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I couldn't believe it. I had admitted the one thing i was planning on keeping to myself until i knew she was ready to hear it.

But.. I had to admit that didn't i. I wasn't completely drunk. I remember all of last night. Except for that one thing. I remember coming in and sneaking into her bed to cuddle with her. I remember everything until i was basically asleep.

When did i say it?!

And i know i did. I know shes not making it up, how could she be?!

I haven't spoken to her since she asked, nearly 7 hours ago. I have literally locked myself in my room for the whole day, i hadn't a clue what shes been doing but i was more worried about how the fuck i was going to get myself out of it.

I left her without an explanation, i didn't even wait to see how she even felt about the fact i liked her. Is she freaked out?

I swallow when i hear a knock on my door, sitting up on the end of my bed as i look to the door. 'Come in' i speak. I expected it to be my mother yet again, she had been in here at least 10 times today. But when Ella steps in, i freak.

'Hi' she whispers after shutting the door, leaning her back against the door. My eyes widen slightly when i realize shes wearing a short floral summer dress that reaches just above her knees. I had never seen her in a dress before.

'Nice uh- dress' i speak, clearing my throat afterwards and she smiles. 'Thanks.. your mum and i.. we went shopping and she got me this' she speaks softly, looking down to the dress and i nod. 'Its lovely. looks good on you' i state and she nods slightly before looking up to me.

She steps forward away from the door, biting her bottom lip. 'Talk to me Wesley..' she trails off, taking a seat beside me. I furrow my eyebrows, turning my head to her. 'About what?' i ask, she frowns.

'You know exactly what.' she states and i sigh, shaking my head as i look down to the floor. 'i didn't want you to know, i didn't want to freak you out' i admit and she lets out a breath. 'so you do like me' she almost whispers and i stand up.

'Yes, but that doesn't mean anythings going to change ok. i was planning to push my feelings away until i helped you out of this.. this mess or whatever. i don't want to scare you away, so please don't be scared, honestly i'm fine. i know you don't like me back and i accept that. i understand and its fine.' i state and she stares at me, staying silent.


She bites her bottom lip once again, standing from the be as she shakes her head softly. 'i'll uh.. i'm going to go'.

Wesley watches hopelessly as Ella walks out of the room, closing the door behind her and he groans, tugging at his hair harshly. 'dammit' he growls, spinning around and storming towards the window when he hears the front door closed.

He swallows as he watches Ella walk away from the house.. where is she even going?!

Ella swallowed back her tears, balling her fists as she continues her fast pace down the pathway, she knew where she wanted to go, and it was only 5 minutes to walk from where Wesley lived.

The beach probably wasn't any-ones first thought of her favourite place, considering to them, she was some nut job who needed to be locked in a floor to roof padded room.

But it was..

She sat down on the sand, removing her sandals and wiggling her toes in the sand, smiling slightly as she wipes the remaining tears from her cheeks, the only thought running through her head was that of, why the hell would a boy like Wesley, like a girl like her?

Shaking her head as she looks down to her feet buried in the sand, she still had no answer to her thoughts because there just wasn't any logic to his feeling. He shouldn't like her. He shouldn't!

'She's been gone for four hours mum! of course i'm going to be worried!' i explain, pacing a few steps, fisting hair between my fingers. 'Wes, please, just calm down' she hushes and i shake my head.

'No! i became her legal guardian, god damn mum she's in my care! i have to make sure shes safe or its my fault!' i state, grabbing my keys and wallet. 'she's probably just trying to cool off. She won't want you bothering her!' she calls as i walk out the room, ignoring her.

I quickly get into my car, starting it up and taking off down the street. God i had no idea where she'd be but i wanted to find her.

*Ella's POV*

I hadn't a clue how long i'd been sitting on the beach, but it was still as empty as ever and the sun was almost set.

I wrap my arms around me as the cold wind blows by, mentally cursing for wearing this damn summer dress.

My teeth chattered slightly as i pulled my knees to my chest, it was cold yeah.. but i didn't want to go back to that house. Not yet. And i had no where else to go, so this would have to do i guess.

'Ella?' someone calls and i swallow, turning to see Wesley of all people. How the hell did he find me?!

He rushes towards me as i stand up, brushing the sand off of me. 'God, Ella. its freezing!' he exclaims, his arms wrapping around me instantly, pulling me to the warmth of his chest.

'I-i'm fine' i stutter but he shakes his head. 'Don't lie to me. i can feel you shivering' he states and i sigh, turning my head to rest my cheek on his chest. He unzips his baggy hoodie, the size of it enabled him to wrap it around me as well and i smiles softly, closing my eyes.

'Why'd you leave?' he whispers against my hair before his lips press to the top of my head. I shrug. 'i just uh- i freaked.. i'm sorry' i whisper in reply and he nods slightly. 'Its fine. I understand' he speaks, lifting his head up as he looks around the beach.

'This is beautiful' he says and i nod, lifting my head up to look up into his eyes as he looks down to me. 'its my favourite place in the world, believe it or not' i chuckle awkwardly and he smiles. 'I believe you' he smiles.

I nod slightly, biting my lip as my eyes flicker over his face. Oh fuck it. I swallow and take a deep breath before raising onto my tiptoes. My lips pressing to his as i close my eyes.

I knew he was in shock from the lack of response but it doesn't take him long to pucker his lips and kiss me back, his arms tightening around me.

I pull away, leaving him to let out a heavy breath as he furrows his eyebrows. 'Ella?' he questions and i sigh. 'I'm sorry i freaked out, and freaked you out leaving..' i trail off and he nods, still confused from what i just did.

'I uh.. i freaked out because.. you made me think of this.. of you.. and i.. i like you Wes. i think i do anyways. And it scared me. God i've never done the whole boyfriend thing and the thought of someone even liking me was scary enough, let alone me liking them to' i breath out and he smiles, giving me a nod.

'We don't have to do the whole boyfriend thing' he chuckles and i shake my head. 'but i want to, well-uh. i think i do..' i trail off and he grins, leaning his forehead against mine. 'Ok, Ella' he whispers, his nose ghosting mine.

'Ok' i whisper back, closing my eyes as i lead forward a touch, our lips now ghosting. 'So Ella..' he trails off and i open my eyes to meet his own. 'Can you do me the absolute honour of being my beautiful girlfriend?'.

His eyes twinkle as i smile, giggling softly as i look down to my hands that rested between us, the jumper still wrapped around both of us. 'i-uh.. i g-guess.. y-yeah' i stutter, fumbling with my fingers and he chuckles before lifting my head gently by my chin.

'God beautiful, don't be scared to talk or answer me, we're dating now' he winks before his lips gently press to mine, lifting my feet from the ground slightly as he tightens his arms even tighter around my waist, slowly spinning around in the sand as our lips stayed together, my arms now slipping up around his neck.





ok.. maybe yous did but eh..

BUT. don't be to excited.. this story is called 'Crazy' for a reason!

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