Chapter 25- "You Send Me"

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November 6th 1961 (Monday)

     After an amazing weekend with Johnny, it was time to go back to reality, well the one where im in 1961. It was a chilly morning so i wore a long brown twead skirt with matching coat and white blouse under. I brushed out my hair and went downstairs for breakfast.

     I was greeted by Lucy at the table with a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon. "Good morning Marina. Long weekend?" I smile. "Yeah i guess so." "How did it go?" "Oh Lucy it was swell! We stayed at a nice hotel in palm springs, swam at the pool,ate at a fancy restaurant and strolled downtown. " "Anything else happened?" What do you mean?" "Oh nothing." She gives me a smirk. "Well i see your eye is getting better!" I touch my faded bruise.  "Yeah, just in time for school too! Don't want anyone to worry!" After we finished eating, we grabbed our bags to head out.

     We arrived at school where i immediately went to meet with Bettie to catch her up on everything.  I told her about James, i told her about why i didn't show up to school Friday and spent the weekend with Johnny, and how him and i are finally together.  "Wow Rina! That's wonderful news!" "Yeah,  im just glad we're finally together.  There's just something about him." "Ill say! Did you hear he's leaving his gang?" "What why?" "Well,ever since he met you,he hasn't really been hanging with them anymore. Maybe to be im your good graces." Wow. I can't believe he'd do that. "He doesn't have to change who he is for me though!" "Maybe hes not changing for you but because of you! He'd do anything for you!" "Oh bettie i dont know about that!" She shrugs and smiles. "Cmon Rina,better get to class!" I followed behind her into our first period where i waste my hours thinking of Johnny and get the weird feelings.
     After school Bettie and i walked home. Something about the fall breeze makes me feel at ease. She spent the whole time talking about Tom and how he took her to the drive in and how he didn't try anything but she wishes he did. "Bettie i think its good he doesnt rush things. It keeps you guessing and keeps it interesting!" "Well i guess thats true. Geez im just falling for him everyday!" "I get the feeling."

     We went to her house to work on homework. She was having a hard time with english and i was having trouble with math so we helped eachother out. Her mom came in and i forgot that she isn't quite fond of me. "Bettie im home!" Her smile disappeared. "Oh, Marina, i didn't realize you were here." "Hello Mrs. Brown, it's lovely seeing you again." She gave me a look," Dear,i think you should head home soon, wouldn't want you walking home in the dark." She did have a point.  I packed my bag and headed out the door. Bettie ran after me. "Im sorry about my mother, see you at school tomorrow?" "Oh Bets it's not a bother at all! Ill see you tomorrow!" She gave me a hug and walked me out.

     It was around 7pm when i walk back home. It was already dark out but the street lamps lit up most of the way. Bettie's house from mine wasn't too far only about a 20 minute walk. It was getting chilly out so i walked fast. I suddenly get a weird feeling. I turn around and see a car with bright lights.  It slows down next to me. I was scared until my eyes adjust to the
black paint of the car. "Hey doll face, don't you know its dangerous to be walking alone in the dark?"  It was Johnny. "What are you doing here?" I kept walking and he kept driving slow along side me. "Oh you know, patroling, making sure you're alright." I blush. "Wanna ride?" "Of course." I go around the car and hop in. "Where were you coming from?" "Oh i was at Bettie's house studying." He smiles. "My girl's a nerd?" My girl. He makes me crazy. "I guess so." He reaches out to hold my hand. "Hey, how did you know i was walking there?" "Just a feeling i guess."

     After a few minutes we arrive at my house. He gets out and opens the door for me. Before i even said thank you he walks me to my door. "Just making sure you make it in ok. " "Thank you Johnny, that's very kind of you. " He stands close to me. His hand reaches up to cup my face. He leans in and gives me a deep kiss. I felt like i was melting into his arms. The moment faded when the front door opened. "Im sorry kids was i interrupting?" I pull away and face Lucy at the door. I bury my face in Johnny's shoulder out of embarrassment. "Sorry Mrs. Davis, just wishing her a good night." "Hm well carry on,im going to bed." She looked at me and smiled before closing the front door on us. "Well good night Marina." "Good night Johnny." He pulls me in for one more kiss and i swear this man has a hold over me because i feel weak around him. I pulled away and went inside. 

     I ran upstairs to look out the window and there he was standing next to his car. I waved him goodbye and he did the same. He went in his car and drove away. This man is straight out of a movie. How did i become so lucky? I unwind by washing off my makeup, changing into my pjs, and get ready for tomorrow. Today seemed pleasant.  I feel like i haven't seen Bettie in a while. I hope she isn't upset with me spending too much time with Johnny.  She does seem happy with Tom though. Maybe we should double date.

     I lay in bed beginning to drift off into sleep. The feeling was back. I sit up from my bed turning on the lamp beside me. I see a figure at the window. It was Johnny trying to climb in. "Johnny what are you doing?" He hops inside. "I miss sleeping in the same bed as you, can i sleep over?" "Of course but keep it down." He takes off his shirt and pants leaving him in his undershirt and boxers. We go to bed and cuddle for a bit. I couldn't shake something. "Hey Johnny?" "Yes Marina?" "Did you happen to get the weird feeling when you saw me walking home?" "Yeah why?" "Just asking. I feel like i feel you  if that makes sense." "It kind of does." He kisses my forehead and we both drift off to sleep where i dream sweet dreams with the man I, really like.

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