chapter 11 "Hard Headed Woman"

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September 8th 1961 (friday)

     Days have passed since i last saw Johnny. Haven't seen him since. I am the most talked about gal in school.  New gal who made it with two guys, first person to get revenge on Dallas, stood up for myself from some mean girl, and have a good grades. People from school clear a path when i walk. Theyre scared of me now. They kind of look up to me now since i bullied a bully. They're not sure if they should be scared or happy.

     The school dance is coming up next week. Its the first dance of the year. Im so nervous! Luckily Bettie has a date. Im happy for her. Hes a straight A student and is a nice guy. The downside though is that ill be alone. Bettie and i were talking about it after school. "So have you found a date yet?" " No." "Johnny hasn't pulled through has he?" i shook my head. "Well good riddance! All he is is trouble!" I sighed.  "I dont know Bettie, i thought we had a connection. I guess i was wrong." "Hey dont sweat it hun, Tom probably has a friend for you if you want me to ask? It can be a double date! What do you say?" I thought about it. I couldnt go alone to the dance. Then again my rep says otherwise but st this point what do i have to lose. "Okay Bettie. Ask Tom if he has someone for me." "Alright then! I got to go ill call you later!" "Bye Bets."

     I layed in bed bored wondering what was going on with Johnny. I wish he wasnt such a jerk. I dont wanna be home the rest of the afternoon. Im going to walk Peanut. I changed into slacks, a pink button up, and threw on my leather jacket. I grabbed his leash and collar. Lucy is still at school for another hour so i wrote her a note and left it on the table.

     I decided to walk Peanut around the park. We went up and down the paths. My mind wandered and i forgot about Johnny. Peanut is great company.  All he does is bring happiness. He is very unproblematic. I began getting hungry. I looked around and saw a Krispy kreme. Yum! I walked towards it. Before i was about to get any closer, there he was. Johnny was there with a group of greasers and a girl lached onto him like a leach. He must have seen me because he got serious when he looked in my direction. I turned around and walked away.

     It was getting cold. I started joggimg and Peanut did not hesitate to join. Am i litterally running away from my problems? I feel pathetic. I finally arrived home. I walked in. No sign of Lucy. Maybe shes staying later than i though. I let Peanut go. I walk upstairs and suddenly hear my phone ring. I pick up.

     "Davis residence." "Hey Marie! I have good news!" "Tom found someone?" "Yes! He has this cousin who will be more than willing to go to the hop with you!" "That's amazing! How soon can i meet him?" "Does right now at the diner sound good to you?" "Yes! Oh my goodness!" "Ok great! Meet us there in 15,see you there!" She hung up. Oh my goodness im excited. I hope he isnt square though.

     I think what im wearing is fine. I wrote Lucy another note and walked towards the diner. Im glad everything is walking distance.  My shoes would be worn out by now. I arive at the diner. Bettie and Tom were sitting in the same side of the booth. "Marina over here!" Bettie waved at me. Thats when Toms cousin turns around. Oh my goodness what a sight. He looks a lot like Ricky Nelson. He was wearing a white shirt and jeans. He looked at me and smiled.

     I approached the booth, "is this spot taken?" He scoots over, "it is now i hope." I sat down next to him and i blushed a bit. "Im James. James Miller." He grabs my hand and kisses it. I blush more, "Marina, Hernandez." "Pleased to meet you." We kept looking at each other. I kept getting lost in his eyes. The waitress came and broke the tension, "So! What are you guys eating?" James and i snapped out of the trans we were both in and answered. "Oh uh ill have a burger, fries, and a pop." James then ordered, "ill have the same and a strawberry shake please. " The waitress finished taking our order and left.

     "So do you go to school with us?" "No sadly. I go to school across town." "Aaw. That's a bummer." I faked a pout. He lifted my chin,"dont worry little darlin, youll see more of me." I blushed. Tom interrupted, "Knock it off James, be respectful to the gal!" We all laughed. Bettie kissed Tom on the cheek, "You're such a gentleman." Tom blushes. We all laugh. The waitress came with our food and everyone was chowing down.

