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'Wesley stop!' i snap, shaving his hands away from my stomach. 'Baby' he pouts, fluttering his eyes at me. I glare at him, 'Stop touching me.' i state and he sighs, shaking his head before he sits up on the edge of the bed. 'Hormones' he mumbles and i growl.

'I fucking heard that!' i shout, he just nods, waving me off with his hand as he leaves the bedroom and i scowl at where he previously was. Stupid, touching boys.

My mood had been rotten the past two days and i was amazed Wesley was still in the same house as me, honestly i hadn't let him touch me in the slightest, not even kiss me. I'd been yelling at him for everything he did and he never got angry in return.

He'd always just do what he had just done. Wave me off and walk away, i don't even understand how he hasn't either tried to kick me out of this house or left himself but he hasn't.

I sigh before standing up from the bed, heading down to the kitchen and flicking the jug on. I hear Wes stand by the door as i make my tea. Keeping my back to him the whole time.

I grab onto the counter as another emotion runs through me. Tears slowly sliding down my cheeks as i drop my head. I feel Wesley arms wrap around my waist, turning me to face him.

I nuzzle my face into his chest, allowing the tears to flow out from my eyes as i grab onto his shirt. 'I'm such a horrible wife how are you even with me still' i cry out and he shakes his head, pressing his lips to the top of my head. 'No baby, no you're not' he mumbles and i pull back enough to glare up at him.

'Yes i am!' i shout, fisting his shirt and pressing my knuckles into his stomach. 'I'm horrible! look at me, i've been so angry at you the past few days and i haven't even let you near me and now i'm fucking crying like a sook!' i add and he just smiles, cupping my cheek with one hand.

'You're pregnant baby girl, your emotions are pretty fucked up' he chuckles and i pout, dropping my forehead to rest against his chest. 'I fucking hate it' i spit out, 'i hate these stupid emotions, why do they even exist, as if pregnancy isn't going to be hard enough without them' i grumble, looking back up to Wes who's smiling.

'Stop smiling!' i whine and he chuckles, 'you're just so cute when you're whinning' he winks and i glare, grinding my teeth together. 'don't make me chop off your member that hands between your legs that put this child inside of me that made these emotions all fucked up' i growl.

He leans down slowly, using both hands to hold my face as he presses his lips to mine. 'do you want to go to the beach, it might cheer you up?' he asks but i shake my head, pouting my lips once again. 'No, i'm all ew and snotty' i complain.

Wesley smirks even more, pressing his lips to mine again. 'Even ew and snotty, you're still the beautiful-est girl i've laid eyes on' he whispers and i scoff, 'you must not have looked at any girls then' i say and he rolls his eyes playfully. 'Shut up and take it Mrs.' he states and i narrow my eyes on him.

'No. now go away.' i state before pushing at his chest to push him away from me. He laughs as i walk away from him, leaving my tea forgotten as i head up the stairs. 'I'm going to fuck you tonight!' he shouts and my eyes widen at the random call before i roll my eyes.

'In your dreams, Wesley!' i call back and hear him laugh even louder. 'But i've done it before, many times, over and over. And you loved it!' he almost screams through the house and i stop in my tracks at the top of the stairs, turning to face him as he stands at the bottom.

'You're dick isn't getting near me.' i say, crossing my arms as i raise my eyebrows. He only smirks before beginning to jog up the stairs and i scream before turning and running for the bedroom.

Wesley laughs as his arms wrap around my waist, picking me up from the ground. My back pressed to his hard chest as he walked towards the bed. 'I'll make you feel good baby girl' he says as he gently lays me down, hovering above me as he slides his hand down my front and i gasp when he slides his hand down my pants.

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