Chapter 20- "Baby Lets Play House"

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October 28th 1961 (Saturday)

I woke feeling great. I also felt a bit guilty. I just had sex, with James Miller. Wow. Dont get me wrong it was great! Im just confused because what are we? Did i do it out of spite? Is he a rebound from Johnny again? Well yes but i cant do that to him again. James is great. I just, i dont know. I dont think i want a relationship. Too late now since we did the most serious thing.

He turns to face me, "good morning beautiful. How are you feelin?" "I feel really good, you?" "Oh baby im feeling great, you were amazing last night." I blush, "yeah you too!" He pulls me in for a kiss. I pull back after a while. "Hey whats up?" I sit up, "look James,i really like you,i like what we have but-" he sits up, "no,dont tell me you're dumping me too now?" He laughs. "God no,i just, i dont want to be in a serious relationship right now. I dont want you to think im using you to be a filler for Johnny. " "Hey im fine with whatever you want,i told you ill be here, whatever you need. Trust me,i dont mind you using me,at all!" I playfully push him. He pulls me in to kiss me, he talks in my lips, "seriously Marina, i care about you a lot,i will be whatever you need me to be, a friend, a boyfriend, a lover im here. I dont mind waiting around for you." "I just need time for something serious,but um, doesnt mean we have to stop whatever this is." He smiles,"i like the sound of that!" He then gets on me and we,yknow.

After we finished we fell back asleep. I was awaken by the telephone. It was hard to get James' arms off of me. He was cuddling me in his sleep. I pick up the phone,"Hello?" It was Bettie. "Marina! I heard what happened are you ok?" "Yeah im fine." "Oh my goodness im so sorry i wasnt there for you i couldnt find you and when i asked around you were already gone and Monica was already dancing with Johnny and-oh im sorry i know you dont want to hear that." "Trust me,after last night i know they were doing more than dancing." "What do you mean?" "Um i saw them getting it on at the pier. " "wait im confused the pier? How did you get to Santa Monica?" "Oh i was with James." "Oh good i thought you were alone or with a stranger." "Nope James was just babysitting me." "Well thats good! Glad you have him in your life. And honestly im glad you and Johnny broke up, i knew he was a bad guy, glad you didnt give up your card to him.Tom's been telling me that James was relieved when he found out you were a Virgin too." "What are you talking about?" "Oh i shouldn't have said anything but Tom told me that James is also a virgin. Something about waiting for the right person and him feeling like a loser for not doing it like everyone else." I looked over at James sleeping in my bed. "Hey Bettie i have to go,ill see you in school Monday." " oh no im sorry did i upset you? I know its out of line tell you who you should and shouldn't give it up to!" "No you're ok! I just have to go!" "Well alright,hope you feel better see ya Monday!"

I hang up and join James in bed. "Mm who was that on the phone?" "James why didnt you tell me you were a virgin too?" He sat up quickly. " Was i not good?" "No, its not that! Bettie called and she slipped and told me." He sighs. "I didnt want to make it a big deal. " i pull him into a hug. "She also told me that you were waiting for someone special." "Yeah i was." "I pull him into a deep kiss. "Marina?" "Yes James?" "I really like you." "I  like you too." "I think we should keep this between us,for your benefit. I dont want people labeling you or calling you names. What ever is going on between us should stay between us until you are ready to make things official. " "Thank you James i really appreciate you."

It was a lazy day for us. I got up and made us breakfast while he was asleep. I threw on his button up and made some pancakes, eggs and bacon. I didnt know if he liked coffee or juice so i served both. There was a note on the fridge, "Marina,going out of town till Halloween to visit my parents in Arizona. Hold down the fort for me. :) -Lucy " i set the note down. I served Peanut his food plus a piece of bacon,he was thrilled.

James comes downstairs wearing his tank top and his dress pants from last night. "Good morning beautiful, you made me breakfast? " he plants a kiss on my forehead. "Of course! Take a seat." He sits at the table while i set his plate. I sit across from him and we eat. I couldnt help but admire him. Him looking all cute, him being a total flirt but not passing second base before last night. Its kind of romantic. God i think im falling in love with him.

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