Chapter 18- "My Happiness"

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September 18, 1961 (monday)

     I wake up to the sunlight gleaming on my face. I turn to face Johnny still asleep. He looks so cute. I dont wake him. I get up and pick out my clothes for the day. I walked into the bathroom and I put on a straight  brown plaid dress with a white collar and brown mary jane heels. I brushed my hair out and clipped the side so its tucked behind my ear. I brush my teeth and do my makeup,my signature eyeliner and brick color lips.

     I walk back into my room and am greeted by Johnny. "Good morning,dont you look like a doll?" He smiles at me and i blush. "Come on i dont want to be late." I put my hand out to pull him up. Instead he pulls me back into bed and smothers me with kisses. "Johnny cmon!" "Five more minutes. " he says in my neck. He then stops and looks at me. "What is it Johnny?" "Im happy." "Yeah? Whys that?" "Because i have a gal like you. There's something about you but cant put my mind to it." "Hm,well dont hurt yourself." We laugh.

     We get up and Johnny gets dressed.  His hair looks messy so he drenches his hair with hairspray since i don't have product for him. He still looks handsome.  "After you." He stands by the door holding my school bag. "Thank you." I smile and walk out with him following behind me.

     I walk down stairs expecting to be greeted by Lucy but instead a note on the table. "Marina, gone for the day. Running errands. Take care! Dinners in the fridge. -Lucy"  well that explains why she couldnt take me to school today. I grab an apple and toss one at Johnny.  "Woah, quite an arm. I can see why you think you can fight jocks." We laugh.  "Yeah yeah lets go."

     We hop in Johnny's wheels and head over to school. Johnny holds my hand driving. I blush like a little girl with this man. He puts on his sunglasses and turns up the radio. My Happiness by Connie Francis plays.  Johnny lifts my hand and kisses it. I feel like im in a cheesy romantic movie.
     We arrive at school. Before im able to step out Johnny pulls me back. "Wait right here." He gets out and goes to my side to open my door. He geabs my hand to assist me out. "Thank you darling." I smile. "Have fun in school.  Learn something for me. " he pulls me into a hug and kisses me passionately.  I feel eyes on me. When i pull back i see everyone starring. "Goodbye Johnny,see you after school?" "You know it." He holds my hand till i walk away. I see Bettie in the distance.

     "Hey Bettie!" "Marina! I want to know everything!" We walk inside the school arms linked. "Um well long story short, James and i broke up,hes ok with it since we weren't together for more than a day,Johnny asked for Lucy's  blessing to be with me, and know we're dating." "Oh my goodness! That's great right?" "Yes it is! I actually don't think ive ever been happier."

     "Aw well thats great to hear! Oh! Wait till i tell you about Tom!" "Oooo, tell me!" "Well,he took me to the beach and he set up a picnic for me! " "Aw Bettie isnt that romantic!" "It was! Well um one thing led to another a few sweet words were said and i may have given it to him." She looks at me waiting for my response.  "Im sorry i don't think i follow?" "You know, it!" "Oh!" "Oh gosh, now you think im a floosy!" "No! Goodness no! I just didnt know you guys would do it  at the beach." She laughs, " Yeah, i wanted to wait but it just felt right,you know what i mean?" "I think i understand. " " What do you mean? Dont you remember your first time?" "Actually Bettie-" the bell then rings.  Thank god. "Lets finish this conversation after school, yeah?" "Of course!" We walk inside the building. Learning awaits.

     Classes were boring. Didnt really learn anything other than long division, so i learned nothing. I met Bettie after school. "Hey want to go to the diner?" "Sure, actually Johnny just got here let me ask him if he can give us a ride." I walk up to johnny. Hes leaning against his car with a cigarette in his lips. "Hey Hernandez." He hugs me and kisses my cheek. "Hey Garcia, do you mind talking Bettie and i to the diner?" "Not at all,im meeting the gang there, lets go." I signal Bettie to come over. 

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