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'Ella! Ella open this fucking door!' i screech, fists banging so hard on the door that it could possibly break but i didn't care.

I felt my bones beginning to ache as i continues my harsh contact with the door. 'open this door or i'll break it down!' i almost scream. I groan out before stopping, rushing around to the window and thanking gods when i find it open yet again.

Do they ever shut it?

i practically bolt up the stairs, tripping on a few steps. I groan out in frustration when i realise the door to her bedroom is actually locked.

My shoulder makes contact with it over and over. 'Ella!' i shout, continuing to ram my shoulder into the wood. I finally hear a crack and the door flies open in seconds. I stumble in but manage to catch myself before i fall flat onto my face.

I stop in my tracks. My heart beating rapidly as my eyes fall to the floor. A girl laid, sprawled out with her blood covered wrists turned up to face the roof, Her wood flooring had pools of blood either side where her hands rest.

'Ella. Ella no.' i breath out, dropping to my knees when i reach her. I grab both sides of her face, my eyes running over her motionless body that now rested in my lap. 'No. No please no' i cry out, grabbing my phone quickly.

'I need an ambulance!' i shout, managing to actually give them her address before i hang up, cradling her body to my chest, rocking back and forth. 'Please, Ella. Please wake up' i plead, my lips pressing to her forehead.

what seemed like hours went by, but finally i hear sirens. But it all blurs when the two men rush in with a stretcher, taking the beautiful girl from my arms and placing her straight onto the bed, already starting to pump her chest.

I'm left on her floor, beside her pools of blood, although my white shirt had a bit on it i couldn't care, tears were staining my face as one man begins to rush her out on the bed, the other grabbing my arm, dragging me up and out with him.

He puts me into the back with her, the man still pumping her chest as the other man jumps in, driving immediately. My hands shake my crazy as i watch helplessly, i knew there was nothing i could do, but sit and wait, wait to see if they could get this beauty back.

He still couldn't believe it, how someone could be so cruel to a girl to make her believe someone was using her, which then made her hurt herself to the point of death.

he couldn't wrap his head around the fact that some heartless little bitch at school could be so cold to do this. Who would wish someones life away?


 'Wesley!' someone calls, i lift my head up, raising my eyebrows but narrowing my eyes as soon as i realize who it is. 'You stay the fuck away from me' i snap, continuing to walk. Marley grabs my arm and i growl when i face her.

'I said stay the fuck away from me!' i yell, shoving her away and she gasps. 'Wesley, what the hell? i thought you were happy to go along with our little plan' she smirks and i hear a few people around me gasp, giving me disapproving looks as they shook their heads.

'What the fuck is wrong with you?' i exclaim, stepping towards her and she steps back, her back hitting the lockers. 'I never had a fucking deal with you, are you mental in the fucking head?!' i continue, my hands balling by my sides.

'There is a girl, in hospital, fighting for her fucking life because you thought it would be fun to take shit out of her! you lied to her! you fucking flat out lied about me using her and now you're still trying to make people believe it and hate me!' i shout and she swallows.

I could see her eyes beginning to gloss over but i couldn't give a single fuck. 'You knew she wasn't in the right state of mind, everyone knows that! but you still had to do it! you brang a girl to cut herself by telling a selfish lie! what the fuck did she ever do to you?!'.

'You're human, and so it she. Ya'll need to grow a fucking brain and realize that words can hurt someone! she was brung to believing she wasn't worth living on this world and i hope you're fucking happy with yourself because you almost for your fucking wish. Almost.' i state before stepping even closer, my eyes narrowing on her.

'But i'm here to fucking tell you right now. You will never get your chance again. Because i'm going to be here, i'm going to be there every second and i will NEVER let you near her, because you're selfish and you're a little fucking heartless bitch' i spit, a tear falls down her cheek as i step back.

'Go home and take a long hard look at yourself, think about what you have done. If you're still happy about nearly killing someone, then burn in fucking hell. Because you deserve it' I finish before turning and walking down the hallway, leaving everyone completely silent and staring.

Her cold hand sat in his warm one, his thumb running over the back of her cool, pale white skin before he gently brung it to his lips, leaving kisses along the skin as he closed his eyes tightly, a single tear sliding down his cheek.

'Common, Ella' he breaths out, opening his eyes to look up at her pale face. 'Wake up please.' he pleaded, giving her hand a soft squeeze. 'I need you to wake up' he added as the door opens and he looks up.

'You should go home, hun, get some rest..' the nurse trails off, grabbing her clipboard to fill it in. 'i'll call you if anything happens ok?' she asks and he sighs, nodding as he stands up. 'Ok' he whispers, bending over and pressing a kiss to her cheek, frowning at the coldness of her skin against his lips once more.

His left in his own thoughts when he arrives home, already informing his mum of what was happening and she was worried about him of course, although he claimed he was fine. She knew he wasn't.

But still, he locked himself away in his room. Without dinner or anything although he didn't feel hungry, he honestly just didn't feel anything right now.

Except emotion. He was angry, he was so angry that someone could be so heartless to the most beautiful-est girl he'd ever seen. And he was sad to, he was sad that she went that far, cut deep enough to risk her life.

She was still at risk of not waking up from the ridiculous amount of blood she lost, all of it probably still pooling on her floor.

Had her parents arrived home yet? have they even been told? Did they even care?! did they even worry when they arrived home, finding her door broken and a massive amount of blood pooled out on her floor?

So many thoughts rushed through his head and he groans out in anger, standing up and knocking his lamp down to the floor, sending it smashing as his fist makes contact with the wall.

'Fuck!' he screams just as his door is unlocked and opened and he turns around to meet eyes with his frightened parents. 'Wesley' His mother whimpers rushing towards him, forcing him into a hug although he stands motionless, his arms hanging by his sides.

'She's going to be ok' his mother states and he finally breaks. Tears rolling down his cheeks as he shakes his head, slipping away from his mother and down to the floor, his tears unable to be stopped as he still shakes his head.

'She was so.. so cold' he sobs out.




OMG. why am i so horrible?!

Omg, i'm from near Sydney and my heart goes out to all those poor people being held in that cafe.

Love to yous! stay safe please! xoxo!

Double update though. Even though this one is short.


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