Chapter 14 "Heartbeat"

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September 16 1961 (night of the dance)

     "Good job James, youre gonna put the gang in a war cuz of a chic." "Shut up Johnny,you're just mad because you wouldnt risk it for me, but for Monica-" "Keep her out of this!" "Ouch did i hit a nerve? Hey i thought of something that will solve the gang rival thing." "James turned to me,"hows that?" I smirked at Johnny,"i join." "Are you out of your god damn mind!" "Take it easy Garcia.  Think about it, your code says nothing about dating within the gang. Your little groupie can do it why cant i? If im apart of it theres no problem right?" Johnny's looking pissed but i found a loophole. "I guess. Monica isnt even in the gang she just,hangs around." "Great! Its settled then" "not so easy Hernandez.  Youre gonna have to go through initiation,just like everyone else. You think you can get your little hands dirty?" I look him in the eyes," ive held yours,whats a little dirt." He rolls his eyes,"what ever, ill let you know about details later on. Dont say i never warned you." He then walks away.
     "Hey,you dont have to do it,the guys can be a little scary. The things they make you do are crazy." "Aw, already worrying about me." He hugs me,"always." "Dont worry so much,ill be fine." "I know you will." He looks into my eyes,with those beautiful eyes. I glance over James for a second and see Johnny watching from a distance,upset.

      "Hey can i ask you something?" "Anything." He took a breathe," what happened between you and johnny?" "We hung out once after the football game. I wouldnt call it a date since we barely met that day. We kissed but nothing more." "Do you have feelings for him?" I thought about it for a split second. I thought johnny and i couldve had something but who was i to assume. "Not at all. As far as your concerned,hes dead to me." He sighed in relief. He pulls me into a hug. "Let's go inside.

     James dropped off Tom and Bettie home leaving us alone. The cool fall wind blew through the car with the windows down. Music playing in the background. James turns down the radio. "Hey,do you have to be home so soon?" I look at him and he had this little smile on his face. "I dont think so no." "Cool. Ima take you somewhere,itll be quick." He put his arm around me. I put my head on his shoulder. I could smell his cologne. He smelled really good like a fresh breeze.

     We pull up to a park. He gets out and before i open the door he runs out and around to my side to open my door. He helps me out by grabbing my hand. He closes the door while we held hands. He leads me to the swings. "What are we doing here?" We sat on the swings. "Ima tell you what we do for initiation. The basics. Starting are knowing codes like the one i just broke and no one gets left behind. We're a family,kinda." I laugh. "Ok anything else?" He looked serious. "Yeah you have to go through tasks to gain trust like committing a crime and." He took a pause. "What is it James?" He sighs. "You have to fight the leader." "Ok doesnt seem to bad whos the leader?" He stays quiet but his silence was enough. "You're kidding." "Not at all. If you dont wanna go through with it i understand." "James dear,id love nothing more than to beat up Johnny Garcia, or Monica." He laughed. "Its cute you think you can take him. I dont want you getting hurt. And Monica, you can definitelytake her,ill bet my life on it" "This'll be a piece of cake." He smiles. We swung back and forth while talking about the gang. Nothing much they treat eachother like brothers which is why its a huge deal when one goes after the others girl but i mean,i was never anyones girl. At least not till now.

    Later that night, James took me home. He walked me up to the door and kissed my cheek. "Good night Marina. Ill see you monday?" "Yeah sounds good!" I pecked his lips,he gives me a warm hug and walks away. I watched him get in his car. He waves good bye and i do the same. I decided to sit on the porch for a bit. The night was very cool and fresh. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the wind blowing on my face.

      "Hey doll." I was almost too afraid to open my eyes. "What do you want?" " can i sit,i wanna talk." "Sure." I scooted over and he still sat close,great. "Look i dont want you joining, its dangerous." "So?" He puts his hand on my leg. "I dont want you getting hurt." I looked at him," well i already am. Seeing you with Monica did the trick." He looked upset. "Its complicated." "If you joined the gang itll be more complicated. " "how so?" He grabbed my hands,"cuz when i steal you from James itll cause problems for the gang." "You have Monica and James is a great guy. What ever we had its done. You screwed up for not telling me. Moment's over." "See i dont believe that. Ill find a way."

     We sat there for what felt like forever. We did nothing other than enjoy each others company. "Why are you with her?" He took a while to respond. "Uh what do you mean?" "I mean why are you with Monica? If you dont like her and i think you dont, why be with her?" He let out a sigh. "Its complicated. " "You said that already." "I rather not talk about it. Not now. It isnt real though, not on my end." "So youre playing with her too?" He looked down, like when a dog gets in trouble. "can we talk about this some other time? we need to discuss you and the gang." "im joining end of discussion." he grabs my hand," yeah i figured. thats why im going to break it down for you. when a rumble breaks out, dont go after the biggest cat alright? you cant run away, you gotta jump in and help us out. there really isnt rules more just dont turn your back on us and dont disrespect, thats where the dont date other members gals come into place. since you are a member and a chic i guess do what you want. you cant really go after anyones gal." 

     i was kind of baffled. "im in?" he took a very heavy sigh. "yeah i guess so." i jumped on him. i was really happy but im not sure why exactly. he hugged me back wrapping his arm around my waist.  i pulled back for a bit, "what bout initiation?" "Marina, dont be ridiculous. i would never want to fight you." he puts strands of my hair behind my ear. his eyes were suddenly piercing my soul. he then kissed me softly. it was nice. it was gentle. it was quick. he pulls away. " maybe one day ill tell you about Monica. just not now." he kisses my forehead. "one day Marina, you will be my girl. i just looked at him.  what was i supposed to say? i very much feel something for him but im with James now. god what a mess. 

     "i got to go, it's getting late." "no worries, ill see you around Rina. good night, get that beauty rest of yours." he the disappears into the night. i walk inside and am greeted by Peanut. i go into the kitchen to get water and see Lucy sitting at the table as if she was waiting for me. "Lucy? what are you doing up?" "good evening dear. why was that young man kissing you on our porch?" "uhm i dont believe i know what you are talking about." i blushed. "Marina Hernandez dont lie to me knowing that i saw you two kids." "its nothing honestly. it was a brief moment." "fine, dont pretend he didnt break your heart before. i just want to look out for you honey." "thank you i truly appreciate it. besides, i might be dating James Miller now." "oh my goodness thats good news! well anyways, i wont keep you up much longer, im going to head up to bed, you should do the same." "alright. good night Lucy." i got a cup of water and headed up to bed. i removed my makeup and changed into a pale pink peignoir. i suddenly heard a tap at the window. you got to be kidding me. 

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