Chapter 19- "Trouble"

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October 27 1961 (friday)

     A month went by since Monica crucified me at the diner. Many talked about that day for a while. Not the part about me still having my V card, but Monica pouring a shake on me.  After a while the topic of discussion blew over into a halloween party some of the popular kids are throwing. Besides that nothing much has happened.

      I spent the afternoon helping Bettie what to be. She said she wanted to be a ghost because she didnt feel pretty enough. I hate when she says shes not good looking. She was beautiful in a Marilyn Monroe way, so thats what she dressed as. I helped her pick the perfect white dress to recreate the seven year itch dress. I did her hair and she did her makeup.  "Thank you so much Rina!  I cant wait for Tom to see me!" She lit up. "No problem! You're looking great!" "What are you going to dress as?" "Im thinking a witch!" My costume was a black dress with mini cape, black tights, and a witch hat. I curled my hair and brushed it out. Nothing much.
     I heard a honk outside. I look out the window and there's that corvette car i love so much. Johnny was standing outside wearing a red jacket, white shirt, and jeans. "You ready Bettie?" She turns to me shyly, " i think so, how do i look?" "You look beautiful!" She had this big smile that lit up a room. "Cmon, lets go!"

     We head downstairs to Johnny's car. "Hey Bettie cool outfit, and Hernandez,you're looking gorgeous, dont hex me." He smiles and kisses me. "And you're looking good too Garcia." "Thank you,shall we ladies?" "We shall." He opens the door for us and we head to the party.

     I dont know whos house this was but it was in Angelino Heights. Usually everyone from school is from Downey or Huntington Park from what i know. The houses were gorgeous. I was excited.  I dont think ive been to a high school party.

     We found Tom in the kitchen. He was dressed as Elvis in Jailhouse Rock with the striped shirt and black jacket. It was too cute the way him and Bettie looked at eachother. I took out my Minolta camera,"hey love birds, smile!" They posed together as i snapped the picture.  "Hey Bettie,can you get one of me and my lady?" Johnny grabs my camera and hands it to Bettie. "Of course!" He pulls me close and the camera clicks. He kisses me and Bettie snaps another. "Hey im gonna go grab us some drinks." Johnny walks away and i lose Elvis and Marilyn in the crowd.

     I waited for Johnny in the living room area. It was crowded everywhere it looked like they invited the whole county. I went outside for some air. Im not a fan of crowds.

     "Hello Marina." I froze. No freaking way. I turn around and face Monica. "What do you want?" I cross my arms. She chuckles. "You know its a costume party,youre supposed to dress up, not come as you are." "Hm interesting, you should take your own advice, i didnt know being dressed as a bitch is considered a costume." "You might want to be a little nicer to me." I step back,"and why is that?" She then gets all up and close to my face," Listen Marina Hernandez or what ever your name is. I know you have a secret." I blanked, "what are you talking about?" "Well, you show up out of nowhere taking over as if you own the place but strange thing,there is no record of you anywhere from before you showed up,as if you didnt exist." She smirked at me.

I think to myself crap what is she gonna do? How did she have access to do a background check? What am i thinking of course,her damn father is a cop. "Hello, Earth to freak!" "What do you want Monica? Do you want me to disappear?" "See thats not a bad idea but no. I know Johnny will just go with you. You must have put him under a spell or something,again the costume very suiting." "So this is about Johnny?" "Look,lets make this simple. Break up with Johnny. Or else. "Yeah? Or else what?" She stepped closer,"or else ill have my daddy investigate you, who knows who you are or where you come from? You could be a spy, a commi." "You wouldnt." "Wanna find out? You have till midnight. Ill be watching."

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