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She swallows, her eyes wide as she stares into mine. Her chest was rising and falling and i was actually scared she was going into panic mode.

'W-wesley' she stutters. I smile awkwardly. 'Uh.. yeah.. hi' i speak. She lets out a breath, her eyebrows raising slightly and i swallow, looking down to realize i was still holding her left wrist in my hand.

But what makes my heart stop, is whats resting on her finger. A ring.

I let go immediately, stepping away from her as i look back up to meet her eyes. 'uh.. um.. congratulations' i speak, nodding down to her ring and she looks down to it before looking back to me, no emotion on her face what so ever.

I raise my eyebrows when she doesn't reply and she clears her throat, saking her head as she gives me a clearly fake smile. 'Thanks.' she states through her teeth and i frown, tilting my head to the side slightly.

'Are you ok?' i ask, she nods, biting her bottom lip. 'Yep. Fine. Why wouldn't i be' she speaks bluntly and i sigh, 'you just uh- never mind' i speak, shaking my head. 'Well. It was.. Lovely to bump into you. But i must be going' she speaks, crossing her arms.

'Can i uh.. i'd love to catch up one day you know..' i trail off, she frowns before shaking her head. 'i don't think thats a good idea Wesley, i think we both know why.' she states and i sigh, 'Ella, Please.. look i'm sorry about what happened, but i would like to-' i begin but she cuts in.

'Wesley. Please. Its been 5 years. Just let it go.' she says, turning on her heel and beginning to walk and all i do is watch, watch the girl i fell in love with all those years ago walk away from me.

My heart plummets in my chest as i continue to watch her twist her way through the crowd until she finally disappears in the sea of people and i take in a deep breath, clenching my eyes closed for a few seconds, my hand tightening around the coffee cup.

*Ella's POV*

'Ella. Where have you been?!' Matt's voice booms down the hallway and i swallow, placing my keys and wallet down on the table, taking my scarf off and hanging it on the hook before making my way to the living room.

'I was just at the shops..' i trail off, leaning against the door frame as he stands up. 'And you didn't tell me?!' he exclaims. I frown. 'Matt, i'm 22 years old. I think i'm allowed to go to the shops without telling someone.' i state and his eyes go dark. Making me regret back chatting straight away.

'Excuse me?' He questions before his hand connects with my cheek, sending me to the other side of the door frame and i gasp as i grab onto it.

'Who do you think you are back chatting me?!' he spits, his eyes narrowing on me as i look up at him through the hair that had fallen over my face, covering my cheek with one hand before i'm pushed back from the door frame, my back hitting the wall as he steps towards me.

'You listen to me. You're my fiance, you'll be telling me where and when you're going somewhere and i wanna know who with to, because if i don't approve of the person. You're not fucking meeting with them you understand me?!' he spits and i just nod my head.

'Do you fucking understand me?!' he shouts. 'Yes!' i state.

Wesley didn't know where she was. Where she was living or who she was engaged to. But he wanted to find out, he wanted to see her again and he was going to.

He made it a mission to find her and he knew he could, because through his business he had connections and he knew a few people who could track her down.

'Ella McKenna' he speaks and Marcus nods before typing in her name. 'So... she lives..' he trails off, scrolling through information. 'Wait.. this is her right?' he questions as a photo pops up of her. 'The one and only.' Wesley breaths out and he chuckles.

'She's beautiful' he states and Wes just nods. 'ok..' he speaks, grabbing the notepad and pen before he scribbles down on it. 'Here's her address and number' he speaks, ripping it off and passing it to Wesley who grins and pats him on the shoulder.

'Thanks mate' Wes speaks, grabbing his keys from the table and heading out. He knew it probably wasn't the best thing showing up to her house after she basically told him to leave her alone but he didn't care.

He needed to see her again. Hell. It had been 5 years and he still dreamed of her, even if it was that horrible accident, and her screaming at him calling him a monster he still had that dream.

I jump from the lounge when a knock sounds on my door, rubbing my cheeks as i walk towards it, i was thankful that Matt wasn't here.

I swallow when i reveal who's on the other side of my door. Attempting to shut the door although he sticks his foot in to stop it from closing and i mentally curse as i re-open the door, raising my eyebrows. 'You can't be here' i state and he frowns.

'Why not?' Wesley questions and i lift up my left hand, 'i'm engaged, he wouldn't like you being here' i say and he shrugs. 'i'm not doing anything..' he trails off. 'And besides i-' he cuts himself off as his eyes widen, locked on my cheek.

'Ella. what the fuck happened?!' he exclaims and i furrow my eyebrows. 'What do you mean..' i trail off and he steps forward, forcefully grabbing my face, turning it and looking at my cheek and its only now i remember the light bruise. 'Did he hit you?!' he questions and i immediately begin to panic.

'What. don't be-' he cuts in as he lets me go. 'He hits you?!' he almost shouts, stepping into the apartment even though i attempt to push him back by his chest. 'What the hell, no get out! who do you think you are?!' i exclaim, narrowing my eyes on him.

'I'll kill him if he does' he spits and my eyes widen when he roughly grabs my wrists, immediately cowering in his touch and he stops, releasing me straight away. 'Ella.. Ella whats wrong?!' he speaks, his voice calmer now as i back away from him, shaking my head.

'I didn't mean to scare you' he almost whispers, reaching out to me. I whimper when my back hits the wall and his able to step towards me. I clench my eyes closed waiting for impact but instead i'm pulled into a warm chest.

'God. He's got you so scared' he breaths out, his hand running up and down my back. tears seep from my eyes as i clench onto his shirt. Fear was filling my body, just like any time i was put in a situation with Matt.

But this was different. Wesley was different. He wasn't hurting me... ?

*Wesley's POV*

'God, she was so scared' i breath through the phone, hearing my mum sigh. 'She's going to need your help Wesley, please, shes a beautiful, lovely girl, don't let her stay in an abusive relationship' she speaks and i nod in agreement.

'I'm not going to mum.' i state and i can tell shes nodding. 'I know you love her Wesley' she says and i swallow, my heart beat racing. 'you still have them dreams about her Wesley, i know she's marked your life, and i don't want you to let her go again ok?' she asks and i nod.

'I.. yea ok mum.. look i've got to go ok' i speak. 'Ok, son. Good luck. Call me soon' she speaks before bidding goodbye and hanging up.

I sigh before dropping the phone onto the bed, grabbing a towel and taking a quick shower before wrapping the towel around my waist and walking out.

My eyebrows furrow when the doorbell rings. I run my hand through my still wet hair as i head for the door, swinging it open when i reach it.

'Ella?' I question, my eyes locking on her tear stained cheeks as she fiddles with her fingers, her sweater sleeves nearly covering her hands as she bites her lip, sniffling.

'I-uh-i' she stutters and i immediately take her arm in my hand, gently pulling her inside and shutting the door. 'Whats wrong, what happened?' i question, leading her towards the white leather lounge.





Finally releasing who i see as Ella. Nina Dobrev *Heart eye emoji*

I love her SO much omfg..

But if you's see her as someone else thats fine :)

But.. dun dun DUN!

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