Chapter 15- "My Heart Is An Open Book"

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September 16-17 1961

i opened my window to my surprise, Johnny. "Hey doll, can i come up?" "are you insane?" "yes very much so." he smiled. that damn smile. "fine but be careful Lucy's asleep." i backed up. i quickly ran to smudge a bit of lipstick on my lips and cheeks. i see him pop in the window. i helped him in. "whew, bad timing?" he looked me up and down. "what do you want Johnny?" he sits on my bed. im ready to tell you about Monica." i sat on the bed with him. "shoot i dont know where to start. um, ok here it goes. when we were juniors in high school, we dated for real. during that time i wanted to break up with her because i had a feeling she was cheating on me." "well was she?" "of course she was. anyway during that time i was also getting into trouble." he looks away from me. i grab his face to look at me. he sighs. " well one night i got drunk and took her dads car for a joy ride and next thing i knew i totaled it near a park."

     i was confused. "what does that matter?" "im getting there. well Monica got really mad because she had to take the blame for me saying that she got drunk and crashed. shes been holding that against me. blackmailing me. if she opens her mouth about that and everything else ive done i can be thrown in the cooler." " why would she speak about your past to her daddy?" "because, her 'daddy' is the sheriff of this town." i was shocked. "so youre telling me you took a joy ride in a sheriff's chariot?" " yeah, thats why im stuck with Monica." " Johnny that mustve been over four years ago. if she wanted to come clean, dont you think she would need evidence of said allegation?" "what are you saying?" "think about it, who actually saw you crash? where was Monica? theres nothing to back up anyones stories, and your past is the past. its too late to speak out." "huh, you may be right." "duh."

      he slightly pushes his body onto mine so we are both laying in the bed. his arm holding up his head. "so Marina, since i told you a little bit about my past, tell me about your past." "well my mother was abusive, my father was never there to defend me, im an only child, i left my only friend to come here, i was and still kind of am a loner, ive never had a real boyfriend since boys at my school were very immature, i love going to holes in the wall near santa monica my favorite color is red and orange,and my favorite season is fall." "wow." "oh and ive also gotten in trouble for joyriding a car but it was actually my moms car and i was only going to the mountains with my friend." "jeez, this friend of yours, is he special?" "oh, no! hes a she. her name is Maya. her and i grew up together and were inseparable, until now. i wish i brought her here." "well why didnt you?" "i wouldnt know how?" crap. "what do you mean?" "i mean, it was a once in a life time thing i just had to do. if i didnt i wouldnt have done it at all." "and we wouldnt have met." i looked at him with sincerity. "Rina, maybe we were supposed to meet. maybe it wasnt coincidental." "who knows." 

     we layed together for a while, he was twirling my hair. "will you ever go back?" now that was a great question. ive been putting that thought in the back of my head. im afraid to go back but im also afraid of staying here. big things happen a lot of history goes on. but how long would i stay? is it safe for me to even stay? what will happen in my timeline? does it go on? will it still be midnight when i return?

      "Marina? you ok?" "yeah sorry. just thought about it." "and?" "i would have to go back eventually. i dont belong here." "you cant. i mean, you definitely belong here. we need you here. i need you." "johnny-" he stopped me from finishing. he had his finger on my lips. He looked into my eyes briefly. he softly grabbed my face and kisses me. i couldn't resist i kissed him back. Something about him. He was getting handsy. I mean, he was rubbing his hands up and down my waist and started to wrap my leg around him. The kiss was getting intense. It was,actually i have no words it was just amazing.
     "Johnny we cant. Im with James." " He'll understand.  He's with you to get me jealous." "Wait what do you mean?" "Well yeah he really likes you but he made it official to make my blood boil. He knows i like you so he did it to let me know to own up to things." "Oh." "Are you upset? Im sorry." "No its fine actually,i said yes to make you jealous.  I mean yeah hes a catch but wasnt for me." Oh? And what is for you Marina?" "You tell me lover boy,didnt you just say you liked me?" He started to blush. "You know i did." I blushed.

      "Look i wasnt gonna take this kiss any further just so you know. I like you too much to ever take advantage of you." "Thanks Johnny. I really appreciate it." "No problem. When i make you my gal im gonna show you how you should be treated. " i smiled into his teeth and pulled him into another kiss. He actually admitted that he likes me. Hes actually respectful. Weird. He finally told me about Monica. If things go south with her i have to be there to back him up.

     "Hey when you stand up to Monica,just know ill be there for you,what ever you need." He smiled. "Thanks. I know i can count on you." He starts to get up. "Hey its really late. I think I should head out and let you rest." I sat up from the bed. "Hey Johnny?" He turns to me,"yeah?" "Why dont you stay?" "To sleep over?"  "Yeah,if youd like." "Yeah if you want me to." I got under the covers and made space for him. He smiled. He took of his shoes, shirt and jacket leaving him in a muscle shirt and his dress pants. "Arent you gonna take your slacks off?" "Youd like that wouldnt you Hernandez?" I blushed like crazy. "No i meant would you be comfortable!"  "I dont mind it much. Now scoot."

     We layed in bed together. We kissed of course but nothing more. The way he held me and held my face when we kissed. The way he caressed my face. I looked at the clock it read 3am. Geez its late. He pulled away.  And turned to the clock. "Geez it's late. Look at me robbin your beauty sleep. Lets go to bed." I got up and turned off the lights. I hopped back in bed. He pulls me close to him. "Good night Johnny. Sweet dreams." "Good night Marina. Sweet dreams. I lo-."

     I fell asleep when my head hit the pillow. I was exhausted. I was comfortable,safe. Johnny's arms around me was the best feeling. He was so warm. He smelt so good. Pine trees? I dont know but it was a calming smell. That night i dreamt of back home. Back in my time. Johnny was there. So was Maya. So was Peanut. And lucy. And Bettie. Then deep sleep hit me. Sweet sweet dreams.

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