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'Who is it?'

'Open this fucking door!' i shout, i hear him chuckle before surprisingly the door swings open, his wiping his hands on a towel flung over his shoulder as he raises his eyebrows. 'Yes?' he questions.

'Where is she?' i grown and he frowns in confusion. 'Now..' he trails off, tossing the towel onto the floor somewhere behind him. 'I find it so fucking insane that another man... is knocking on my door, demanding to know where my fiance is?' he questions, his eyebrows raised.

'You know exactly fucking why' i speak through my teeth and he sighs, 'look we had our fights but we've sorted it out.. she wont be needing you anymore' he smiles fake and i scoff. 'I want to here it from her, herself.' i state.

He shakes his head, 'no can do, shes sleeping right now..' he trails off and i narrow my eyes on him. 'I know Ella, i know she wouldn't come running back to you, now where the fuck is she?!' i shout and he scoffs. 'You've known her a few days',

'I was her first ever boyfriend back in high school i've known her more than 5 fucking years!' i spit, pushing past him and towards their bedroom although he stops me, slamming my back into the wall.

'I don't think so' he speaks, i growl before connecting my fist with his jaw, knocking him back after punching him several times. Pain rushes through me when he gets me in the jaw a few times, splitting my lip and sending blood pouring from my mouth but i seen react.

I manage to knock him to the ground, bringing punch after punch to his face, watching how each time more blood covers his face. Its like i blanked out, all the anger in me releasing and taking over me because when i finally see clearly again..

His face is completely covered in blood and his basically lifeless, besides the slow rise and fall of his chest which lets me know i haven't killed him, even though he does deserve it.

I leave him on the ground, tripping over his arm before hauling myself back up and rushing towards their bedroom.

My eyes widen when i find Ella, her body sprawled and covered in blood with a blade sticking straight up from her stomach. 'Ella!' i scream, tears already streaming down my face as i rush towards her, grabbing onto her life her life depended on me holding her.

'Baby, no!'.


 I felt my mothers hand rest on my back but i didn't pay any attention so her, leaving my head resting in my hands, elbows on my knees as i slightly rocked on the chair.

I felt like i was already going crazy and it hadn't even been 2 hours since i'd found her, the sight was horrendous and it was tainting my mind, the image of her blood covered body, the blade sticking out from her stomach was everywhere i looked.

Its all i could see, or even think of and there was nothing i could do. I tried to think positive, that she'd be ok but how could i? how could i after seeing just how bad it was, how sickening the sight was.

She had deep cuts in her hips and there were a few i had noticed on her wrist, not the mention the worst of all, a fucking knife wedged into her stomach!

how could someone be so sick?!

It disgusted me, no words could explain it, how could he do something so sick, so heartless? she was harmless and his possibly just taken away her life.

And even if she survived, this will scar her for life, she'll never be emotionally the same after this scarring event in her life.

She'd probably never be the same Ella, The Ella i fell deeply for, she would possible be gone.. if she even survived this.

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