Chapter 13 "Queen of the Hop"

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September 16, 1961 (Saturday, day of the dance)

     i woke up feeling nervous. todays the dance. maybe today ill get some freaking answers. i looked at the clock, it was 11am. i have at least seven hours to get ready. i decided to finish up some homework so i have the rest of the weekend to myself. before i started, i went downstairs to eat some breakfast. Lucy was at school helping set up the dance. i made some eggs and bacon and went back upstairs to start. when i finished it was already 1pm. i decided to shower. it took me about a half hour showering since i thoroughly washed and conditioned my hair so itll be easier to curl. i got out the shower and threw on a rob. i then heard knocking at the front door. i looked out the window and it was Bettie. i ran downstairs and opened the door. "hey Marina!" "hey Bettie!" "i brought my stuff so we can get ready together!" " great! lets go upstairs."

     we went upstairs into my room. Bettie unpacked her bag which had her makeup, hair care, and shoes. she hung the dress on the door so it wouldnt wrinkle. i sat on the floor and started painting my nails. she went ahead did the same. i was painting mine red and she was painting hers the same. "hey Marie, do you think you can help me with my hair when we are done with our nails?" "of course! how do you want to do it?" "oh im not sure, i was hoping you would tell me, what would look good?" i looked at Betties hair. she usually has it in a pony tail or half up. i thought about the dress she was wearing and got it. "you should do a soft bob. its simple yet classy." "oh i dont know, it seems a little scandalous." i laughed. "nonsense, youll look amazing.  ill do your hair now so it can cool." i pin curled Betties hair. i hope she likes how it turns out, if not i can probably make it a soft side part. 

     i began pin curling my hair so it has time to cool while i finish my nails and did my makeup. i put on a dark eyeliner, and light brown eyeshadow on my brow bone and blended it out. Bettie began doing her makeup. she shaped her eyebrows so it can arch more. she began with her eye makeup. she did a soft brown on the crease of her lid and blended it with her finger. she then added a bit of shimmer to her lid. she had a few lipsticks but wasnt sure which one to wear. "try this one" i handed her a deep red color it was lighter than burgundy but darker than red. she put it on and looked at me happily. "all thats left is your eyeliner and mascara." "oh i dont know Marina." "Bettie, you wear mascara all the time, if you want i can draw on a very thin line of brown eyeshadow on your lid to give it a shadow look. more natural." Bettie looked hesitant at first but she then nodded and agreed. i applied the eyeshadow to look like eyeliner. after finishing her makeup, i took out her hair pins. i began brushing out the curls and sculpting them. i added some hair pins and sprayed her hair to keep its shape.

     "and done. want to go put on the dress?" "sure! im so excited! i hope i dont mess up my hair, or my makeup, or the dress! oh wow im nervous!" "dont be nervous! youll be fine!" Bettie looked nervous. she grabbed her dress and changed in my room. i went ahead and covered the mirror ahead of time so she could see how everything looked together. while she changed and put on her accessories i undid my pin curls in the bathroom. i sprayed them down, brushed them out, and sprayed them again. i wanted fluffy curls so i got them.  "im ready!" Bettie called out. i walked into my room seeing Bettie standing in the middle. she looked gorgeous. "Bettie. you look amazing, Tom is going to be amazed!" "really?" i walked towards the mirror and pulled off the cover. she walked towards it in aw. "Marina. i look amazing!" "Bettie, you almost look like marilyn monroe!" "oh you dont mean that!" "yes i do! if anything, she was the inspiration for this whole look, you look a lot like her!" Bettie looked like she was about to cry. "no Bettie dont cry!" i grabbed a tissue and dabbed her tears away. "im sorry, its just, your so nice to me and you helped me out. youve been such a good friend." Bettie, youre my bestfriend, of course im being nice to you. i dont mind helping out." she gave me a big hug, "youre the best. now go put on your dress!" 

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