chapter 1 - "Be True To Your School"

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     For many years, I've always wished to grow up in the 60s. I was one of those ''i was born in the wrong era" type girls. A lot of people made fun of me for dressing up in pin up/ rockabilly style clothing, but then again at least i can say i don't buy basic clothes that everyone wheres that costs a lot of money. Like come on, the girls at my school call me crazy for thrifting pin up dresses for like 10 bucks, but buying a white crop top made of thin fabric for more than 50 is normal. guys are worst, they call me grandma or a prude and don't even get me started on how they think my political views are, just because i dress vintage doesn't mean i have vintage values.

     The only person who doesn't give me crap is my friend Maya. Maya and i go way back to kindergarten. Shes my best and oldest friend. Her and i are alike in a way. She wears whatever makes her happy and i love that about her. you never know with her, one day its tomboy another day its what people call cottage core, and sometimes she throws in a little goth. Everyone here wheres clothes so similar it looks like they're wearing uniforms.

     Sometimes i don't get high school, especially the boys. The guys here are worshiped by almost every girl on campus an its disgusting. Half the guys here make rape jokes, treat women like property, and take advantage of them. their idea of a first date is the girl having to put out, but if they put out they're easy and if they don't she's stuck up. Like who wants that? apparently half the school, gross.

     As i head to my final period I'm greeted by my teacher as always and sit near the window. i open up a book and begin reading. i usually have a lot of free time during 6th since i finish my work within three days of when i receive the assignment plus its art class, easy A.

     Anyway while i'm reading, the stupid jocks walk by me and call me a librarian because of the way i was dressed. i didn't really see it as an insult but rather a reason to insult him back. I turn around and tell him," at least i know how to read." He gave me a dirty look," what did you say to me?" I stand up," did i stutter or are you deaf?" He stepped closer to me but before anything happened the teacher came and broke us apart. " what is going on?" She asked. "Shes calling me names and is threatening me" i look at the jock in anger. How dare he lie,all i did was insult him. Between him and i, i'm brains and hes brawn and he could probably kill me if he wanted to. "Ms. Hernandez come with me." My teacher walked outside the class room. The jock taunted me and laughed that i was getting in trouble. I rolled my eyes grabbed my things and met with the teacher.

    "Am i in trouble?" She looked at me with a smile,i was confused. "Marina,you are ahead of this class and i don't think you would start something unless it's self defense. How old are you?" "Uh i'm 18,why?" She smiled even bigger,"Marina, go home,sign yourself out,you have nothing to do in my class for another week or so." I smiled and gave her a hug, "thank you Mrs. Gomez!" She smiled and walked back into class.

     Mrs. Gomez was like a mother to me since mine kinda disowned me for talking back or being a disgrace or whatever. I've had her for all four years of high school and shes so kind to me. She knew how my living situation was,dad always working and mom always arguing with me. I don't remember the last time she said she was proud of me,but Mrs.G always tell me how shes proud, she even goes to all my art exhibits. It's nice to have someone like her in my life..

     Anyway, I walked down the halls into the office. I greet the front desk lady and tell her i was signing out. As i did i met Maya there. "Yo what happened did you get kicked out? "She said smiling. I walk towards her, "no idiot Mrs. G said i could leave,i had nothing to do there." We walked out the office together and i was curious as to why she was leaving early so i asked. She said, "Well i have study hall and well theres nothing to study for sooo i left." We both laughed and walked to her car.

     As we hopped in the car, "Its Now or Never" by Elvis Presley was blasting on the radio. I turned it up and told her how much i loved him. "I just want him to sweep me off my feet and serenade me" She looks at me and smiles,"yeah well i just want for Jason to stop hitting on me while he has a girl and is still hung up over his ex,a girl can dream." We both end up cracking up. "Im telling you, guys now don't have a romantic bone in there body. Now if we grew up in the 60's, men would still offer to pay for food,hold doors open,and even open doors for us. Guys now would expect you to pay for their food and would let the door hit us." She nods in agreement," i know right! It aint how it used to be. I dont expect anyone to pay for my food but i wouldnt mind if they insisted on paying yknow? Anyway where are we headed to?"

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