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My eyes shoot open as i sit up rather fastly in bed, clutching my chest as i take in harsh breaths, shaking my head slightly as i try to calm down.

It hurt to have that nightmare, yet again. It happened 3 times a week at least. A replay of my horrible past.

It had been almost 5 years since it happened and till this very day it still haunted me in my sleep, reminding me of how much i fucked up in high school.

'Wesley?' Hanna breaths out, sitting up slowly as she rubs my bare back, resting her chin on my shoulder. 'Sorry. Didn't mean to wake you' i mumble as she presses a kiss to my cheek.

'Its fine' she whispers, letting out a small huff. 'Are you ever going to tell me what this dream of yours is about or?' she speaks, laying back down and i shake my head, pulling the blankets off and swinging my legs over the side of the bed.

'No. And i don't want you to ask again. Now i have to get ready for work, i'd like it if you left' i state, walking towards my bathroom, completely bare to the cold London air.

'You know.. i know we're not even together, but we do have sex every once and a while.. i'd love it if you'd be a little nicer to me.' she states and i hear her climbing out of the bed as i stop at the door of my bathroom, turning to look at her as she dresses.

'not happening. if you don't like it there's the door' i speak. she rolls her eyes, shuffling her pants up. 'Ok. Fine. I'm done' she states, grabbing her jacket before she storms out and seconds later i hear the front door to my apartment slam.

I just nod before reaching in and turning the shower on, stepping in once the water is almost to hot.


'Mr Stromberg' My assistant smiles and i nod, giving her a fake smile before stepping into my office and shutting the door, letting out a deep breath as i sit down in my chair, scrolling through the computer to look at all the meeting i had today.

I roll my eyes before standing up, realizing i had a meeting in half an hour and my car would be here in 5.

'You're meant to inform me of when my car will be here' i snap at Lilly, She swallows, standing from her chair and going to apologize but i glare at her and she sits back down.

I know what you're thinking.. i'm a horrible boss right?


I wasn't normally like this, but this morning after my dream and dealing with Hanna. I guess the dream shook me up and Hanna just put me in the worst mood.

I know its not really an excuse but hey. we're all human.

'Oh Wesley! glad i caught you!' Mike exclaims as i walk from the elevator, him following behind me. 'What Mike?' i question, stepping out of the doors and into the cold London air, pulling my coat tighter around me.

'We have a party on tonight to celebrate your new company you just started sponsoring. Its a 9pm start' he states and i just nod, checking my phone for the time, but as if on cue the car slowly rolls to a stop in front of me.

'Have a car pick me up from my place. I'll be there' i state, breathing out before stepping forward and opening the car door.


'So glad you could make it sir!' the host exclaims and i nod, shaking her hand before stepping past her and walking towards the drink table. 'I bet you are' i mumble, grabbing a bottle of beer and popping the lid, bringing it to my lips.

After 6 beers i was well tipsy and it was a relief, i was still shaken up from this morning and this seemed to be exactly what i needed.

I stripped my jacket off, hanging it over a chair before letting some girl lead me to the makeshift dance floor, Letting her grind on me as soon as we get to the middle.

I place my hands on her hips, pulling her even closer to me as she continues to move her body against hers, turning around before she rolls her hips to mine, causing me to groan out softly.

But someone stops it, grabbing my wrist and pulling me into them, although i'm pleased when i find out its just another girl wanting to dance.

She keeps her head down, watching as her hips roll to mine.

But when she looks up, my heart stops and i swallow at the sadly recognizable face. 'Marcy?' i question and she grins. 'Didn't think you'd notice me' she winks and i frown.

'How could i not?' i mumble and she shrugs. 'Well seen as your some big hot shot in London now, i'd expect you to have forgot all about everything that happened in high school' she says and i swallow. My dream rushing through my mind again as i step away from her.

'Sadly not' i state before heading off of the dance floor although i knew she was right behind me. 'Where are you going?' she asks as i grab my jacket. 'Why are you here?' i ask and she frowns. 'At the pa-' she begins but i cut her off.

'In London' i state, she frowns. 'I moved here with some friends nearly a year ago, but i could ask you the same thing..' she trails off and i furrow my eyebrows. 'My business is here.. why wouldn't i be here?' i question.

'My question is, why London? to start a business?'. I shrug my shoulder before sliding my jacket on. 'Hell only knows. Now if you'll excuse me' i speak, attempting to walk past her but she grabs my wrist.

'Hey. I haven't seen you in like 5 years. can't we catch up?' she asks and i scoff. 'With you? don't you remember you single handily screwed over my life?' i say and she frowns. 'Seriously. you're not even over that? still?!' she exclaims and i shake my head.

'What. you're still hooked on her? or are yous together again or something..' she trails off and my heart stings at her words as i close my eyes for a second.

'No. Now leave me along' i snap, snatching my wrist from her grip and heading for the door. God its like take a trip down memory lane today isn't it?!

I somehow find myself at a coffee shop, waiting for a take away coffee in hopes it will sober me up a bit more than i was.

I collect it and thank the lady before heading out, bumping into someone as soon as i step out the doors. 'Watch it!' i exclaim to the brown haired girl. 'Sorry!' she mumbles before rushing past me. Hang on..

I immediately rush after her, grabbing her wrist tightly when i reach her and she gasps as i pull her back to face me. My eyes widen as they meet hers, scanning over her fact.

It may have been years, but i could never forget that beautiful face.

'Ella?!' i breath out.







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