    James puts his arm around me. "So Marina, i gotta ask, are you like a grease or something?" Tom chokes on his food, "James!" I laughed, "Tom its fine. I mean im not in a gang or anything if thats what you mean, i wear the occasional jacket though." "Well, you wear it well." He winks at me. I blush. "You wanna help me with the shake?" "Sure!" We shared a milkshake together which i found super romantic! James then grabs the cherry by the stem. "You want it?" "If you dont mind." He then feeds me the cherry! The tension was making Tom and Bettie uncomfortable. Poor them, theyre so innocent.  "How bout we leave you two kids to get to know each other. Call me when you get home ok?" "Of course! Good night Bettie. Good night Tom!" They gave me a hug goodbye. Bettie whispers in my ear when she hugs me, "you have eyes on you two from across the room. Call me later."  They paid then left.

      I was confused till i looked around and saw Johnny across from the room next to the exit and he did NOT look happy. "Everything all right Marina?" I turn back to face James, "Yeah everything is great!" "Do you wanna get out of here?" He played with my hair with the hand thats around me. I turn towards Johnny then back to James, "Id love to." I step out of the booth first then James followed. We walked towards the exit. I was nervous to pass Johnny afraid he would tell me something. James must have read my mind. He put his arm around me and we walked right past him. He looked like he wanted to throw a punch. We walked to his car. "Do you want to take you home?" "Sure sounds good." "Ok cool, if you dont mind ill be taking the long way to be with you longer if you dont mind." I blushed. "Not at all." "Great lets go."

   we approached his car and it was beautiful. it was a 1956 Chevrolet in a beautiful cherry color.    He opened the door for me and we left. He was driving in circles talking about each other. Turns out he plays baseball, works with his dad as a mechanic, has amazing grades, and has friends who are greasers. He doesn't consider himself one due to not participating in the rumbles. If he was caught he would be kicked off the team. He talked about his dream of taking over his dads business one day to follow in his dads footsteps. I that was sweet.

     We arrived at my house. He parked in front of the house. "So Marina, about the dance-" Oh no hes regretting wanting to go. "What time do you want me to come pick you up?" "Uh, is seven ok?" "Seven is perfect. Ill come pick you up, then we'll get Tom and Bettie at her house."
"Ok sounds good, see you Saturday. " he kisses my hand, "its a date."

     I go inside feeling super happy. "Hey kid,how was your day?" Lucy was sitting on the couch. "Oh my goodness Lucy it was amazing! I have a date to the hop!" "Oh Marina thats amazing! Who is is?" "His name is James Miller." "Oh! Ive heard of him, the coaches from school wish they had him." "I saw johnny today." Lucy looked at me with anger. "Did he do anything?" "Well he saw that i was with James. Im pretty sure he saw us being flirty and looked furious! He didn't do or say anything to us though" "Oh thats good to hear!" "Hey ima get ready for bed, im pretty tired." "Ok good night Marina, sweet dreams." Lucy gives me a hug. "Good night Lucy sweet dreams."

     I went upstairs and changed into my pjs. I called Bettie and told her everything that happened. She didnt seem surprised. I was telling her the plan of us meeting up before the dance. "Hey Bettie,i need to go dress shopping, you wanna go? "Yes of course!" "Ok great we can go tomorrow!" "Great see you tomorrow. Good night Marina!" "Good night Bettie!" I hung up and fell back on my bed.

      Wow, James seems like a good guy. I gotta stop thinking all guys are good though. I cant believe Johnny was jealous. I wonder where his girlfriend was. Oh well. Im glad he was jealous.  He shouldnt be since he has a girl and we only went on one date. Oh well, his lose. I lay in bed and dream of sweet dreams.

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