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'I was' She answers and i swallow, slowly walking over and taking a seat on the chair. 'With Matt.. of course..' she trails off, biting her bottom lip. 'And. h-he killed his own child' she stutters, swallowing hardly.

'And now.. now i'm not even going to be able to have the chance again' she finishes, looking down to her lap as she lets out a deep breath, her hands gently sliding up to rest on her injured stomach. 'i didn't even think i'd care this much after she told me, but once she left the room it hit. I didn't even know i was pregnant to lose one.. but.. now i do and.. i just-' she cuts herself off as she shakes her head.

'i'm sorry' she croaks out and i look up once again, furrowing my eyebrows as i look at her. 'Here i am sitting her blabbering over a baby i didn't even know about.. not long after you say you love me.. and this baby was to another man'.

I shake my head, standing up and walking over to her bed, gently sitting down on the edge. 'its ok, Ella. i don't care, all i care about it you, you're allowed to cry over this. you just lost a child, it didn't even have a chance.'

She nods her head, looking up to me as a single tear falls down her cheek. 'I think that's the worst part.. you know. because it didn't even have a chance to live' she whimpers, harshly wiping at her eyes.

'and it makes me wonder.. if he knew i was pregnant, would he have cared anyway? i mean he wanted to kill me. he wanted me gone, out of the picture, would a baby have stopped him or would it have made him want to kill me even more?' she questions and i swallow at the horrible thought of not having her alive.

'His so heartless, he took my child away, and i know he wouldn't have cared even if he knew' she cries out and i move towards her, 'god, i hate him, i hope his injured somewhere or his been caught.' she spits.


Ella's head rested on my chest, her breathing soft after finally calming down. I let my hand softly run through her hair slowly, my other arm wrapped around her waist.

'Do you know when i can leave..' she trails off and i shrug gently, pressing my lips to the top of her head. 'i'm hoping soon so i can take you home' i whisper and she nods in agreement, shifting her head to look up at me. 'I'm sure i'd be ok to leave soon.. i mean i'm still in pain but its not like i need to be here anymore, i'm not even hooked to my drip anymore' she says.

'Did you want me to go talk with your doctor now? i'll see when he thinks you'll be able to leave..' i trail off and she nods. I smile before sliding off of the bed and heading out, smiling when i find her doctor in the hallway.

'Hi' i speak, he smiles, shaking my hand. 'Wesley, how are you?' Doctor Martin asks. i shrug. 'i'm fine.. i was just coming to speak to you about Ella actually..' i trail off and he nods. 'What about Ella?'.

'Well. She wants to know when she'll be able to go home?' i ask and he nods, 'i had a feeling she'd be asking that soon.. look to be honest, she could probably go home right now, but i was talking to her nurse just a few minutes ago and we've both decided she'll be staying another night' he states.

I nod, 'so.. she'll be able to leave tomorrow?' i question, he gives me a small smile and nods. 'Ok, Doc, thank you' i speak and he shrugs, 'its fine, i'll be happy to sign her out at 9am if you can pick her up'. I nod, 'i'll be here'.


'God, i'm so glad to be getting out of here' Ella breaths, i smirk before wrapping my arm around her waist, helping her up from the bed. She winces slightly before brushing it off, standing up straight so she didn't hurt her stomach anymore.

'Did you pack the medication into my bag?' she asks and i nod, grabbing the handle of her bag in my free hand. 'Yes, Ella. I packed everything in the bag' i chuckle gently, she smiles, her lips pressing to my cheek briefly. 'Thank you' she mumbles. I just nod before leading her out of the room, towards the front desk.

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