muscles. But I would not allow myself to stay locked up in this bland room any longer.

"Alright, if you say so... Now, I'm just going to check your mobility, so just let me know if I'm hurting you, okay?" He said, as he approached me. He began by taking my legs and extending them towards the roof. The muscles in my legs were a bit sore, but it wasn't too painful. Judging by the look on his face, this check over was going well. Next he moved on to my arms. He took my right arm and began moving it in circles. I felt no pain, until he moved to my left arm. A while ago, when I was in my cabin, I tripped and fell on my arm and broke it. Now whenever I moved it too much, I felt a sharp pain in it, but I wasn't about to let Will know that. I kept my face emotionless, and he quickly moved on. I knew that when he reached my head, It'd be a bit harder to keep my face emotionless. He placed a gentle hand on my left temple, and another on my right. He began moving his fingers in an almost massage motion. As soon as his fingers set in motion, my headache intensified. I couldn't help but let out a slight groan. Will immediately let go of my head and placed a hand on my forehead. He quickly let his hand drop.

"So, as far as I can see, you have pain in your head, and a fever. In other words, you have a concussion." Will stated.

"So... Does that mean I can leave?" I looked him strait in the eye.

"Well... As long as you refrain from physical activity for a while, you should be fine." Will smiled.

"Sure, whatever." I muttered. Will turned and began walking to the door. Just as his hand began turning the door knob, I spoke.

"Thanks, for all your help. I really appreciate it." I said while I gazed at the floor.

"No problem. And if you ever need help with your depression, you can always talk to me." He winked, and then left the room. How did he know about my depression? Was it that noticeable, or was it just some children of Apollo thing? I rose to my feet a bit wobbly, and then proceeded out the door. I slowly made way to my cabin. On the way, I passed by the Poseidon cabin. For some reason, I found all the other cabins unwelcoming, but I always felt a sense of longing when I came close to Percy's cabin. Maybe it was just because I had feelings for Percy.... I may never know...

When I entered my cabin, I immediately let loose a sigh of release. Here, I was safe from prying eyes and hurtful words. This really was my home. Some people would find it sad that I took comfort in being alone, but for me, it meant safety. I slowly sunk into my black covers and closed my eyes. The second they shut, images of Percy invaded my brain. Percy and Annabeth holding hands, Percy and Annabeth hugging, Percy and Annabeth kissing. Then the images stopped, and I was sucked into a vision.

------ (warning: Swearing ahead)

I was sitting alone on the beach in the middle of the night. I could smell the copper scent of blood as it oozes out of various injuries. My head spun with dizziness. The sound of footsteps broke me out of my reverie. I gazed up to meet Percy's sea green eyes. Instead of their usual calmness, they were filled with spite and hate. He sneered at me when he noticed that he had my attention.

"You piece of shit!" He yelled at me. "You thought that I would accept you? I would love you? How could I ever love some pathetic bitch who can't even stand up?" I tried to hold back my tears, but his words were just too hurtful. As a few tears fell, Percy took notice.

"Oh, did my words hurt you? You, baby! Get over it you little shit!" He swore. That's when the vision got really scary. He approached me and began kicking me. Each blow caused my frail body to erupt in pain. When it became too much, I gave into the darkness.


I shot out of bed and fell to the floor. I was soaked in sweat and trembling. I knew Percy could never love me! I was just a loser that didn't deserve to live. I was slowly losing my mind, and the depression was getting worse. I don't know how much longer I can keep this facade up. I'm crumbling, and I know that when I finally break, there will be no one to save me.


So that was a depressing chapter... The next chapter should be a bit happier... I think... umm, I was thinking of doing a question at the end of each chapter, so comment whether or not you think I should do it. Thanks! -T

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