chapter 4 - "Sleep Walk"

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I regain consciousness after what seemed like forever. The floor was hot, cement? It was bright out. I get up and realised i was outside my school. I must have sleptwalked or something. Weird. I walked around but no one was around. I walk to the front and stumbled across a banner that read,"welcome class of '62". Not gonna lie that threw me off a bit. Maybe it's for returning alumnis, i don't know, maybe a decade daance?

I begin to walk back home to see if Maya was awake already. As i walk home i see a lot of classic cars driving around. Is there a car show today or something? When i arrived at my house,something seemed off,different.  Wheres the big tree in the front yard? Why is the house pink? I rhought is was boring beige. I must be dreaming. I have to pay more attention. I begin to walk towards the front door,i then realized i didn't have my keys. I began to knock.
      I waited for Maya to answer but was greeted by a woman in her late 20s. "Yes?" She questioned.  I felt cold, "my mistake i must have the wrong adress,my apologies." "No worries have a good day!" She then closed the door. I took a few steps back and couldn't believe what just happened.  I'd recognize her anywhere, that's my grandmother but not the way i know her. But how? Im a little terrified. What the hell is happening? Am i dreaming? Did i faint? I need answers.
     I began walking around town to see if i might find some information.  I come across a store. It had tvs on display playing something," i hope you have some money saved up in the piggy bank because ELVIS PRESLEY just announced a concert in Las Vegas next year leaving plenty of time to save up and visit the king!" I'm left speechless. I go into the shop and look for the manager or owner,someone! I finally found someone," excuse me sir,how recent is the information being given on the television?" He looked at me confused," miss, it's being broadcasted  in current time." "Thank you." As i begin to walk out,i saw a stack of newspaper,this i gotta see. " President Kennedy comfortable in white house!" The newspaper was dated, August 18th 1961. Oh no.
     I put the magazine down and walk towards the school. Am i really in the 60's? How am i here? Why am i here? Why am i talking to myself? Oh my god im going to go insane if i don't get answers. Think! When did this all start? I went out with maya. I got home. Thats it! The records. But what about the records got me here and how?
     I began playing with my necklace as i do when im nervous or anxious. I then stopped. The necklace! I close my eyes and began taking it off.  Under my feet i feel soft fabric. I don't feel the sunlight anymore. I hope that's a good thing. I suddenly hear music in the distant. I open my eyes and im back in my room.
     I check the time, 12am. It was 12am when i was examining the broken record. I could've sworn i was gone longer than that. Does time stop? What happens if i go back? If I'm going to go back i might as well dress to impress. While im at it i have to be prepared. Let's see,it was around 8am when i was there,maybe itll still be 8am when i go back. I hope.
     I changed into a red cardigan,black skirt, and black flats. I packed a bag of clothes and essentials because i have no idea how long im gonna be there. Luckily for me my dad and i are  collectors. We just so happened to collect money from 1920 to 1980. Getting a social security isnt really a problem since i have technology and easily print one with using photoshop and stuff to make it look real, hopefully it isnt as big a deal. After i quickly made one I grabbed some money got my purse and prepared myself for what was about to happen. I grabbed the necklace and connected it to the broken record. I end up passing out. All of a sudden i feel the warmth of the sun and cement of what i assume is the school. Heres to exploring.

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