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She had always wondered what it would be like to be normal. She sometimes even wanted to know what it would be like to actually have friends. But she would never know.

She wasn't one to trust someone, so she would never be able to have a friend. She didn't want to get to know anyone, especially anyone at her school, Because she knew they were all backstabbing.

And she wouldn't risk her heart.

My bottom lip was taken between my teeth as i take in a deep breath, scribbling aimless doodles on the edge of my page as i wait for the school day to be over.

When the bell rings, everyone bolts from class but me? whats the point. I slowly collect my books before walking out with my head down. I could tell Mrs Miller was giving me a sad look but i didn't know why? i was fine.

'Hey. Hey you!' someone exclaims although i keep walking, knowing it wasn't anyone calling out to me. Except when a hand wraps around my wrist i wince, pulling my wrist away straight away.

'Sorry. sorry i just uh..' he trails off, scratching the back of her neck as he smirks awkwardly. 'I'm Wesley' he states, i look at him in confusion, biting my bottom lip but i don't speak.

'You are?' he questions, raises his eyebrows. 'uh.. E-ella' i stutter out and he smiles softly, running his index finger along his bottom lip. 'Ella. its a beautiful name' he nods and i feel my cheeks heat as i look down to the ground.

I swallow before attempting to step past him but he gabs my elbow, ducking his head to look into my eyes. 'you've done that to me before' he states and i furrow my eyebrows at him. 'you've walked away without saying anything, don't do it again please.' he states.

I swallow hardly, biting down harder onto my bottom lip as i look at him once more. 'I just want to help you' he adds, a soft smile on his lips and i feel a certain feeling of anger rush through me as i pull my arm from his grip. 'I dont need help.' i state, narrowing my eyes slightly before beginning to walk.

Wesley watches as she walks away, her brown hair hanging down her back, swaying with her steps. He swallows, shaking his head as he curses uner his breath before he turns on his heel, beginning to walk to his class.

She was angry, she hated when people tried to treat her as a charity case. Not many have, because not many actually give a shit. but the ones that did, they did it in the wrong way. They just wanted to help. Yeah right. thats what they all say, in reality they wanted to chuck her into a mental home with white padded walls so she couldn't harm herself.

the day when on slowly and Ella was slightly relieved when the final day bell rang. she grabbed her bag, slipping it on her shoulder as she walks down the hallway, having already collected all her books so she could leave straight away.

Wesley's eyes locked onto her as she walked out the front door from his position leant against the front brick wall of the school. He furrowed his eyebrows as he noticed her beginning to walk away from the school, not getting in a car or even getting the bus.

He takes in a deep breath before he decides to follow her, he wanted to know where she lived, as crazy or as creepy as that sounded. but maybe, just maybe if he knew where she lived he could come see her, make sure shes ok and maybe.. maybe that would be a way that he could help her.

if he knew where she lived he would be able to keep an eye on her and make sure he was ok, well, in his mind he thought that anyway, but he knew he wouldn't know what happens inside the walls of her house if he was outside.

so he followed her. and he was surprised when it took almost an hour for her to walk all the way to her house. He stops over the road, watching as she unlocks the door and steps in, disapearing behind the door once it closes.

He lets out a huff when he realises he'd have to make the long trip back to school to pick up his car, sticking his hands in his pockets as he begins to make the walk back.

Ella drops to the tiled flooring of her bathroom, completely shirtless as she wraps her arms around her, her hands gripping onto her back with only a paid of white jeans on her body.

she rocks back and forth slowly, her fingertips digging into the skin of her back as tears fell down her cheeks. Muttering things like 'Worthless' or 'disgusting' over and over again as she stares at her tears trailing down her cheeks through the mirror she had set on the floor.

Another school day eventually came, i let out a deep breath as my feet carried me down the hallway, making a turn into the toilets.

I grab the sink edge, looking into the mirror at the dark bags beneath my eyes, cracking lips and pale skin, i frown, itching my wrist slightly and cursing at myself under my breath when i knock a scab, blood beginning to pool beneath the long sleeved shirt, thankfully it was black so blood wouldn't be noticable.

I hurry back out of the toilets once a group of giggling school girls entered. To happy. They're always to happy!.

I scratch the back of my head, fixing up my sleeves once i'm done. I gasp when someone grabs my wrist, their fingers slidding underneath my shirt somehow and i yank my hand away, fixing up the shirt.

'I'm sorry' He appologises and i roll my eyes. not him again. I raise my eyebrows at him as he bites his lips. 'I just wanted to say hi' he smiles softly. 'Why?' i ask and he shrugs. 'Why do you keep trying?' i almost whisper and he shrugs again.

'I want to help you' he states but i shake my head, my fingers twitching slightly as i heavily breath. 'Please. Please stop. you're not helping me. you're only hurting me more.' i state before hurrying off, biting my lip to contain my tears.

Wesley stood staring in confusion as the brown haired beauty rushed away like she had before. How was he hurting her more? he was being nice, wasn't he?

All he wanted to do was help her.. but she said he was only hurting her more. But he couldn't understand how. How was trying to help someone only hurting them more?

He furrows his eyebrows as his feels something wet on his fingertips. lifting his hand and gasping when he sees bits of blood covering his fingertips.

He looks up just as she turns the corner. Her wrist. He had touched her wrist.




I'm sorry that these chapters are so short but like with my other book they will get longer, this is just the beginning so iunno...

thats how i do books generally the first few chapters are short and then they get longer..

bare with me babes :D


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