Chapter 5 -"School Day"

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     I get up from the floor and walk towards the exit of the school. As I'm walking down the street everything seems to be the same. I passed by the same store. The same man was there and the same televisions were playing the same thing about Elvis in Vegas next year. I walk in the store and pick up the newspaper, "August 18th 1961".

     I walk back out of the store and began walking around town. I feel kind of lonely. I should of brought Maya or something. I don't know a soul here and its not like i can make friends with the young version of my grandma. Something about a butterfly affect. I still need to get the hang of this all. I still need to process.

     I walk around town wondering where to go. I realize there isn't much to do or anywhere to go. The real action most likely goes on on the weekend. I have plenty of time to kill. I should build a life here. Get my license, maybe enroll in school. The only problem is i technically don't exist so i need to get some fake identification. I already have the fake social so it shouldn't be that hard . I need to find a way. Maybe people at school know. Only one way to find out.

     I walk back to school hoping its easy to enroll. I walk into the front office. I was greeted by a woman," oh hello dear! What can i help you with?" "Hello,id like to enroll. I'm new here." " Well alright then! Do you have transfer forms,an ID?" " Um unfortunately no, i lost everything after i moved out,i actually don't have anything." " Oh well that's too bad. Tell ya what? How about i give you the paper work,you fill it out,you get enrolled,and you go get an ID for proof of who you are,what do ya say?" "That sounds great thank you so much!" She proceeded to hand me the paper work. One of the questions was what is my address,i couldn't answer. The lady looked at me," miss, are you currently living anywhere?" I shook my head. " ok well how about u stay with me. You seem like a nice young lady, i could tell. I wouldn't want you being in the streets." " Really? You'd do that for me?" " Of course! I have a spare room,its just me and my dog at the moment. I have a daughter but she is off studying abroad for the year and my husbands over seas." Thank you so much Mrs-" "It's Davis Hun,you can call me Lucy." " Thank you so much!" "No problem dear,here are your classes,if you want a ride back to your new home meet me here after school." " Thank you so much really!"

     I walked out of the office. Wow so far so good. Looks like my 1st class of the day is English. I first put my bag with my new life in my locker that i was assigned. I sure did NOT have lockers back in my time.After that, I walk the halls and oh wow everything looks old but new.            

     As i look down at my schedule i see a group of guys down the hall. Wow they are good looking. I swear they do not make em like that anymore. I'm pretty sure i caught a guys attention,he keeps looking over. Hes wearing a Letterman's jacket. From my experience,if hes a football player, hes a player but ill give it a shot.

     Mr. Letterman walks over to me while his friends watch, " hey pretty lady,id recognize a pretty face like that when i see one." He did that arm leaning on wall while all up in my face bit. Ill play along," hey, i'm new here,i just moved here from Sacramento." " Well I'm Dallas. Williams." he said while kissing my hand. " I'm Marina, Hernandez." "ooooooo, a foxy name for a foxy gal." "Thanks. Hey, do you want to walk me to class? i don't know where anything is."  "Yeah no problem!" We then proceeded to walk down the hall passing his friends. They were applauding him as if he was about to score with me. Yeah right.

     He walked me to my class. As i was about to enter he grabbed my hand, "hey since you're new here,maybe youd like for me to show you around town,maybe go split a sundae or something?" " that doesn't sound bad. When do you want to go?" I ask. " how about tommorow at 11am?" " sounds good to me." "Meet me in the school parking lot then." "Okay,see you then." He then kisses my hand and walks away. Maybe i got him wrong. Maybe he isnt a total player. But then again you never know.

     i enter my english class and everyone turns to look at me. Yikes o forgot everyone in this time wore like pastel colors or just light colors. I really made myself stand out with my dark colors. Oh well. " miss. You better have a good reason as to why you are tardy to my class." The teacher looked at me as if someone passed wind. Gotta play nice. " hello, i am terribly sorry! Im new here and just enrolled a few minutes ago." "My apologies,miss-" "Oh its Marina. Hernsndez." " well miss hernandez, tardiness will not be tolerated. Since you are new ill let it pass this one time. Understand?" " Yes maam,thank you!" " you're welcome. Please sit next to miss brown. Miss brown will you please raise your hand?"
     A girl with a powder pink dress white cardigan and blonde hair raised her hand. She was beautiful. As i sat down next to her she whispered to me," hello im bettie, i just want to say that i love your outfit.  Its so bold! Not to be rude or anything its really pretty." She seemed shy but she was sweet. " Thank you! I love your dress!"  "Oh my goodness thank you!"

     We talked during the whole class about outfits and things we liked, she even asked me if i wanted to be friends. Obviously i said yes, she is so nice. Luckily we had classes together so it made time go quicker.
     It was the end of the day. I went to my locker to grab my bag and waited for Lucy on the office since shes my ride. " Hey Marina,you ready to go?" "Hey Lucy! Yes i am!" "Alright lets go!"  We walked out of the office together towards her car. I threw my bag in the trunk. As we got in her car,she asked about my day.

      "How was your first day?" She asked. "It was swell! I met a boy and made a new friend!" "Oh thats great hun! Whos the boy?" " i think his name was Dallas. Yeah, Dallas Williams." "Oh honey, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but he dates lots of girls and breaks lots of hearts. I dont want to see you get your heart broken." "Thank you for being concerned Lucy but ill be fine. He said he was gonna show me around town. And between you and me,i was a heartbreaker back in Sacramento." She looked at me with this playful shocked look, she looked me up and down,"Really? I hadn't realised!" We both laughed she was being so sarcastic. "Is it obvious?" I said looking down my outfit. "Well i dont see much young ladies wearing what your wearing." "Oh you arent gonna like the clothes i have packed then" i said smiling. " No wonder you leave the boys broken. In my day i was kind of like you. I had boys lining up but i had eyes for my husband." "Aw that's so cute! I wish i had that." "Marina,im sure youll find a fine young man who will make you forget the others,as long as it isnt Dallas." We both bursted into laughter.

     Lucy starts to slow down near a beautiful house. She pulls into the drive way. It was a powder blue two story with a big front yard. "Wow this house is amazing!" "Welcome home! Ready for the tour?" "Yes maam!" "Follow me then!" I then grabbed my bag with my stuff and walked slowly behind her i then said to myself,"a home."

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