Chapter 23-"Friendly Persuasion "

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November 2, 1961 (Thursday)

     Johnny pulled away. "Rina, as much as i enjoy this, we should go before James comes after us." Ok." He plants a soft peck on my nose and hops in the car. I don't know where we are going but it isn't home. "Hey there's something i need to take care of. Do you mind if i pull over,i need to make a call." "Of course! No problem!" He stops outside this cute mom and pop shop. I wait in the car while he makes a call.
     Its been a little past 20 minutes since Johnny went inside.  I was starting to get worried. I was about to get out of the car when i finally see him coming out holding a bag and shake. "Hey! Sorry for the wait! I got you a BLT and a strawberry shake." "Thank you! Hey who did you call?" "Uh don't worry about it." "Spit it out Garcia!" "Fine! I called Lucy saying to not wait up." "Why?" "We are taking a trip.  Eat up and rest!" "Fine!"

     After i ate, i took a nap. The curves down the mountain were making me dizzy. I wake up an hour later. The air felt warmer. I look out my window. "Hey where are we?" He smiles at me. "We are in Palm Springs. " "Why?" "Thought a change of scenery would be nice." I look out the window. He pulls into the Riviera hotel. Its gorgeous.  "Is it the same as your time?" "I don't remember.  My dad took me once but we were only passing through." "You don't talk about your family much." "There's nothing to say really. Mom and I never got along and dad was always busy with work to pay any attention to me." Johnny grabs my hand. "Im sorry." "It's fine really."

     He grabs my bag out of the trunk and see he had one of his own. Is this an over night thing? He checked us in and led me to our room. Before we enter he stops me. "Marina." He looks nervous.  I've never seen him like this. "Yes Johnny?" He doesn't say anything he just kisses me. After a while he pulls away. He opens the door and walks in after me. "Welcome in." I step inside with him following behind and see an adorable suite. Every corner had a vase with fresh flowers and candles lit sprinkled across the space.  "Are you trying to seduce me?" He laughs. "Not exactly.  I just wanna show you what you deserve. As a friend of course!" 'Hm, well thank you. Tell me,what was that kiss then?" "Just two pals showing how keen they are for one another." I peck his lips. "Is this how you want me to show my pals i care for them?" "No, just me." We laugh.

     "So this suite has two rooms,a small living area, two bathrooms, a small kitchen, and a balcony. You can take any room you want." "What? We aren't sharing?" I say sarcastically. He laughs at me. "What ever you want Rina." "If you don't mind, I'd like my own room." "Not at all. Go ahead and rest or get settled." "Settled? How long are we here for?" "As long as you'd like. So, what do you wanna do today?" "How about relax by the pool?" "Go ahead and get ready, ill go get us a spot!" He grabs his towel and shorts out of his bag and heads out.

     Before i change, i look around the suite. Why would he bring me here? I don't want to give the wrong idea. I really like him,but i don't want him to be a rebound. But the kisses we've shared today alone! Maybe this time will be different.

     I changed out of my dress and put on a red with white polka dot one piece swimsuit.  And put my hair in a ponytail. I grab a complimentary towel from the bathroom and before heading out i look in the mirror. My bruise looks worse. I tried to cover it with makeup but didn't do the job. I put on my sunglasses and headed out.

     I arrive at the pool and see Johnny under an umbrella. I walk towards him,his eyes not leaving me. I sit next to him. "Wow Rina, you look great!" I blush," Thank you!" He hands me a cocktail. We sunbathe for a while. The sun was nice and warm for it to be November. This place looks a little expensive even for the time. How could he afford this? I worry to much. "Hey im gonna go in the pool,wanna join?" He smiles,"Of course!" 

     We sat at the pool steps drinking our cocktails. I look around and notice there isn't many people here. "Hey where is everyone?" He looks around,"The mountains probably. It's off season." "Oh nice! It's almost like having the place to ourselves!" He smiles. We sat in the water till we pruned. "Hey im kind of starving, can we go somewhere?" He nods. He gets out and grabs me my towel to dry off.

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