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I gently pull the blanket over Ella, i frowned as i look over her curled up body, rubbing my chin as the anger was still pumping through my blood.

She told me. She told me everything he does to her. Tonight he got angry at her because he seen me leaving and thought something happened. When nothing did..

But she told me he was the worst his ever been tonight which lead to her telling me everything. She left tonight because he hit her bad, she even showed me the bruises on her stomach, left shoulder and her right back of her thigh.

How could a man be so cruel to such a beautiful, fragile girl? she was the loveliest girl i'd ever come across in life and it was so shocking knowing how heartless a man could be.

I finish brushing my teeth, rinsing out my mouth before drying my hands and face and heading towards my bedroom although a soft whimper has me turning around and rushing down the hallway in seconds.

Ella's body thrashes around underneath the blanket softly, her head shaking as she whimpers out once again. 'No. Stop please' she cried out.

I rush towards her, kneeling down beside the lounge as i gently grab her shoulder. 'Ella. Wake up' i whisper and her eyes shoot open, fright filling them as she latches on around my neck. I sigh as i scoop her up, sitting down on the lounge with her in my lap.

'You're ok' i whisper, running a hand through her hair. She loosens her arms as she rests her head on my shoulder, her breathing beginning to slow before she speaks. 'I'm use to waking up with someone abusing me for waking them up' she mumbles and i frown.

'I would never abuse you, Ella' i breath and she nods. 'What are your dreams about?' i question softly and she lifts her head, her eyes looking into mine as she bites her lip. 'Him..' she trails off and i nod, running my hand down her back.

'H-he scares me' she stutters and i nod again, 'i know.' i state, my eyes scanning over her face, holding in the wince when i notice the bruise on her cheek is still slightly visible.

'h-how did you know where i live?' she asks and i frown, tucking hair behind her ear. 'i have my ways' i speak and she frowns. 'Wesley, how did you-' she begins but i cut in. 'Hey.. you're safe right now because i found where you live.. isn't that the main thing?' i question and she nods.

'You know though.. when i gave you my address just in case you needed me i really didn't expect you over the same night' i chuckle slightly and she just nods. 'Common' I breath, standing up with her in my arms still.

'Where are we going?! Wes put me down!' she exclaims, her breathing picking up. 'Hey its ok. just breath. i'm just going to put you in the bed' i speak and she lets out a soft breath.

I gently lay her on the bed and she snuggles down to the pillow, swallowing hardly when i lift my hand to cup her cheek. I run my thumb over her cheek bone, smiling softly. 'His got you so scared' i whisper and she stares.

'I'm going to fix this.' i state, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to her bruised cheek. 'i promise you. And i can promise you, you wont be marrying that ass hole'.


I sigh as i do the tie around my neck, tightening it just enough before folding the collar of my shirt over it.

I stop when i hear small footsteps, turning just as Ella reaches the door frame of my bathroom. I give her a small smile as she watches me. 'Good morning' i speak. 'Morning' she mumbles.

'Its weird seeing you in a suit' she states and i chuckle, shaking my head as i look back to the mirror, fixing up my hair before looking back to her. 'Are you.. going?' she almost whispers and i nod, frowning. 'I have to work' i speak, before leading her out to the lounge room.

'I guess i better get home then' she says but i shake my head, grabbing her wrist gently and pulling her towards me. 'can you please stay here for the day, because i don't want to know what his going to do to you if you come home after staying out the night' i state but she frowns, looking down as she shakes her head.

'Wesley, i can't just stay here all the-' she begins but i cut in. 'Just stay the day while i'm at work and then we'll figure something out ok? because it will give me the satisfaction knowing you're ok today while i'm working. please' i plead and she sighs but nods.

'Ok' she whispers and i grin, pressing a kiss to her forehead before stepping past her and grabbing my wallet and keys. 'I'll be back a little after 5, feel free to do anything and help yourself to the fridge' i speak, heading for the door.

Wesley didn't know if she'd actually stay there until he got home, so there was still the slight bit of worry flooding through him for the whole time he was at work. But he also had a little bit of hope he'd return home and she'd still be there.

So as he walked out of the elevator on his floor and towards his door, his heart was racing faster than it probably ever has before.

'Ella?' he calls out as he unlocks the door, closing it once his in and locking it once more. He sighs with relief when she appears at the lounge room door and he smiles, undoing his tie and letting it rest lose around his neck as he walks towards her.

'I'm glad you're still here' he speaks and she smiles. 'I thought about going home, i did. But i was to scared' she says and he nods, pulling her into a hug. 'I'll take you home if you want?' Wesley questions and she looks up to him.

'Therefor i'll be there to make sure he doesn't hurt you..' he trails off and Ella frowns. 'I'm not sure he'd like that' she speaks and he shrugs. 'Yeah.. well i don't think i'll like it if he hits you again'.

'Matt?' Ella calls out as we both step through the front door. 'Where the fuck did you go?!' He exclaims as he bounds down the hallway, his fists clenches and i knew what would come, if i wasn't here.

As soon as he sees me he stops. 'Who the fuck is this?!' he shouts and she swallows. 'th-this is uh-' she begins, cutting herself off as she swallows hardly. 'Wesley' i speak for her and he raises his eyebrows.

'And what the hell do you want?' he spits and i shrug. 'I was just making sure she was getting home safely.' i state and he nods. 'Well, shes home safe, get out.' he states but i shake my head. 'No.' i state back and he narrows his eyes on me as Ella looks to me, her eyes pleading.

'Mate. I said get out, i need to talk with my fiance' He speaks through his teeth and i'd be lying if it didn't pull at my heart strings hearing him call her his fiance.

'Are you sure you're just going to talk to her?' i question and Ella's eyes widen. He steps forward, fists clenched again but i don't budge. 'Listen here pretty boy' he growls, stepping even closer. 'I don't need you here to run my relationship. if i want to talk to my fiance, i'll do it when i damn well want to!' he shouts before shoving at my chest a few times until i'm out the door.

'Now get the fuck out!' he shouts before slamming the door before i can stop him. 'No. Shit. Ella!' i call out, banging against the door.

I stop when i hear her cry out. 'You fucking bitch!' he screams. My heart races as i attempt to bang the door down with my shoulder. 'ELLA!'.






Ok! i have a serious question..

how old do you think i am? i dont know why but i just wanna know :D

Love yousss!

Oh omg.. and Happy new year guys because i wont be on til next year ;)

har har

i'm not funny.

Love yous! hope next year treats yous good xoxoxo


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