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It had been solid week, on this very day that Ella had finally allowed Wesley to help her and he thought they were doing good.

She would let him stick to her at school, although the hand holding attempts never happened. he was fine with that though. He accepted what she would let him so, like he had said before. He was still happy she was allowing him to even help her.

'Ella' I groan, throwing my head back before lifting it up, my eyes narrowing on her. 'You need to get out and be social with people to get happier!' i exclaim, she shakes her head. 'I'm not going to any party Wesley. I agree'd to let you help me, it didn't mean i'd be letting other people into my life.' she states and i swallow, pouting my lip as best as i could.

She just shakes her head. 'Don't give me no fucking puppy eye'd look. It doesn't work on me' she speaks, placing the hairbrush down before she sits back in her chair, crossing her arms over her chest. 'why would you even want to go to this party? its hosted by slut of the year' she speaks and my eyes widen.

'Woah! Ella' i speak, pretty impressed by her sudden language. She shrugs. 'I don't really care..' she trails off. 'She is. Just because i'm the quiet shy girl who doesn't speak, doesn't mean i don't pay attention. I probably pay the most attention in that school.' she states.

I nod my head. 'Ok, yes. Its hosted by slut of the year but its still a party! it could be fun.. common' i plead but she just continues to shake her head. 'no. now give up and go home. I've got homework to do and i need to shower as well' she says standing up, raising her eyebrows when i don't move.

'You can go shower, and you can do homework but i'm not leaving' i shrug and she narrows her eyes on me once again. 'Wesley, did you forget the whole my parents can never know you're here thing or..?' she trails off.

'Ok, have a shower and bring your homework to mine' i speak and she sighs before nodding, grabbing some fresh cloths. 'Hey, we've been staying at mine for the past week, why haven't they said anything about you never being home?' i ask, she shrugs, biting down on her bottom lip.

'They don't care about me' she basically whispers before she walks into the bathroom, closing the door behind her and i frown, feeling a searing pain seep through my heart as i stare at the door that was currently separating me from the beautiful, heartbroken girl i was still trying to mend.


'please' I begged, pouting my bottom lip. Ella just rolls her eyes, shifting slightly on her stomach before she continues to read her homework over. 'If you wanted to party i could have just stayed home. Stop trying' she snaps, closing the books and sitting up, placing her pen down beside them.

'Ella, i need you to work with me here' i breath out, slowly sitting down on the edge of the bed. 'I need you to do things with me, so you can get out there..' i trail off, she huffs before standing up.

'Wesley i told you no! i told you i wasn't letting anyone else into my life. You're lucky enough to be in it so don't make me regret it and shut you off!' she shouts and i sigh, finally giving up.

'Fine, fine. Stay here will you? i'll go down and get us some pizza because im hungry.' i state before standing up, grabbing my wallet and keys as she watches me, a softer expression on her face. 'I'm sorry Wes. its just not me' she speaks shaking her head. I don't speak another word as i walk out.

I shouldn't be angry and i knew i had no right to be but i still felt it. I just wanted to take her out and show her how much fun a party could be.

She always hated school, and she could never explain how much she hated it because like they say, words can't explain everything.

But she did. She got all the stares, because she was weird. But now she got even more, since she had been having Wesley with her everywhere she went, people would look in surprise.. why?

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