chapter 9- "In the Still of the Night"

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  August 25th 1961 (saturday)

   When we went outside he led me to his car. Oh my goodness. His car is as good looking as him. It was a black 1958 Corvette. He opened the door for me. I got in and he got in his side. "You ready?" He asked. I nodded my head. We drove to the beach. We cruised around for a bit till we hit Santa Monica. Reminded me of when Maya and i would come here. I miss her.

     When we were about to get off,he got out and opened the door for me. He went in his trunk and grabbed a blanket. "Are you always this prepared?" I said snarky. He then laughed, "Not in the way you think. I get cold quick. Plus i come here a lot so i like to be comfortable." I felt kind off relieved.  I was starting to think if i was reading him wrong too. Cant let my guard down.

     We walked towards under the pier. He layed the blanket and we sat down  watching the waves in the moonlight. "So,you finally gonna tell me your name" he said smiling at me. "It's Marina. Hernandez. What about you stranger?" He smiled,"Johnny. Garcias." He then bulled put a cigarette from his pocket," do you mind if i smoke?" "Not at all." He proceeded to light up. How can someone look so good doing simple things. "So what brings you to this dump of a city?" "Oh cmon it isnt that bad!" "Yeah,not anymore anyway." He said smiling at me. "I kind of ran away from home. I didnt like the environment so I left." He took a long drag. "Yeah i kinda know the feeling. My parents suck. Im hardly home but that's not compared to what you did. You're not like any other chick here." "I dont know what you mean, im just an average gal." He laughed at me, "you're kidding right? No one stands up to Dallas! Especially a chick! And there you go kicking him and pushing him! Hey wait a minute wasn't his car vandalized?" "Yeah it was." I look down smiling. "No way? That was you too?" "Yeah. To be fair he deserved it!" "Marina you are one hell of a gal." I blushed. "Whats the matter, not so tough now?" He laughed. "Whatever."

     We layed on the blanket, stargazing, listening to the waves crash on the sand. We didnt say much. He seemed shy. He does NOT give off the shy type. "Why so quiet?" He turns to face me. "Just enjoying my night,got no where to be,what about you,you got a voice too dont you?" "Pardon me smarty pants,i was just asking,you brought me all the way to the beach to get my name and lay here?" I laughed. "Well, what do you want to do?" "I dont know, get to know you." "What do you want to know?" "Um im not sure. All i know is that i want to get to know you better." I looked down at my hands. He lifted my chin facing him. "I dont know what it is about you Marina. I like hanging with you." I let out a little laugh, "is that a pick up line?" "No, youre the first person ive told this." "Oh." "Well, how about i tell you more about myself on our next date." "This is a date?" He holds my hand. "If you want it to be." "Yeah. That sounds good to me." "Hey do you want me to take you home i think its late." i laughed "Why, you got a curfew?" "No,i just dont want you getting in trouble." "Why, you dont want to leave a bad impression?" "Its not that,i just want to make sure theres a second date and a third and so forth." I blushed. Im in no rush to be home. "Me either. Hey do you drink?" "Yes sir." "Cool,i have some beer in the trunk,ill go get that and we can talk about how you almost took down a football player." I laughed.

     When he came back,he had a 12 pack in hand. "So are you going to tell me why you were at a high school football game even though you graduated two years ago?" He handed me a beer. "Well if you must know, i was there because i heard word of a rumble between one of my buddies and a football douche bag. I was there for back up." "You in a gang or somethin?" He stayed quiet. He took a drink of his beer. "So, out of all the places you couldve went,why here?" "I grew up here! I lived in Sacramento for a while but this is home to me." "Damn. I sure got lucky then!" "How do you mean?" "Well, i got to meet you. I guess i was in the right place at the right time." We both finished off two bottles of beer.

     "Hey do you wanna go swimming?"  He looked at me as if i was crazy.  "Do you have a suit?" "No,i dont mind going in my undergarments." "What if you get your hair wet?" "I dont care about that!" He laughed. "Wow you really arent like other girls!" He started talking off his clothes. "What are you doing?" "Getting ready for the swim?" "Oh ok." He took of his clothes leaving him in his boxers. Damn he has a nice body. "You gonna keep starin or are you gonna join me?" He laughed. I started blushing. I didnt realize i was staring. I started to undress. I had a black matching set. He couldn't take his eyes off me. "Who's staring now?" He blushed. "Yknow what?" "What?" He then came towards me and threw me over his shoulders and took me in the water.

     He went to where the water reached his waist. Im shorter so im screwed. He put me down in the water. Geez that waters cold! "You cold?" He laughed at me. "Yea a bit." "Youll get used to it." We were standing in the water together. He put his arm around my waist. I got chills! I rested my head on his shoulder. He the turns to face me. He then lifts my chin,we were really close. "What are you doing?" "Nothing yet." The tension was killing me. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him. He did not hesitate to kiss me back. We were in perfect sync. He then carried me and i wrapped my legs around him. He then pulls me away. "Im sorry,youre just not like any other girl ive ever met in my life. I couldnt wait to kiss you." "Me neither. " I blushed. He kissed me again. We were there for a while.

     We got out of the water and walked back to the spot where the blanket was. We layed there to dry off. He held my hand and i got butterflies. What is this man doing to me. After we dried off we got dressed. We walked back to the car hand in hand. I didnt want this night to end. He opened the door for me and we got in.

     On our way home he grabbed my hand. I blushed. He smiled.  "Look Marina im sorry i rushed the kiss and stuff." "Dont worry about it, if you didnt do i would have!" We both laughed. He then kisses my hand.

     We arrive outside my house. "This is where you're staying?" "Yeah why?" "No reason." As i was about to get out of the car he stops me,"hey,when can i see you again?" "Well you know where i live, you know what school i go to, find me." I smiled. He then grabs my face and kisses me again. The butterflies were back! He then pulls away,"Good night Marina." "Good night Johnny."

     I walked towards the house. As i reached the door i turned to look at Johnny again. He was waiting for me to go inside. I got inside and was greeted by Peanut. I looked at the clock, it was 3am. Yikes. I tip toed upstairs so i wouldnt wake Lucy. I got to my room and shut the door behind me.

     I got changed into my pjs. I layed in bed replaying the events that led to tonight. Right place at the right time. I really hope i dont get my hopes up just to get screwed over again. He was different. He seemed soft for a grease but hey who am i to judge. I was  thinking about being with him.
What if he's what ive been looking for?  i then fall asleep, leaving me dreaming about him.

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