Chapter 8-"All Shook Up"

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August 25th 1961 (Friday)

The school week went by pretty quick. The highlights of my week was when people would call out Dallas for his hotdog and he is not happy about it which makes me happy. Nobody has asked me anything because they finally believe me,i think they do. Im here a week now and people cant seem to get my name put of their mouth. Dallas keeps giving me angry glares but if lays a hand on me he'll be expelled or shipped off to the jailhouse. Luckily tonights the first game of the season! My first high school football game here!

Bettie comes up to me,"Hey Marina! Are you ready for tonight?" "Yes but im not quite sure what to wear." "Wear something bold and beautiful! Your closet must be stocked up with that!" We both laughed. "Hey do you want to come over? We can get ready together!" "Oh Marina thatll be swell! I brought my bag of clothes so i wouldnt have to go back home. I was hoping youd ask." "Bettie you're my best friend! If i didnt ask you,you could have invited yourself! Im sure Lucy wouldnt mind." "Thanks! You ready to go?" "Yeah lets go!" We met up with Lucy to go home.

When we arrived, Bettie and i ran upstairs to get ready. When we went in my room,Bettie gazed upon my room as if she were in a museum. "This is your room?" "Yeah it was the spare." "Its so pretty!" "Thank you! Now what should i wear, a red halter top with black capris or a green sweater with white capris?" "Oooh deffinately the red halter top!" "Excellent choice!" I went into my closet and changed into the outfit. Bettie was mesmerised. "Wooooow you look beautiful!" "Thank you! What are you going to wear? "Oh well what do you think about this?" She held up a pink sweater and a white skirt. "Thats perfect! Its so pretty!" "Thank you! What will you wear if it gets chilly?" I went into my closet and pulled out my leather jacket. I put it on and popped the collar. "Oh my goodness Marina you look amazing! You look like one of those greasers." "Now those are my type!" I grinned. "Oh i dont know. Theyre all trouble. They always get into rumbles with the football players here." "Ooooooh i like them more already!" "Well anyway,you ready to go?" "Definately! Lets go!"

When we arrived at the game,the first place we went to was the snack stand. We were already next in line. "Hello! What can i get you?" "Hi! Can i get a pop and some licorice please?" "Ooh ill have the same!" "Coming right up!" The guy gave charged us and gave us our snacks. We went to grab our seats. Wow a lot of people. We are sitting so high up i can see Dallas' car,he must be here. I see he still hasn't washed it.

It was half way towards the end of the game. Our team was winning 52-35. I suddenly had to go to the bathroom. My fault for drinking my soda fast. "Hey Bettie ill be back im going to powder my nose." "Ok. Do you want me to go with you?" "No thats ok ill be quick. Ill be back" "ok!"

I had to walk across the school stadium and fo to the bathrooms nesr the parking lot since those were the closest ones. I went into the bathroom and it was filled with girls doing there hair and makeup. I went to use the bathroom. When i finished i wanted to wash my hands but the girls were blocking the sink. "Excuse me,may i wash my hands?" The girl turned around and gave me a dirty look. "What did you say?" Before i could answer her friend tells her,"hey thats Marina Hernandez!" The girl looked scared. "I am so sorry go ahead!" "Thank you." I dont know why she was scared i didnt do anything THAT bad. I washes my hands touched up my makeup and walked out.

As i walked out i heard someone call out to me. "Where do you think youre going pretty lady?" Dear god why? I turned around and it was Dallas. He did not look good. It looks like he had one too many. "What do you want?" He got closer to me cornering me. "See youre the reason why i am the way i am. I lost my spot in the first game of the season, my dads pissed about that and about the car which you destroyed by the way!" "Dallas,you were asking for it. Did you even try washing the car or are you trying to guilt trip me?"

He was starting to get too close. I can smell the hooch on his breathe. "What are you doing?" "I told you you were gonna be sorry. No one to come and help you now." He tried to kiss me but i managed to push him off. He came at me again. I kicked his shin and pushed him down. He got back up. "That's it!" He lifted his fist to strike me. That's when a voice called out,"Get the hell off of her!" I had my eyes closed afraid of when Dallas would hit me. When i opened my eyes Dallas was on the floor out cold.

