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'Your wrist' I speak, grabbing onto the brown haired girls arm, her eyes are wide when they meet mine. I scan over her face cautiously as i wait for her to reply although she doesn't. She just stares.

'Why were they bleeding?' i ask, she swallows, shaking her head before she attempts to pull her arm away, i tighten my grip a little so she isn't able to slip free. Her eyes fill with worry as she looks from my hand to my eyes.

'I'm not going to hurt you' i state, shaking my head softly as i bite my bottom lip. 'Please, just answer me' i beg, she begins to shake her head, dropping her head down so her hair fell over her face to conceal it.

She sniffles softly and my heart beat picks up slightly, i didn't want to upset her anymore then she already was. i wanted to help this girl, i wanted to make Ella happy, pull her from the dark state of life, i wanted to scare away her personal demons.

'Ella, Ella please' i plead and her eyes meet mine once again, she bites her bottom lip fairly hard, i was scared it was going to draw more blood from her body. 'Please' she whimpers out, attempting to pull her arm away again and this time i allow her to. 'Just leave me alone. Wesley' she speaks before turning and walking rather fastly down the hallway.

And i'm left with the sound of my name when she speaks it, my heart still beating rapidly. Almost in awe of just how good she could make my name sound.

She still didn't understand why... Why this boy who didn't even know anything about her, besides her name. And well i guess he knew she had hurt herself now. But she couldn't understand why he wanted to help her?

She didn't deserve help in her eyes, and so it brings her to believe she didn't want it either. But deep down she did. Deep down she knew she'd need to be helped, because if help didn't arrive soon.

She'd be dead before she even turned the sweet age of 18 years old.

Wesley followed her home again, although he kept a massive distance behind her, because he knew where she lived. So she had already been home almost 10 minutes before he even arrived.

But today, he was determined to break her mind of refusing help. He was going to make her let him help her, whether she hated him for it or not, he was going to help her.

He still didn't even know why himself.. why he wanted to help her so desperately. But all that mattered was that he knew he wanted to. The reason why, he could find out later.

But for now, he had to help her now. Before it was too late.

I swallow when a knock sounds on my door, biting my lip as i slowly walk towards it, only being able to see the outline of someone through the blurred glass of the door.

I slowly open it, peeking out and gasping when i find that boy, Wesley, from school standing there, his hands shoved into the pockets of his jeans.

But he reacts quick enough to stop me from slamming the door shut in his face when i try. 'Please don't' he pleads and i frown, giving up already and allowing him to push the door open, his eyes scanning my body with a frown.

'Are you OK?' he asks, i just stare at him. I still wasn't sure why he wanted to help me, and now him showing up to my own house was even more confusing. How did he know where i even lived?!

'Ella, can you just answer me for once?' he sighs, crossing his arms gently across his chest and i bite the inside of my cheek, my eyes flickering around his face.

'Why do you want to help me?' i ask, he shrugs his shoulders. 'If I'm honest... i don't even know myself. But i do want to, OK? so can you please just let me help you' he speaks and i shake my head. 'I don't know how many times i have to say it' i breath out and he furrows his eyebrows.

'I don't want your help, and i don't need it' i state before slamming the door, locking it before he has a chance to open it. His fists bang on the door as i walk away, a single tear slipping down my cheek as i head up to my bathroom.

 I allow myself to fall to the ground in the corner. Covering my face as i cry. I didn't even know why i was so emotional over what just happened.

But this is me. This is who i am. I'm not a people person, everything scares me, i hate school, i hate people, i hate this life.

I hate being the girl with mental, "Crazy" problems. I hate being scared so easy, having such bad anxiety and so many thoughts of slitting the knife just a it deeper to end all this pain and suffering.

I hated it!

His hands hurt from banging on the door for almost 10 minutes. He was fed up with this being ignored shit already. He was trying to help her, he was trying his hardest and he wasn't giving up. Not like this.

He walked back down her steps to her front lawn, looking up at the house before he walks around to the side. His eyes lit up when he found an open window. He knew it was wrong, but he didn't care. He knew she was home alone, so the worst that she'll do is kick him out. He hoped.

He slid the window open a bit more, enough for him to stick his leg through and slide inside, almost tripping when his foot gets caught on the windowsill although he manages to balance himself, letting out a small breath of air before he looks around.

He could tell the downstairs part of the house was empty, considering you could hear a pin if someone dropped it.

He slowly creeps up the stairs, as quiet as he could manage with combat boots clad on his feet. He swallows as he reaches a bedroom, which would defiantly pass as a teenage girls bedroom. Considering all the cloths on the floor and the school bag on the end of her bed.

He slowly walks to the closed door, grabbing the handle and twisting it straight away, his eyes widening in shock when he finds it unlocked.

His heart drops when he finds her in the corner, huddled while covering her face as she cried into her hands rather badly if he was honest.

It doesn't take him long to rush over to her, dropping to his knees and pulling her to his chest even though she was trying to fight against him the whole time, he kept his grip firm.

'Ella. Ella stop!' he shouted, not harshly, but so she would listen. But she didn't anyway. She kept attempting to get him away from her, she didn't want to be touched, she was going crazy, her mood was haywire and she wasn't having any of Wesley's shit to be honest.

'Please, Leave me alone!' she cried out and he only shook his head. 'No! i'm not leaving you alone. do you not understand that? i'm never going to leave you alone, i want to help you, can't you just accept that?' he states.

Finally, her body stops. She'd given up, falling limp into his chest and he lets out a sigh of relief, falling back to sit down with his back on the wall, her body in his lap.

Her tears were soaking his shirt but he didn't care, he was just happy she had finally stopped fighting him, he could start helping her now.

And he couldn't have come at a better time, because she was only getting worse. The weight from her body was dropping to almost skin and bone. She was becoming a lot weaker, more thoughts of ending her life were beginning to fill her head.

But she was surprised as she stayed, face buried into his chest although her tears were starting to stop. She was surprised at the newest and most strangest thought floating around in her head.

He was a thought in her head. She had never had a boy consume her thoughts. But right now, she didn't have suicide thoughts, or any disgusting thought in her head. It was only the thought of the boy currently cradling her to his warm chest.




Hi! i'm trying to write longer! i swear, but i'm also trying to update as much as i can because i don't want to keep yous waiting!

enjoy this :D


Also! other then Wesley.. does anyone want a fanfiction wrote about another celeb? up for suggestions :D xx

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