chapter 2 - "You're So Good To Me"

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     I stayed quiet not knowing where to go, then it hit me," lets go to the beach! We could get boba, go into some thrift stores and walk down the beach!" She jokingly stroked her imaginary beard,"can we get burgers?" I gave her a dead look," whats our mini beach date without it?" She smiled,"Thats right!Lets gooo!"
     We hopped on the freeway and headed to Santa Monica. Luckily for me, i keep a bag packed in Maya's car and her in mine. They contain swim wear,a sweater,and extra pair of clothes,a towel,sleep wear and other necessities. Its used for when we stay the night at eachothers place so we were ready for the beach.

     An hour passed till we got to the beach. We immediate grabbed boba and began walking towards the nearest thrift store or antique store we can find.

     We walked into an antique store which gave Maya and i wierd vibes. Not in the case that we were scared but it was just a feeling we never had before. We were greeted by a sweet old man," Oh,buenas tardes! Were you two looking for anything in particular?" He was so happy that we walked in. He probably doesn't get many customers. " Hi! We're just looking right now. Do you happen to have any records?" I asked admiring his cute little shop. "Oh si si of course! Were you looking for a certain one?" Of course my answer was Elvis. When i told he him he walked into a back room and came back out with a box of records.

     "These were mine when i was younger. I dont use them anymore and it'll be a waste if they collect dust." I looked at the records and they all looked tooken care of. There were about 9 Elvis Presley records, a few beatles, and some beach boys " how much for elvis and zeppelin?" I asked eagerly. " And the Beatles?" Maya asked almost desperately. The sweet old man said, " Keep the whole box,theyll get more use being with you two than sitting in the dark." I looked at him sadly," oh no sir we dont want to take it for free,please name a price." "Im serious,take em they're yours. I insist." He said grabbing my hand. "I wont accept it,ill give you 200 for it all."

     The old man was shocked. His eyes were watering, "Are you sure,i dont its even worth that much!" I grabbed his hands, " Are you kidding me? Most of these are in amazing conition,almost new!" He then began to tear up,"Oh my god thank you! Gracias! Muy amable!" He then handed me the box of records. I then proceeded to pay him. " Gracias angelita!" "De nada, ill be sure to come back again."

     We walked out the store while Maya looked confused. " whats up Maya? " "Rina, all those records were marked down, all together it would costed at least 100 bucks,whyd you give him an extra hundred?" " The way he was being so sweet,he wanted us to buy something. I doubt anyone goes in there,and he wanted to give us 100 bucks worth of records for free! I wanted to make his day." Maya hugs me, " Marina Hernandez you are too good for this generation." " i know riight!"

     We proceeded to the car to load the records and drive to get burgers. Maya drove me back home. I grabbed my records and headed inside. "Hey mom look i got new records!" She looked at me with the nastiest stink eye, " why do you spend your money on useless things like that! Why cant you be a normal girl!" I sighed and went up to my room.
     Im greeted by my dad walking in to give me a good night kiss. When i was about to show him what i bought he walked out to answer a business call. I sighed again and closed my door. I changed into my pjs and looked through my new records. Wow this man took great care of them, they look new. I then grew tired and got ready for bed. My records sat next to my night stand. As i got ready to go to sleep i got a message from Maya, " Yo, wanna hang out tmrw afternoon?"
I responded,"Yea sounds good! I think my parents are gon for the weekend if you wanna sleep over?"
Seconds later i get a response, " Yeah sounds good see you then! Gn love you!" " love you too." I then drifted off into a deep sleep ready for what the next day brings me.


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