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'Ella?' Someone calls, i furrow my eyebrows as i turn around, swallowing when i see Marcy coming towards us. Ella's fingers tighten around my bicep when she sees her as well.

'Ella! oh my god! how are you since your accident?' she questions, smiling brightly at Ella. 'uh..' Ella trails off, biting her bottom lip in confusion. 'I mean, i know i seen you in the hospital, i came as soon as Wesley let me know you were there' she smirks and i narrow my eyes on her.

Ella's eyes flicker up to me and i immediately meet her gaze, she looks back to Marcy although i keep my eyes on her. 'He.. told you?' she questions and i can see Marcy nod her head in the corner of my eye. 'He did!' she speaks.

'When- How did he tell you?' Ella asks and i look up to Marcy, watching her closely as she bites her lips, her eyes flickering between me and Ella. 'I thought he would have told you..' she trails off and i breath in.

'told me, What?' Ella speaks, her eyes narrowing on Marcy. 'Me and Wesley... we uh... we've been talking a lot lately, since i found out he lived here' she states and i frown when Ella's hand drops from my arm. 'Oh..' she trails off.

'We've only talked the few times you've magically ran into me.. Marcy.' i state and feel Ella's eyes stare up at me. 'No, Wesley. We haven't.. we've been talking so much, i even h-' she begins but i cut her off. 'Stop. Marcy, just stop' i chuckle, shaking my head as i reach down and take Ella's hand.

'We're past this high school drama, are we not? Jesus its been 5 years. Just drop it. Now if you'll excuse us, Me and my girlfriend have a few houses we've got appointments for to look at them.' i state. 'Houses?' she asks.

I nod, squeezing Ella's hand gently. 'We're moving in together. It was nice to see you again. But goodbye Marcy' i speak before pulling Ella along with me, leaving Marcy shocked behind us.

'God i can never escape high school shit' Ella almost whispers and i frown softly, keeping my eyes forward. 'its ok, Ella.'

*Ella's POV*

'Ella!' Megan squeals, pulling me into a quick hug. 'God i haven't seen you in almost a year!' she giggles and i nod in agreement. 'I know, its sucks' i frown as we pull away. 'Well, with me moving away it was hard, but we'll have to make effort to catch up more often.' she states as we both sit down.

'We will' i breath out, grabbing the menu and letting my eyes scan over it. 'i don't even know what i want' she pouts and i giggle softly, shaking my head.

After we both ordered our food we both sat eating and talking about everything and anything that come up.

'So.. you're back with that guy you told me about.. the one that caused your accident?' she asks, i swallow down the food in my mouth as i nod, placing my fork on the empty plate. 'uh. yeah' i smile weakly.

'I'm amazed you'd go back to someone who did that to you, Ella' she speaks, her eyebrows furrowing at me. 'it was 5 years ago' i shrug, biting my bottom lip. 'it still happened..' she trails off and i nod. 'Yeah, but i moved on, so did he' i state.

'you know what they say.. once a cheater always a cheater' she breaths out but i choose to ignore her. 'Marcy is back' i speak and her eyes widen. 'the girl he cheated on you with?!' she exclaims and i nod.

'Yeah.. i think she's actually trying to break us up' i speak, looking down at the table. 'What, how?' she asks, i shrug my shoulders. 'well, it just seems it to me, like she tries to make out that her and Wesley always talk and stuff, but Wesley denied it in front of her and she was shocked when she found out we were moving into a house together..' i trail off, she nods.

'She's going to try, from what you told me about what happened in high school, she clearly still hasn't grown up.. Ella you better watch out, some girls can be crazy and go to extreme lengths to break people up..' she says.

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