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'Are you sure you want this? its there for forever once you do this' the man speaks, the tattoo gun in his hand and i nod, which is all it takes for him to put the needle to my skin, the buzzing of the gun sounding through the room and i wince as the stinging pain although soon i seem to become immune to it.

'You're one dedicated man to this girl..' he trails off and i can hear the judgment in his voice. 'If she lives.. sure' i mumble and he stops, the tattoo gun going silent. 'If she lives?' he questions and i nod, 'She was uh- stabbed..' i trail off and he gasps. 'Oh my god, man i'm so sorry' he states.

I smile lightly, 'its fine, really, i would understand how this would look if she was like a girlfriend or something' i speak and he nods, beginning to tattoo once again. 'Yeah, i've done a lot of them, majority you can talk them out of it but some, they stick to it, later they come in for a cover up' he chuckles and i smirk.

'I'll never cover this up, even if she hated me.' i state, he sucks in a deep breath, 'well, she must mean a lot to you' he speaks and i nod, 'yeah, she does' i breath out.


The coverings over my ribs, covering the new tattoo inked onto my skin, well the only tattoo inked into my skin, was uncomfortable underneath my shirt. I sighed as i ran my hands through my hair, biting my lip as i look into the mirror.

My heart hammered against my chest at all the possible reactions i'd get if Ella woke up, especially the reaction i'd get when my mother found out i'd gotten a tattoo.

I got it on my ribs purely for the fact its probably the easiest thing to hide. Anyway, it wasn't like the tattoo was her name or anything, really i could disguise it to be just a quote i liked.

Across my ribs, 'Through every dark night, there is a brighter day' was written in cursive, Why? I didn't even know, when i went into the tattoo place i didn't know what i wanted, i just wanted something that reminded me of Ella.

As soon as i read the quote i some how thought of her, maybe because of a night, everything catches up on me when i'm alone, just like it use to with her when i had first met her, at school she was ok, life was deal-able, but of a night when she was back home, all alone, she'd want her life to end.

Therefor her days were brighter than her nights. even if she didn't like her days much, they were still brighter than the dark, eerie nights she spent alone.

I also imagine that to be the same when she was gone, after she was hit by her car. Maybe the days for her were better? because she was away from Matt. At night she was stuck alone at home with him, with no escape.

I shake my head finally escaping my thoughts, quickly splashing my face with water and drying it before heading out into my bedroom, letting out a deep breath as i fall down onto my back, eyes locking with the ceiling through the darkness.

*Ella's POV*

Darkness consumed my sight, and majority of my thoughts. Although i wasn't able to completely wake myself up, open my eyes or even move my own body, i could hear.

And i could feel. God was the pain rushing through my whole body painful. The main pain was in my stomach of course, but a constant ache rushed through my bones.

I wanted to groan out or speak to let them know of my pain but i couldn't. I could feel tubes shoved down my throat and it felt disgusting, it felt like i needed to cough, or that i was going to choke if i tried to breath properly myself.

'Ella' i hear someone croak, a warm hand picking up mine, the movement felt weird seen as i couldn't actually move it on my own. 'Ella, please wake up' he croaks and i instantly know its Wesley.

It feels like my heart rate picks up slightly, and when i hear a chair move and a gasp, its clear to me that it actually did. 'Did you see that?!' he shouts and i hear more footsteps. 'Her heart speed increased' a girl speaks.

His hands squeezes mine, his other hand now resting on my shoulder as i assume his leaning down towards me. 'Ella, baby? wake up please' he pleads and i fight against every aching muscle in my bone to wake up.

'Ella. Ella please, i need you' he whispers and i continue to fight in my mind, i need to wake up. i needed to wake up for him!

i let out a struggled whimper when he sighs, sitting back in his chair but i feel him move again. 'Shes responsive' the girl speaks. 'She just whimpered!' Wesley exclaims and i fill with relief.

But i still couldn't wake up, no matter how much i struggled to, it just wasn't possible. 'Its a good thing, Sir. I'm amazed shes responding so quickly, she can hear you Wesley, she just can't speak back' she says before feet trail out.

'Ella, seen as you can hear me..' he trails off and i can hear him move around in his chair. 'I need you to wake up for me, ok? i need you to wake up because.. uh- i got a tattoo for you' he says.

*Wesley's POV*

'I got a tattoo for you.. yea..' i trail off, sitting up straighter as my eyes run over her ever so slowly healing face. 'I got a tattoo on my ribs, its says Through every dark night, there is a brighter day, it reminded me of you, because i think your nights were darker than your days when i first met you, as well as when you were with matt, you were stuck with him of a night.' i state.

I squeeze her hand softly before sucking in a deep breath. 'And.. and i need you to wake up because.. well because, i-i'm in love with y-you' i stutter, my eyes drawing up to her heart monitor as it speeds up and i smile, my heart racing as well.

'Yeah, i'm in love with you, i have been for 5 years, i was just to pussy to admit it when we were younger and god i was a fool to not fight to get you back. if i had.. non of this.. n-non of this would have happened' i croak out, tears slipping down my cheeks as i shake my head, swallowing the remaining tears hardly.

'So you've got to wake up for me baby, you've got to wake up and tell me you love me to.. or tell me you hate me god, i don't know if i'd even care, just as long as you're ok, i'd be fine.' i state, standing from the seat and bending down towards her ear.

'But you just need to wake up, i need to show you how happy we could be together, my beautiful angel' i whisper before pressing my lips to her cheek, releasing her hand and taking a few steps back after.

'I've got to go baby, i'll be back first thing in the morning. I love you, Ella. I love you so much' i breath, grabbing my keys and phone before making my way out as fast as i could, tears once again falling down my cheeks once i reach the car.


'How's Ella?' Keaton speaks and i shrug, leaning further back into my lounge. 'She's responsive' i reply, hearing him sigh softly. 'Thats a good sign, isn't it?' he asks and i nod, 'Yeah, the nurse is surprised at how early its happening'.

'Good man, i'm flying over in 2 days, don't forget that' he says and i nod once again, rubbing my hand over my bare chest. 'Yeah.. yeah. Just you, right?'. He chuckles softly. 'Just me, Mum said she wont be flying over until you ask'.

I sigh softly, letting a soft frown settle onto my lips as i take in a deep breath, 'she knows i still love her right? i just couldn't deal with her worrying about only me then' i speak and hear him nod, i think. 'she knows'.

'Alright, well just text me through the flight details and i'll pick you up, ok?' i question, 'yeah, yeah ok.. i'll talk to you later' Keaton chuckles. 'see ya' i smile softly before hanging up, only to have my phone ring again seconds later.

'Hello?' i question, 'Mr Stromberg?' someone asks and i nod, sitting up straight on the lounge. 'Yes, Thats me, whos this?'. 'Mr Stromberg, this is Doctor Martin, i'm Ella's doctor. I'm just calling to let you know she's awake.'




I know this tattoo is on a girl, but its the only one i could find that i like so.. :D


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