chapter 12-"Dedicated"

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September 9th 1961 (Saturday)
     I couldnt sleep. I was so eager to go dress shopping with Bettie. I wonder what James is going to wear. I gotta get up and get ready to go. I got up and got ready. I wore a white high neck top and powder blue shorts. I ran downstairs to greet Lucy before i leave.

     "Good morning Marina, arent we in a rush?" "Hey Lucy! Bettie and i are dress shopping for the dance!" "Oh how fun! Do you want me to take you two? Id love to help?" "Sure sounds great!"

     Lucy and i drove to Bettie's house. I walked up to the door. I was greeted by her mother, "hello dear. You must be Marina." She looked me up and down with a nasty look. "Shell be out in a minute." Before i could say anything she slammed the door. I walk back to the car. "Geez what was all that about?" I said leaning against the car. "Thats Mrs. Brown. Shes a prude." I jokingly gasped at Lucy. "What? Its true. That women wouldnt know fun if it hit her over the head. No one is good enough to know her daughter. I think she thinks youd be a bad influence." "Lucy thats nonsense." Bettie walks out of the house walking toward the car. "Hey guys! Im ready to go!" "Great lets go!"

     We all hopped in the car. We made our way to the Lakewood Mall to go dress shopping. Bettie was telling us how she wanted to step out of her comfort zone a bit and stand out. "Marina i would love for you to pick out a few dresses for me! You have amazing style!" "Aw Bettie id love to! Thank you!" We were arriving at the mall. We got off and walked in.

     When we entered the mall, there were so many sales. Of course there is. Its the weekend before the dance, i wouldnt be surprised if we didn't find anything. We walked into a dress store and oh my goodness they were gorgeous. I saw some pretty dresses that i liked but werent my size. As a matter of fact none were in my size. Oh well, ill just help Bettie.

     I picked out a pink dress with sleeves, a powder blue with spaghetti straps, and an emerald green cocktail dress that had thick straps going down making a v neckline. That one was my favorite for her. She tried on the dresses and she looked absolutely gorgeous. She then tried on the green one and fell in love with it. "Oh my goodness! I look so pretty!" "Bettie you look beautiful!" "I think that one is a keeper!" Lucy said smiling. "Im going to get it!" We all squealed in happiness.  She went back to change into her clothes. She came out and went straight to the register to buy it.

     Lucy and i waited outside for Bettie to finish. Thats when i saw it. Across the shop we were at, i saw a dress on display. It was a powder yellow swing dress with short sleeves and a straight neckline across. It was beautiful. "Hey Lucy, i think i found a dress! Get Bettie when she's done and meet me in there!" I sped walked towards the shop.

     when i got there i saw one dress left on the rack. Luckily it was my size. I reached to get it but some bitch got it before me. Turns out it was Monica, next to her no surprise was Johnny. "You following us or something?" She snarled at me. "You must be dreaming for me to care about you. Now give me my dress." She laughed in my face."You're dress!? Ha! You must be dreaming!" She walked off with the dress. I was upset. Johnny noticed. Before he was able to say anything Monica came and snatched him by the arm. Bitch.

     I walked out the store empty handed. Cant believe mr. Bad boy can't even stand up for himself. Lucy and Bettie had the biggest smile on their faces. They then saw me upset and matched my reaction. "Honey what happened?" I then turned and pointed at Monica who was trying on the dress. Johnny didn't seem to care. "Is that Monica?" "Yup." "You didn't find a dress?" "No. Everything here doesn't quite catch my attention." That's when Lucy got a big bright smile. "I got it! Honey, why don't you make your dress?" I thought about it. It seemed like a great option. I can make it my style. "Lucy that's a great idea!" "There's a great fabric store here! My mom comes all the time come on!" Bettie then lead the way. I looked back at Johnny and he was looking at me but looked away when i looked at him.

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