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'You're here again?' the nurse asks and i nod. 'i don't like leaving her. I'm here as much as i can be' i state, she nods slightly. 'Is she your girlfriend?' she asks and i shake my head. 'no. No. just a friend' i breath out, she smiles slightly as she nods. 'Seemed it, was all, sorry. But you seem like a boyfriend by the way you're acting' she chuckles gently and i stay silent.

Her hand was still in mine as i rested my hand on the bed, i was hoping to warm her hand but it just stayed cold in my own. I sighed, releasing it gently as i stand up. 'I need a drink' i mumble, grabbing my wallet and heading out, leaving the nurse alone in her room.

I let out a breath as i fall into one of the cafe chairs, the cold bottle of water sitting in my hand as i stare forward, a slight frown resting on my lips. I take a sip before twisting the lid back on, shaking my head slightly as i lean my elbows onto the table, head in my hands.

I wanted her to wake up. I wanted her to wake up so badly that it wasn't even funny. It's only been two days i know, but the suspense was killing me. I want her to open her pretty eyes, so i could see them once again.

Ella's parents had no care in the world, They knew their daughter was in hospital fighting for her life but they had yet to visit. And they probably wouldn't visit.

They'd wait till she finally comes home to let her know the actions she made we're stupid, in their eyes. But they didn't understand her, they didn't understand how her mind worked. It worked against her sadly, but they didn't realize their daughter was suffering.

But even if they did realize she was.. would they even care that she was? would they care that their daughter wanted to end her life? because to her, it was like they wanted her gone. And they almost got their wish.

'Wesley. You're going to school' my mother snapped and i sighed. 'You're seriously going to make me go to school when Ella is still in hospital?' i ask and she nods, crossing her arms. 'Yes, because shes safe in hospital and she hasn't even woken up these past three days, one day of you not being there will not kill her' she states.

I narrow my eyes on her as i stand from the lounge. 'Fucking hell whatever, you don't have to sound so rude about her.' i state before heading upstairs, to get changed.

I leave without saying goodbye to my parents. I didn't want to hear anything else they had to say, at least not right now.

But when i arrive at school i almost regret not hanging around home for as long as i can. Because all eyes were on me as soon as i walked in. People looking and whispering to their friends. I knew they were all talking about me, and it didn't give me a good feeling.

I glare at a few people and they quickly look away, I roll my eyes as i reach my locker, opening it quickly to place the shit i didn't need in it.

'Wesley, right?' someone asks, i turn my head to find a girl standing beside me. 'Yep' i speak, raising my eyebrows. I gasp in surprise when her hand connects with my cheek, a stinging pain running through it. 'You're disgusting' she speaks, grabbing the handle of her bag as i glare at her.

'How could you do that to a poor innocent girl?' she asks and i scoff. 'Are you fucking kidding me?!' i shout and she swallows. 'I was the one trying to fucking help her. All of YOUS treated her different! i never did! don't any of yous dare fucking blame me!' i add before slamming my locker shut and storming down the hallway.

'Running away from his problems, of course' i hear a girl "Whisper" to her friend and i stop in my tracks, watching the colour drain from her face when i turn to her direction, fists closed by my sides. I didn't get why she was scared, i'd never hit a girl.

'Fuck you. I'm not running away from my problems. I'm leaving this shit hole to go be with the girl currently fighting for her live. Why should i be here when every ones blaming me for something majority of the school have caused?' i speak before continuing my way out.

Fuck what my parents said. I'm not going to sit around in some fucked up school where all the students are blaming me. I was the ONLY one who has ever tried to help this girl but im the one to blame?

Wesley's anger left the minute he sat in the chair beside her bed, his eyes wondering over her face and he was surprised, sitting up in his chair as he takes in ever single one of her details. Her skin wasn't as pale as it was the last time he had seen her.

Her hair looked healthier and he could tell someone had brushed it for her. Her lips were no longer as cracked or dry as they were, they were actually wet and pink once again.

He stands from his chair, reaching out and cupping her cheek gently and she lets out a huff, her head rolling into his hand, facing him now before her eyelids begin to flutter and his heart beat picks up dramatically in anticipation.

'Ella?' he speaks in hope and her eyelids flutter again, her lips moving almost like she wanted to speak but she couldn't. 'Ella, i know you can hear me' he continues, grabbing her hand in his and he bites his lip when she squeezes ever so softly.

She manages to half open one eye at first before it flutters closed, moments later both of her eyes open, staring straight into Wesley's eyes. 'Wesley?' she croaks out and he nods, his eyes widening.

She sucks in a deep breath, looking down at her hand in his before she pulls it away. 'Get me a nurse' she says and he nods, releasing her cheek. 'And once you do..' she trails off and he stops in his tracks, looking back to wait for her to continue.

'I want you to leave. I never want to see you again.' she states and his heart dropped from her words.




I'm so upset and i'm sorry this is so short but the events that took place in Sydney are absolutely heart breaking. Like i know this happens alot in other places but this is the first time something like this has happened here.

And its honestly so scary. Like my heart goes out to them poor beautiful people who lost their lives. I honestly just can't believe this happened.

It was so close to where i live and i was scared in my own home. I can't even imagine how the hostages felt. Honestly i didn't sleep all last night because i didn't want to miss anything, i watched the live coverage and when it was finally ended my heart broke, because we lost beautiful people today.

I'm thankful that so many people escaped un-harmed or with minor injuries but im so heartbroken over our beautiful Australian's that we lost today.

Today we lost a hero who put his life on the line to save people and he will always be remembered as a hero.

But i love how many flowers have been laid today and i'm hoping i can make it in to lay my own bunch, but my love goes out to their families and friends and i hope they're all going to be ok.

Special love to the mums poor little kids who have lost their mummy only 9 days before Christmas day, a day that's meant to be so happy for little kids, but now they're going to be facing it without their beautiful mum.

I'm honestly so heartbroken over this situation. I can't believe this :'(

I'm sorry for this, but i needed to say it.

R.I.P you beautiful angels xx

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