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'Open this fucking door!' I shout. 'No, fuck off!' I hear Matt call back before his feet trail away from the door with something dragging on the ground and i know its Ella when she cries out my name.

I swallow before musting up as much strength i could, stepping back before ramming into the door once again and my eyes widen when i manage to crack its lock. Well shit.

I burst in straight away, rushing down the hallway. 'Let her go!' i shout, bursting into their bedroom and my eyes widen as she falls down to the bed, Matt turns around, his face like a tomato as he charges towards me, tackling me down to the ground. 'Wesley!' I hear Ella call out as she scrambles up.

He delivers a punch to my jaw and i groan out, i had to turn this around or it would be bad for me. When i recieve another punch to my nose i know i have to, I manage to somehow wrap my leg around both of his, using it to flip him over.

My hand wraps around his throat as i bring my fist to his face but all to soon we're flipping back over, his hand around my neck as he brings punch to punch to my face.

I attempt to breath out although it doesn't come and i choke, feeling my face heat up dramatically. 'Let him go!' someone shouts but it isn't Ella. I feel relief rush through me when a police officer wraps his arm around Matt's neck, using it to pull him off of me and onto the floor, another officer helping to hand cuff him.

'Oh my god' Ella breaths out, dropping to her knees as i sit up, coughing as i breath in and out desperately. 'God, Wesley' she cried, wrapping her arms around me as i pull her into my lap, i could feel blood dripping from my mouth and nose but i didn't care.

'Sir' An office speaks as the other takes Matt out. I hurry to stand up, helping Ella up with me as i wipe my nose. He holds hand cuffs in his hand and i know exactly whats comming. 'You're under arrest, please turn around and put your hands behind your back' he speaks and i nod, doing exactly what he says.

'No please. Please he didn't do anything!' Ella cries and the officer nods. 'I know. But its just the law darling' he speaks, and i wince as he tightens the cuffs so the metal is almost cutting through my skin. 'Its ok, Ella' i breath out and she whimpers, her arms clinging around me waist before the officer can take me away.

'Please don't leave me.' she sobs into my chest, shaking her head. 'I'm not, beautiful, its ok' i whisper, pressing my lips to her forehead. She looks up to me as the officer grabs my wrists. 'Miss, you can come down to the station in an hour or so, he'll probably be out' the officer speaks, attempting to pull me away from her but she doesn't let go.

She swallows before launching upwards, her lips pressing to mine. My eyes widen before i kiss her back and she pulls away to soon, stepping away from me and i'm pushed out of the room before i can even look or say anything to her.


I had been released after almost 5 hours, i didn't even know why it took them so long, and it was annoying. But after they finally let us all give our statements i was released from that stupid cell where Matt was kept right next to me. Of course he carried on the whole time.

Carrying on about how i was apparently sleeping with his fiance and blah blah blah.. the usual.

'Can i take you home.. please?' Ella asks and i frown. 'You're not going to your own home, Ella. No way.' i state and she sighs, shaking her head. 'Its fine, Wesley. His in a cell.' she states and i shrug. 'And he could be let out on bail. ok. its not happening. you're coming to stay with me.' i speak.

She sighs but nods. 'But you have work tomorrow?' she questions as we head for her car, i roll my eyes. 'Do i look like work is in the books for me tomorrow?' i speak and her eyes scan over my face as she frowns. 'No.' she whispers before opening her car.

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