Suddenly the weird feeling was back. I look up and see this very good looking man standing in front of me. A greaser. He looked me in the eyes with worry. "Are you ok? I saw what was going on. I wouldve came sooner but it looked like you could handle yourself." "Im fine. Thank you. I was able to stall for a bit but hes still bigger than me." "Yeah youre right. So why was that jock strap attacking you?" He smiled. He was very handsome wow. "Well long story short,we hung out,he made up a rumor about me, and i got him benched,and here we are." He laughed. "Whats so funny?" I asked. "Nothing its just not many people stand up to him." "Yeah ive been told." He kept looking at me. "What?" "Nothing youre just, youre new right?" "Yeah kind of ive been here a week now. Do you go here? Because id remember that face anywhere." He laughed and gave me a smile. "Yeah id think so,id remember that beautiful face of yours. No i dont go here anymore,i graduated two years ago. " i blushed. "Well thats too bad,we wouldve been seeing more of eachother. Crap i have to go! My friend must be worried! It was great meeting you!" I ran past him to meet back up with Bettie. I heard him say something when i left. "Beautiful." I have butterflies! Crap i didnt get his name! Ugh!

The game ended. People were leaving their seats but Bettie was still in hers looking for me. "Hey Bettie im so sorry!" She gave me a hug. "What happened to you?" "Its a long story. You wanna go to the diner and talk about it?" "Of course! Lets go before it gets full. It usually fills up with the players, cheerleaders, and the popular kids." "Well i learned today im very well known so i think we'll get a table,lets go!"

We arrived at the diner. Oh my goodness Bettie was right. There was so many people from the game. I spotted a booth across the room. I grabbed Betties hand and ran for it. "My goodness Marina!" "Im sorry! I just wanted to sit down." "So are you gonna explain to me what happened?" "Yes after we order!"

I explained to Bettie how Dallas came up to me and how he almost struck me and how a mystery guy came and saved me and how he was super hot but didnt get his name. "My goodness! Are you ok? I knew i should have went with you!" "Im glad you didnt! What if tried hurting you? I couldnt live with that!" Bettie just looked at me quietly. I was right though. She doesnt have to get hirt to protect me. Theres nothing either of us could do.

"I just wish i got his name! He was my literal hero." "Did he tell you anything?" "He told me he graduated a year ago from our school." "Ooooh so hes older and went to our school. Maybe i saw him around. What did he look like?" I rested my chin on my hand,"dreamy." Betie gave me a look. "Ok ok! Well he was tall, had a smile that can melt your heart, his dark hair was in a pompadour with a little strand of hair was in his eyes,was wearing a black shirt dark jeans and a leather jacket. "Marina Hernandez! Are you telling me hes a greaser?" "Uuuh,i didnt say that." "Is he a greaser?" "I think so." "Marina! I told you they are trouble!" "Well this one did save me from Dallas so." "Okay fair point." As i drank my pop i noticed Bettie kept looking over my shoulder. "Hey Marina?" "Yeah?" "I think your hero is behind you next to the exit." "How are you sure?" "Well he fits the description. He also hasnt stopped looking over here."

I hesitate to turn around. Im not sure why.i take a deep breathe and turn around. We lock eyes. I can hear In the Still of the Night playing in the background. He lookes mesmerised. He looks me up and down and gives me a smile. I do the same. He freaking winked at me and i almost lost it there. Oh my goodness. "Do you want to head out? " Bettie said. I turn to face her," Sure." We paid our food and headed towards the exit. He didn not take his eyes off me. As i was about to walk out the door he grabs my hand. I got butterflies again. I turned to face him,"hi." "Hey." Bettie grinned at me,"ill see you monday?" "Yeah see you then."

Bettie gave me a worried look and left. Weird. I turned to face him again. He was still holding my hand. "So uh, are you gonna tell me your name or are you gonna keep torturin me?" "I was thinking to keep torturing you." I laugh. "Hm, beautiful,sarcastic,obviously has amazing style. I dont mind a little torture." I blushed. "Do you wanna cruise the beach and maybe we tell each other our names?" I blushed more. Oh my goodness this man is goving me butterflies. "Lets get out of here."

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