Chapter 17- "Tell It Like It Is"

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September 17,1961

     When i got home,Lucy had the table ready and the food was about ready. "Hey Lucy,hope im not late!" "Marina! Not at all! Go ahead and wash up while i take the meatloaf out the oven." I run upstairs and change my shoes and take off my scarf. I look at my charm bracelet. Its beautiful. A little heart shape charm with a round black stone imbedded inside the middle  matching the necklace with room to fill in with more charms .  It compliments my time travel necklace perfectly. I dont think ill ever take it off. Not sure about the necklace though.

     Im starting to get home sick. Well kind of. I miss being able to tell Maya everything.  I can tell Bettie or Lucy but i might slip up on slang or something.  I wish i could text her what ive been up to. If i go back ill lose all this. I still think its a dream with how perfect everything is going. Its insane.  Having a place to stay rent free, Bettie,Peanut, James being understanding, Johnny turning soft for me. Its all unnatural. I cant explain it. I cant help but think im meant to be here.

     I head down stairs greeted by Peanut and Lucy in the dining room. "Take a seat ill serve you!" I sat down with Peanut following beside me. Lucy brings over a plate with meatloaf, mashed potatoes and string beans. "Gee Lucy,this smells delicious.!" She takes a seat and smiles, "im glad! Dig in!"

     Before im able to take a bite we hear a knock on the door. "Where you expecting someone?" I look at the door, "no im not,you?" She shakes her head. They knock again. " ill get it." Lucy gets up and gets the door. "Rina, its for you!"  I get up and turn around. I m greeted by Johnny. He looks different from when i last saw him. He looks scared. His hairs perfectly combed, wearing an all black button up and some dress pants. Hes holding flowers.

     "Hey Marina." He smiles. "Uh hi. What's going on?" Lucy then walks in," Johnny,to what do we owe the pleasure?" "Marina may i please have a word with Mrs. Davis?" "Sure." I sit down looking at them in confusion.  "Mr. Garcia, whats the meaning of this?" Johnny looks at me and takes a deep breathe. "Mrs. Davis, i know my reputation hasnt been,great lets say, but i hope we can put it all behind us. Marina is kind of like your daughter and i know her family situation isnt great. So i was wondering if id habe your blessing for us to be together. "

     im in shock. Lucy's in shock, hell Peanut is in shock. Johnny looks like hes sweating. Lucy smiles. "Johnny, i knew one day hopefully you'd change paths. I just didn't know it would be because of a girl. Of course you can be with Marina, as long as she's ok with it." They both look over at me. "Yes!" Johnny sighs in relief.  He gives me the flowers and gives a single one to Lucy.  She smiles at him. I get up and johnny gives me a big hug. "Johnny, would you like to stay for dinner?" He smiles, "id love to!"

     After dinner we sat at the table and just talked about school, the future, and all that. "So Marina,where do you see yourself in the future?" I kind of froze. I really thought about it all i could say was, "im not really sure at the moment, im so caught up in whats going on right now,i haven't thought so far ahead." Johnny grabs my hand," well thats all right! Lets just enjoy now." He kisses my hand. "Well ladies its getting late, i should head out."

      Lucy gets up,"Johnny dont be ridiculous, why dont you stay the night, you can take Marina to school tomorrow!" Johnny looks at Lucy," uh thank you Mrs.Davis but i dont think i should. " "Johnny dont be ridiculous, i know how it is at home, plus its late to be driving anyways,ill let you borrow my husband's sleep wear and you can stay in Marina's room." I blush. "Lucy! Uh are you sure thats ok?" She smiles,"Marina, ive known Johnny since he was little, plus you two are adults,im not going to tell you whats right and wrong, you should know by now. Im also not going to tell you what you can and cant do . Johnny help me clear the table Marina go wash up for bed."

     I run upstairs. Why the hell did Lucy do that? Whats wrong with Johnny's family? Oh god. I go into the bathroom and brush my teeth. I put my hair in a ponytail and throw on a blue night gown with shorts under. As im getting my stuff ready for tomorrow, i turn and see Johnny at the door. Hes smiling.  "Why so smily." He comes in and holds me looking into my eyes. "Because, im with you. Lucy literally told me i can sleep over when ever we want if thats alright with you?" "It is." "Good because whenever you need me,ill be there." Hes kissing my cheek and pulling me closer to him. "Ready for bed?" i say smiling. "Lead the way."

      I pull him into bed and under the covers. We spent the night kissing and cuddling. "Good night Marina,sweet dreams." "Good night Johnny, sweet dreams." After Johnny fell asleep with his arms around me i couldnt help but to think, what the hell was tonight? Why is everything, easy? Lucy literally gave us the thumbs up for, well anything.  Johnny is a sweetheart heart. Dont tell me the stars are aligning or something.  Dont tell me im stuck here,im not even sure if i wanna stay. Ugh its getting worse and worse. What if things are going right so i dont leave? Is any of this real? If Maya came in with me,will all this happen too? My head hurts.

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