Chapter 3 - "The Wanderer"

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     I wake up the next morning feeling refreshed. It was the first time in a while since i has a good nights rest. It was weird but great. I get out of bed and walk down stairs. The house was empty thank god. My dad left a note on the fridge, " Good morning mija, your mom and i went on a business trip. I left you some money so you and Maya can order food. Be safe. Te amo. -dad"

     i messaged my dad telling him to have a safe trip. No response.  Not surprised, when he's on a business trip, he hardly touches his phone since he's always in meetings. I ate some eggs with bacon and headed up stairs to shower. When i finished, i went into my room to change. I changed into some denim jeans and a white t shirt. I sit on the floor and look through my new records to see what i want to play. It was obvious i had to play the king himself. 

     As i lay in bed, i close my eyes and imagine that i'm watching him play live at a concert. I would do anything for that to happen but it seems almost impossible. "knock knock!" i get up from my bed and see Maya standing in my door holding a bag of snacks. i get up from my bed, "hey girly, whuchu got there?" she sits on my bed next to me showing me the bag, " Well i thought we could have a movie night so i brought popcorn, licorice, boxes of M&Ms, and some sodas. I also brought some movies for you and some for me." I grew excited, she brought me Blue Hawaii and grease and she brought herself Mean girls and White chick. I love Maya, she gets me so well and she loves watching my movies no matter how many times we watch them, same goes to her i love her choice in movies. "Well, shall we?" she had her hand out towards me. I get up from the bed and grab the movies and snacks, "we shall!"

     A few hours  and a lot of junk food later we were getting sleepy. "Do you wanna go to bed? I'm getting sleepy." i said to her. i realized she was already dead asleep. i get up and cover her in a blanket. i then turned on the tv and picked up our mess. When i finished, i headed up to my room and got ready for bed. Before i did, i took the records out of the box and arranged them to lean on each other next to the record player. i noticed another record at the bottom of the box. the cover had an image of a pier. i Didn't recognize the cover and there was no name. out of curiosity, i took out the record from its sleeve.

     When i took out the record, it fell apart and broke into pieces. It didn't look that old to me. Weird. i looked at the back o the cover and there i saw some words, " anything and everything is possible." i didn't understand what it meant so i continued examining the cover for more clues. I looked inside the sleeve and saw something taped to the side. i reached in and felt something like a chain of a necklace. i pulled it out and saw it was a piece of the record made into a piece of jewelry. it was really pretty, it was a shape of a heart, love for music. Maybe it was a part of the broken pieces. 

     I put the pieces together, yup there it is. A missing piece in the shape of a heart. i put the pieces together and all of a sudden, i black out. All i can here is "The Wanderer" by Dion playing in a distance. The weird feeling was back. It was different this time.

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