Ch.28 Perfect in every single way

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Nico's P.O.V

I felt him intertwine our fingers as we stepped out of my cabin. With a resonating thump, my door swung shut, and our first date began. To be truthful, this was probably out hundredth date, but it happened to be the first one that wasn't in my day dreams. I've dreamt about us going on every single cliche first date and if we only ended up at the beach cuddling, it would still be perfect to me. As long as I get to spend time with Percy, I'm happy. My thoughts about spending the night at the beach changed when Percy turned off the path and walked towards the middle of the cabins. I instantly got confused. I'd never dreamed of a situation where we spend the date in this area. I got even more confused when he stopped at the volleyball court. He turned to me with a smile.

"We're going to play volleyball?" I questioned.

"Nope. I just wanted to see your facial expression when I stopped here. We're actually going out of camp. I got permission from Chiron, so we're all set. You okay with us leaving camp?" He asked, his expression turning nervous.

"Sounds good to me." I smiled as we began to walk towards the camp border. It was a chilly night, but wasn't quite cold enough for a jacket. It was perfect for holding hands and walking close together. I couldn't keep the smile off my face when I saw argus sitting in a limousine just down the hill.

"Really? I get to actually sit in a limo?" I asked, excitement bubbling up inside me.

"I like to go out in style." Percy smirked, as we made our way to the shiny black car. He rushed to get there just before me so he could hold open the door for me.

"How chivalrous! Thanks." I smiled as I climbed in. He quickly jumped in behind me and the car set into motion. The limo had a television, set on to the music channel, and some cans of real soda. We weren't allowed either of those things inside camp borders.

"Perce? Did I ever tell you that you're amazing?" I grinned as I opened a can of grape soda.

"I don't think so, ghost king." He smirked, and I almost choked on my drink. I swiftly swallowed, before a blush rose on my cheeks.

"Oh, you heard the nickname..." I muttered.

"You bet I did, oh ghost royalty." He teased, as my blush continued to grow.

"You enjoying the pop?" He asked, eyes locked on the can in my hand. I took another sip before shaking my head up and down a few times.

"Good. I had to promise to help prank the Demeter cabin to get them."

"Oh gods! You have to let me help! That sounds like so much fun!" I exclaimed.

"If I'd have known you liked prancing so much, I would have just spent the night prancing our fellow campers." Percy joked.

"What did you plan for tonight by the way?" I inquired.

"You'll see. We're actually almost there." He grinned. I turned my gaze to the window and saw that we were on the highway, a little ways out of town. I've never really spent a lot of time in New York, and I'm sure I've never been in this part of it before. Nothing looked familiar, so I settled my sights back on Percy. His right knee was bobbing up and down frantically. It was pretty obvious that he was nervous about tonight. It was pretty cute to be honest. I can't believe he's worried about impressing me. All along, I've been so nervous about being too awkward or boring. I never thought that he would nervous about me. It's like one of my day dreams got the people wrong and switched our roles. I smiled at that thought before looking out the window again. Just in time too. We were pulling into a parking lot that had only a few cars in it. I looked up to the sign and finally learned where we were going. The aquarium. Of course, a son of Poseidon would take his date to the aquarium.

"Is this okay?" He asked me, gaining my attention.

"It's perfect." I smiled as the car came to a stop in front of the building. Percy literally jumped out, and before I even had time to blink, he ran around the back of the limo and opened my door for me.

"Thank you, kind sir." I smirked as I exited the limo. I gazed up at the neon sign on the building and felt a wave of happiness overcome me. I was on a date with the man of my dreams, and I already knew it was going to be perfect. I felt Percy slip his hand into mine and we set off towards the entrance. It wasn't as expensive as I thought it would be, but Percy insisted on paying.

"Whatever, but next time we do something, I get to pay." I pouted as we entered the aquarium. The first thing I saw were the sea turtles. There were two and they were probably the most beautiful things I had ever seen. Apart from Percy that it. They swam with such grace and elegance, it looked more like an underwater dance than swimming. I only wish I could swim like that. I tugged Percy's arm to get a closer look. They were even better up close! It was magical to see something that, despite it's limitations, managed to look so free. I turned to Percy and made my decision. If I didn't do it now, I would regret it the rest of my life. So I went for it. I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him tight, closing the gap between us. It was our second kiss and it was perfect in every single way.


Second kiss is complete! Awe! Nico's such a romantic! :P I didn't even plan for them to go to the aquarium, it just kind of happened. But it ended up working out. Hahaha

Thanks again for the votes and comments! :)

-Tianne :D

Question: have you ever been to the aquarium? If so, what was your favourite part of going?

My answer: the first time I went to the aquarium with my friends, I ended up in front of the turtles, and I couldn't tear myself away. Ever since then, I've had a small (super huge) obsession with them. I only wear turtle earring now! :P

Bonus question: who do you prefer: Poseidon or Hades? Why?

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