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beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep

Wesley groans softly at the sound that had been driving him insane. Even though it was the sound of whenever her heart would beat, he still hated it.

He wanted to hear her heartbeat but not like this. He wanted to hear it when he laid his head on her chest as they cuddled in bed, his cheek and ear pressed to her chest. That's how he wanted to hear it.

But no. Instead he had to her in from the heart rate monitor. And it was driving him insane.

His mother finally leaves once again, just like every other day for the past 5 weeks. She kisses his cheek, frowning before she walks out, shutting the door and leaving her son alone with a girl still in a coma.

The bags under his eyes were scary and nurses were worried about him although he refuses to move. He had hardly left his seat by her bed, with the exception of actually showering or using the toilet.

His mother was worried to. Because he was hardly eating, nor talking. He would only mumble a few words in reply and that was in. Some of his bones were even more visible than they had ever been.


He was feeling guilty of course. Because in his eyes.. it was all his fault that she got hit by a car. And maybe, maybe it was. If he hadn't cheated, she wouldn't have piss bolted from him and been hit. He thought.

His eyes clenched closed. Tear drops falling down his cheeks for the god only knows how many times. He swallows hardly as he opens his eyes once again. His eyes running over her body. She still had a few cuts although they were mostly healed.

But she was so pale. It scared him. This beautiful girl who he knew would be broken when she finally woke up.

They didn't know if she was going to suffer brain damage yet, she was still to swollen to completely know. they said there is a high 78% chance she would because of how hard she was hit.

The man was charged for hitting her, even though she stepped out not on a crossing, but because he was speeding atleast 20 over the limit and police said if he had been on the right speed limit this could have been prevented.

Which of course made Wesley super angry at the man, even leading to him punching him 3 times and being hand cuffed and thrown into the cell just to calm him down. But he didn't care.

He didn't care about himself anymore. He only cared about her. He just wanted her to wake up.

Which is exactly why he had let himself go. He stopped eating, letting all of his muscle die off and leave him skinny. He had never been like this. He was always the one to work out and keep fit. But now.. you wouldn't even know that if you looked at him

And it killed his family. His family tried everything. They had even tried to forcefully drag him out of the room but he struggled that bad and even knocked his father to the ground.

He wouldn't leave. He refused.

'I brought you some food, sir' A nurse speaks. I keep my eyes locked on Ella's fragile body, her chest rising and falling from the help of the machine that helped her to breath with the tube shoved down her throat.

'Sir.. please you need to eat' she almost begs, holding the plate out in front to try and cut off my view so i turn my head to the wall. Closing my eyes. 'No.' I mumble out and she sighs, i turn my head back to Ella as she sets the plate on the table, shaking her head as she walks out.

They kept trying, they tried every day, three times a day whenever it was meal time for the patients.

I wasn't a damn patient. they needed to give the fuck up because i wasn't eating.

The eating pains killed me at first, but i deserved it. I deserve every bit of pain i get. So i ignored them. And after the first week they began to get easier. And now, i don't even feel it.

My whole body felt completely numb. I didn't feel and i didn't want to so i was fine with that.

My hands begin to shake as more tears yet again slide down my cheeks. God i was amazing i could even cry anymore.

5 Weeks. 5 God damn weeks without this beautiful girl being awake and i was sick of it. I was so sick and tired of not having her awake and with me,

I stand to my feet the chair sliding back as i grab the bars. 'Ella!' i almost shout, shaking the bars. 'Wake up!' i shout. 'Wake the fuck up now! i need you. don't you understand?!' i continue to yell, tears rolling down my cheeks, wetting my shirt.

'ELLA!' i scream out before dropping to the ground as the door flies open. 'Pick him up, get him into a room, we need to get him some help!' i hear a doctor exclaim. 'No. NO NO NO!' i scream out shaking my head harshly.

Wesley laid in the hospital bed, a drip attached to his arm to feed him the needed fluids for his body to function properly again.

His head drooped to the side from the drugs they used to relax and calm him down. He could barely even lift his arm from the bed.

'Oh Wesley' his mother sobs, dropping her head into his neck as she cried, shaking her head softly but Wesley doesn't move, even if he could, he still wouldn't.

He didn't even feel pain, seeing his own mother cry. Usually he would. But he no longer did, he was numb to the world. Because his world, was laying in a bed once again fighting for her precious life and there was absolutely nothing he could do for her.


'She's awake!' a nurse exclaims and i shoot up from my bed, ripping the drip from my arm as i scramble up from it, rushing out of the door as my mother shouts for me.

I breath harshly as i rush into the room, my heart filling with pain when i watch her thrash around until they stick a needle into her arm, which she calms almost immediately.

'Ella, Ella you're ok. you're in the hospital' a nurse smiles and Ella lays back, swallowing hardly. 'W-why?' she stutters and i step forward. 'You were hit by a car' i state and her eyes widen when she looks to me.

'g-get away! get away you monster!' she screams out and my heart breaks. 'no. Ella please!' i exclaim stepping forward although the doctor stops me. 'GET OUT!' she screams out through her cried, clutching onto the nurse like her life depended on it.

My heart breaks as the doctor drags me out before slamming the door in my face.

That was it. I sunk to the ground as my mum rushed towards me, i couldn't even understand what she was saying because all i felt.. was numbness.

I had lost her.




I'm sorry this is so short D:

But i felt bad leaving yous with the last chapter end so tada!!!!


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