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They laid there for hours. And Wesley knew Ella was asleep. He was fine with that. She needed it. Sleep was a point of health and he didn't think she was very healthy at this present moment in time.

Even he had noticed the weight loss in only the past few days, she was dropping the weight from her body like nothing he had ever seen before and it scared him.

He finally decided to move. Only because his bum was beginning to lose feeling in it. His feet had no feeling at all, but he had put up with it for as long as he could.

Ella breaths out as he moves, he knew she was awake now, and she proved it as she looked up at him, tiredness filling her beautiful eyes which sent Wesley's heart fluttering faster than it even had before in his entire 18 years of life.

'Sorry, but i can't feel my bum anymore' he spoke and she just nodded, sitting up so he was able to stand. He reached his hand out and she stared as it for a few seconds before slowly taking it, allowing him to help her up as gently as he could manage.

'Can i get you anything?' Wesley asks. I shake my head, biting my fingertips as i look up at him. 'This is my house..' i whisper softly and he shrugs. 'I'd still get you a drink or something if you wanted one. I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to find a cup or the kitchen' he states and i stay silent looking at him.

'I'm fine' i finally say, my voice coming out soft. he just nods, cautiously sitting on the edge of my bed. I swallow, dropping my chin into my hand that was resting on my knee. Looking at him in confusion as he looks around my room before his eyes meet mine again, a soft smile on his lips.

'i like your room' he states and i nod my head, continuing to look at him and he swallows, his eyes darting away from mine.


'Hey, are you going to be OK if i go pick up my car?' he asks and i just nod, my eyes fixed on the wall before he waves his hand in front of my face, causing me to look at him.

'Are you sure?' he asks and i nod once again, standing up from the bed. 'Actually. My parents are going to be home within the hour so..' i trail off and he lets out a breath as he nods.

'OK..' he begins, scratching the back of his neck. 'I'll see you tomorrow, OK?' he asks and i just nod. he gives me a faint smile before awkward waving, heading out of my room, out of sight.

Although he was worried to leave her, with the state of mind she was in, he knew he had to, he couldn't be there when her parents got home, he didn't know how they would be if she was found at home with a boy.

He didn't know the type of parents she had and he surely didn't want to find out, not today anyway.

So he left, he took the long journey back to the now empty school parking lot where his car was still parked, 5 hours after school was finished, even the school teachers were gone.

He got home rather late, his parents were confused as to why but he just told them he was with a few friends and they got some dinner and just hung out, so he had to go to his room rather hungry.

But he didn't mind, he didn't mind because she had given up on fighting him and she was letting him help her. He couldn't be happier.

'Who was that boy?' my father asks, leaning against the door frame as he raised his eyebrows at me. I shrug my shoulders, biting my bottom lip. 'I don't know what you're talking about' i state and he chuckles as mum joins him, her arms crossed as well.

'I knew you were a little slut' she spits and i swallow, i knew exactly what was coming.

i stay silents, continuing to look down at my feet, swallowing to keep the pathetic tears from filling my eyes. I wasn't going to let them do this. Not again.

'I bet he did you good, didn't he?' my father smirks, running his tongue over his teeth and my mother chuckles, nodding her head as she leans into his side a little bit.

'He did, i bet you shes a filthy little whore with men' she growls and i finally look up, shaking my head as i bite my bottom lip. 'I didn't do anything!' i call out and they both laugh. 'You're disgusting!' my father snaps and i frown.

'No! i didn't do anything!' i say and he shrugs his shoulders. 'I don't believe you, you're filthy! you're a filthy girl! a disappointment to the family!' he yells. Tears slide down my cheeks as i glare up at them through the water.

'NO!' i scream, standing from the bed, 'I'm not! i didn't do anything with him!' i continue, my dad glares at me, stepping into the room and my heart rate picks up.

'Don't you dare yell at us!' he shouts before his hand collides with my cheek, sending me to the floor. I let out a gasp as i hit the ground as i look at him in shock. 'Now. you get ready for school, you little bitch' he spits before they both walk out, slamming the door behind them.

I let a sob out as i clutch my cheek, scrambling up from the floor and rushing into the bathroom. A red hand print marks my cheek and i frown, quickly opening up the drawer and scrambling through it to find makeup.

Except i stop dead in my tracks when i find something even better. The piece of sharp metal that's seem to become one of my best friends when it comes to pain.

Wesley knew something was wrong when she didn't show up for school, and so he left after second period, he sneaks from school when it was break, jumping into his car and driving as fast as he could to her house.

When he arrived, he noticed no cars out the front and he was glad, he hoped that it meant her parents weren't home.

'Ella?' i call out, knocking on the door before standing and waiting. But when i don't receive an answer or someone opening the door, i frown before grabbing the handle, my eyebrows raising when i twist it and the door opens.

I slowly creep in, looking around before calling out to Ella once more. No answer. I swallow, a sinking feeling filling my stomach as i slowly take the steps up to where i knew her bedroom was.

My heart was beating faster then ever before, i hadn't been able to shake the bad feeling i got when i realized she wasn't at school. What could have happened to her?

Her bedroom door is slightly open when i reach it and i push it open, wincing when it squeaks a bit. Her bedroom is completely empty, but her bathroom door was closed and i began to freak out even more.

Last time, i had found her in that exact bathroom, curling in the corner balling her eyes out and it hurt my heart to see the sight.

I was even more scared this time. Something had to be wrong and i could feel it, and it was something that bad she didn't even show up at school. I knew it would be worse than her just crying. she would have come to school.

My hand wraps around the knob, Turning it and having the tiniest bit of relief flood through me when it was unlocked, so i slowly push the door open.

My heart drops when i look in, my eyes finding the bath tub. but not only that.

A beautiful brown haired girl with blue eyes laid in the water motionless, completely bare. The water was a dark pink and only her head and one arm were out from the water. Her head was propped up on the head rest of the bath and her arm was over the side, blood dripping and pooling on the floor.

It takes me a mere few seconds to be over there, almost falling into the bathtub as i put a knee either side of her body, hauling her up and into my chest, soaking my shirt and all of my jeans but that was the least of my worries.

I hold and ear to her chest when i couldn't hear her breathing, my heart beginning to race faster when i don't hear a single thing.

'Ella! Ella no common!' i almost scream, pulling her out from the bath tub and laying her on the tiled floor, my hands pressing to her chest to pump. 'Don't do this to me!' i shout, a single tear dropping down my cheek as i bend over to give her air, puffing out before beginning to pump.

'Please!' i cry out, pumping even harder.







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